420,413 questions

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0 answers

Custom Triggers in CJ

Where can I find courses that take using Customer Journeys to to the next level? I can create basic journey's but really want to understand how I can make it more personalised with use of the triggers/ segments more effectively.. any advice would be…

Microsoft 365 Training
Microsoft 365 Training
Microsoft 365: Formerly Office 365, is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft which adds to and includes the Microsoft Office product line.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
135 questions
asked 2025-03-12T10:02:20.24+00:00
Anita Thatcher 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:26:36.97+00:00
Himanshu Vishwakarma 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Deploy all free services

Deploy all free services that are avalable in my profile

Azure DevOps
asked 2025-03-11T08:12:39.1+00:00
Donations 0 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-03-12T13:26:07.37+00:00
Madugula Jahnavi 5 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Random MessageBox when executing tests

Hello, we are running vstest.console in Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise Edition on a Hyper-V Windows 11 24H2 virtual machine, and we randomly get the blocking messagebox you see in the screenshot below, does anyone know the cause of that and how to fix…

Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Testing: The act or process of applying tests as a means of analysis or diagnosis.
361 questions
asked 2025-03-05T08:23:21.96+00:00
Lorenzo Zambelli 65 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:24:05.74+00:00
Lorenzo Zambelli 65 Reputation points
0 answers

How I can sign up for Azure student subscription if my university wasn't identified?

Hello. I signed in Azure from my Microsoft corporate profile (******@knute.edu.ua), but when I was subscribing for a student plan it says "Unable to confirm your University ID". I found the old university's name (Kyiv National University of…

Azure Cloud Services
Azure Cloud Services
An Azure platform as a service offer that is used to deploy web and cloud applications.
727 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:23:30.3966667+00:00
0 answers

How to register app for Metered Billing, experiencing permission issue

I am trying to add api permission to my registered app but unable to add Microsoft.Marketplace permission since its missing. Also, issue with adding MarketplaceMeteringUsageEvent. Kindly advice to proceed ahead.

Azure Managed Applications
Azure Managed Applications
An Azure service that enables managed service providers, independent software vendors, and enterprise IT teams to deliver turnkey solutions through the Azure Marketplace or service catalog.
164 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:22:33.7333333+00:00
Majid Qureshi 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Unable to issue SSL certificates for IOMO webapp

Unable to issue SSL certificates for IOMO webapp. We have tried multiple time.

Microsoft Identity Manager
Microsoft Identity Manager
A family of Microsoft products that manage a user's digital identity using identity synchronization, certificate management, and user provisioning.
798 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:22:01.8766667+00:00
aaaaaaaaaa 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Can't delete virtual network or subnet due to Service Association Link (SAL)

Seeing multiple issues with this from others posting. I need help getting a VNET deleted with a subnet that has Subnet Delegation for Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers. The corresponding resources have already been deleted, and I tried to recreate but…

Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network
An Azure networking service that is used to provision private networks and optionally to connect to on-premises datacenters.
2,663 questions
asked 2025-03-12T03:15:31.95+00:00
PJ Lehman 0 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-03-12T13:21:54.8833333+00:00
PJ Lehman 0 Reputation points
0 answers

400 model_error Sweden Central

I get the following error: Error processing request: Request failed: 400 model_error With O1 and O3 mini models deployed to sweden central. let apiversion = "2024-12-01-preview" let response = await…

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
3,784 questions
asked 2025-03-12T12:54:33.4833333+00:00
Grossmann, Tobias 11 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:21:43.5466667+00:00
santoshkc 13,340 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

MI Link Feature implemented - How to proceed offloading read-only workloads

Architecture: SQL Server 2019 on an Azure VM with the primary Replica and connected through MI Link Feature to SQL Managed Instance (General Purpose Tier) with the secondary Replica Now I want to point 3rd Party apps to the read-only Replica on the…

SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
asked 2025-03-12T10:23:58.3333333+00:00
Vanhoefen, Guido 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:21:18.53+00:00
Saraswathi Devadula 160 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Missing Microsoft.Marketplace service principal.

