How to invoke an API
Can anyone help me....... I'm a fresher and I'm unable to invoke an API in C# code. Could anyone give an answer for this question.
Visual Basic button is greyed out in Outlook
Hi guys, Could you please advise how to make this button active.

Power Query - Change data
Dear I'm getting data into Power query with some dates and I need to change the dates for all rows to the current date. I can't use Table.ReplaceValue, because it requires to type the old value explicitly, but the old date is not constant. What's…

Mapping an Exchange Mailbox in Outlook via Powershell
Hello, is it possible to map a Shared Mailbox in Outlook (2016) via Powershell-Script wihtout the AutoMappping Feature? For example with the ComObject? Add-Type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook" $Outlook = New-Object…
error when delete a duplicate value from datatable Error: there is no row at position
HI members i want to remove duplicated value from datatable but when i execute it return Error: there is no row at position a 1 10 b 2 20 c 3 30 3 0 4 0 i want if there no value in first column begin test from second column if…
Cumulative Update installation status failed
Hi, Windows update is failed which pushed from MECM. It is with below status in the Software Center. Please help on which log file to check to find why it is failed.
Laptop camera for teams only works if I leave the lid up
Hello, I have an external monitor so I normally live the laptop lid down. If I open it for Teams it will not work unless I reboot. That wouldn't bother me but zoom and other programs don't have an issue with the camera if I close and open the lid. …
Using BCP - export in utf-8 format
Hi Team. I am trying to use a BCP utility to export data to a text file. BCp command is working. However, I want the file format in UTF-8 format. How to achieve this ? Thanks
Visual Studio MFC change text in Edit Control while typing/dynamically
Hello, I am trying to set up a MFC C++ App in Visual Studio 2019 such that if the user turns on a 'Letters to Numbers' mode via a radio button, the letters in their text change AS THEY TYPE to numbers. void Onsomebtnclick() { //convert CString to…
Cancel subscription and return $29?
I upgraded my subscription, but I don’t want to upgrade now, will the refund be refunded?

Azure Front Door is not detecting my application gateway
Hi, i am trying to configure my Frontdoor with application gateway as my backend. however when i select the backed type as application gateway, none of my existing gateways are detectable. is there any routing that i need to do?

Azure p2s
I have configured P2S connection and then I can able to access the Server's within the Vnet where i created Vnet Gateway and p2s. Kindly let me know how to access the Server's in other Vnet's. Note: I have tried accessing other VM's from different…

Microsoft Whiteboard Digital Stylus Pad options
We are looking for a list of vendors that have digital stylus and input pads that will work with Microsoft Whiteboard. With Microsoft Whiteboard, we are looking for the Windows 10 device app and also with the Microsoft Teams Whiteboard. Any…
Need help to delete Secured Virtual Hub
We are trying to delete a Secured virtual hub. But we are getting the below error. Failed to update the association for the resource 'EAST2-US-SvHUB'. Error: The Resource 'Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/Test-policy' under resource group…

i can not download VPN Configuration from Virtual WAN Hub Service
i can't download VPN Configuration from Virtual WAN Hub Service

The difference between 'transactionId_s' field and 'transactionId_g' field in App Gateway WAF log
What is the difference between 'transactionId_s' field and 'transactionId_g' field in App Gateway WAF log ?

How to add Application gateway Ip address in Loadbalacner backend pool?
Hi I have Application gateway created. I need to add Application gateway IP address in the Load balancer back end pool. I see options to add virtual Machine ip address and Virtual machine scale set IP address not the Application gateway IP…

the 'transactionId_s' field and 'transactionId_g' field in waf log
Why in my exported app gateway waf log, field 'transactionId_g' has a value and field 'transactionId_s' has no value?

Can we use Azcopy to copy data from on-premises disks (on VMs) to NetApp CVO on Azure
Hi, We have some 100TB of data on the on-premises servers (disks) at different data centers with millions of files. (All the servers are of Windows flavor) We have VPNs setup from the on-premises data centers (with the bandwidth ranging from 100Mbps…