10 questions with Windows Windows Client for IT Pros Accessibility tags
Certificates not visible in Organization Reports
I have linked my personal Microsoft ID with my Organization ID and also linked my personal ID from the Microsoft Partner Center with my organization ID. However, my certificates are not appearing in organization's reports. Could you please check if…
Unable to mount / map the drive letter in Explorer, command line is working fine.
The drive is mapped perfectly in the command line, can't see the Drive letter in Windows Explorer. PS S:\Shared F Drive> Get-SmbMapping Status Local Path Remote Path OK S: \storxxx.file.core.windows.net\storxxxdata
Windows 11 Task Scheduler will not schedule a VBS based Task, nor Run the Task from with in Scheduler although the task runs fine manually
I am presently setting up a new system that uses Windows 11, 24H2. I am experiencing difficulties with Task Scheduler running two VBS scripts. Both scripts will run correctly when activated manually or by a batch file, BUT when I try to set up a task…
I tried to get my account back but I have not used it in so long i dont remember all the details i need to get it back!
I tried file the form with my previous passwords, if i had bought any microsoft related services with this account etc. I filled what i remembered but got declined. It is very important that i get this account back. This account is connected and will be…
Not able to view the NDA for position at Microsoft
I got a email from Microsoft Recruiting team that they would like to move forward in the interview process and for that I was asked to sign the NDA. Generally after receiving the email I see the position gets moved to "Interview" tab and the…
DNS not working
DNS not connecting. unable to access account
Is there a way to display only the Backspace key on an on-screen keyboard?
hi very nice if you can read this
Windows 10 IOT enterprise not allowing remote WMI
I am trying to connect to a windows 10 21h2 iot enterprise machine remotely using wmi. WMI is running and I turned off the firewall for testing. It works fine from the local console, but all the connections from outside receive "access denied"…
support contact number
I am having issue while registering and authenticating in iPhone
is there anyway to access admin as a student
i want to have admin privileges to access visual studio so i can my coding while at school