I am trying to add api permission to my registed app but Microsoft.Marketplace is missing Missing Microsoft.Marketplace service principal. Tenant ID (from Azure Active Directory > Overview). The issue with adding MarketplaceMeteringUsageEvent

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,611 questions
asked 2025-03-12T11:49:21.95+00:00
Majid Qureshi 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-03-12T13:20:50.38+00:00
Pranay Reddy Madireddy 2,410 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

How can we connect on-prem java application to Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server using access token( managed identity or entra id)

i have a Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server. my azure webapp connects to database using system assigned managed identity. how can we connect one of my on prem java application to database using managed identity or entra id? How the…

Azure Database for PostgreSQL
asked 2025-03-12T11:38:21.4933333+00:00
Kanhaiya Sharma 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:19:35.49+00:00
Vijayalaxmi Kattimani 1,645 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Migration from Google Workspace to MS365 fails, TargetDeliveryDomainMismatchPermanentException

I am planning on migrating our assets from Google Workspace to MS365. We currently have a very hybrid solution (Workspace, local Active Directory syncing via Entra Connect, and MS365). Since Office apps and Outlook aren't going anywhere due to…

Microsoft 365 Developer Program
Microsoft 365 Developer Program
Microsoft 365: Formerly Office 365, is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft which adds to and includes the Microsoft Office product line.Developer Program: A Microsoft program designed to help developers build cross-platform productivity experiences by giving them access to a developer subscription, sample data packs, documentation, training, experts, recommendations, and community events.
79 questions
asked 2025-03-07T20:31:12.3033333+00:00
Tim Wescott 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-03-12T13:19:34.1033333+00:00
KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 20,582 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Azure ML job logging issues - Transformers model

I am working in azure trying to run a job that calls a training notebook. I can train and even evaluate my model just fine within said notebook but when I try to log it at the end it throws errors. The error that I am seeing…

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
3,178 questions
asked 2025-03-09T20:47:48.6166667+00:00
Mike Klinkhammer 0 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-03-12T13:19:22.8666667+00:00
Manas Mohanty 1,695 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

How to access secrets from Key Vault from Synapse Spark Job Definition PySpark file

Hello Everyone I'm trying to read the data source credentials as a secrets from the Key Vault using the Python SDK on a PySpark Job. I've gone through many articles and used different ways to read the secrets from Key Vault, but nothing worked out.…

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
An Azure analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. Previously known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
5,233 questions
asked 2025-03-04T07:32:09.6066667+00:00
manigandan 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-12T13:18:50.3+00:00
manigandan 0 Reputation points
0 answers

semantic search availability in emea azure ai search

Hi In microsoft copilo studio the semantic search is not available. Could you give more information about this , when is planned or alternatives for improve the performance of the search without semantic logic

Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft terminology for a universal copilot interface.
664 questions
asked 2025-03-05T14:32:37.82+00:00
edited a comment 2025-03-12T13:17:59.3433333+00:00
Prasad-MSFT 8,616 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

Issue with Azure Cognitive Services Translation Adding Unspecified Month

When using Azure Cognitive Services to translate the following text from English to Dutch, the translation incorrectly adds a month that does not exist in the source text: Good Evening, For this coming week I can be available Wednesday 5th…

Azure Translator
Azure Translator
An Azure service to easily conduct machine translation with a simple REST API call.
452 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:17:01.2866667+00:00
Jonathan Apeldoorn - Ziber 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-12T13:17:01.32+00:00
Q&A Assist
0 answers

Windows Server 2025 in CSP - No key required ?

We have active subscriptions for several hundred of cores of Windows Server 2022 Standard via CSP . Now its possible to do download ISO of Windows Server 2025 Standard. However contrary to previous version there are message (on M365 admin portal -…

Windows Server 2022
asked 2025-03-12T13:14:44.7966667+00:00
Michal Raszkowski 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Microsoft Azure with PDPL

I am planning to start using Microsoft Azure for data storage. However, before proceeding, I need to confirm whether Microsoft Azure is compliant with the Saudi Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL). Additionally, if possible, could you provide a…

Azure Policy
Azure Policy
An Azure service that is used to implement corporate governance and standards at scale for Azure resources.
970 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:14:08.35+00:00
Mohammad Alamoudi 0 Reputation points
1 answer

iif condition in Expression builder in ADF Alter row

Hi Team, In my source file, i have country column there i have list of countries. In my source data country name Spain is now changed to "Espana". for this i want to write update condition in AlterRow condition. I tried following…

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
11,335 questions
asked 2025-03-12T10:28:32.18+00:00
Nemade, Pradnya 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-12T13:14:02.6733333+00:00
Amira Bedhiafi 29,711 Reputation points
0 answers

Win32_BIOS version

Hello I'm using this code to get the BIOS version: Dim Search2 As New ManagementObjectSearcher(New SelectQuery("Win32_BIOS")) For Each Info2 As ManagementObject In Search2.Get If Info2("SMBIOSBIOSVersion") IsNot Nothing…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:13:50.4633333+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points