User gets message "Your account is locked" when accessing SharePoint of another organisation
A user in our domain is invited to the SharePoint of another organisation. But when trying to log in, they get the message "Your account is locked" and "We have discovered suspicious activity on your account." Furthermore;…
How to Mitigate Vulnerabilities in SPFx Development for SharePoint Server?
Hello, Since SPFx is the preferred method for building UIs for modern SharePoint server sites, the older version (version <=1.5.0.) of SPFx is currently supported for SharePoint Server 2019 and Subscription Edition. However, this older version has…
Sharepoint 2019 Search returns no results
Crawl logs are showing that documents are being crawled but when I perform a search using the Search Box on a site I am getting zero results. I have logged into SharePoint using two different accounts (One being a Site Collection Administrator) and both…
SSRS sharepoint 2013(Manage Subscriptions option missing)
Hi All, Recently we have done Nov 2020 CU and security patching in SP 2013 farm . Post patching we are facing some issues not actually issue some options are missing under SSRS reports under share point umbrella . For reference i have…
503 error when opening CA and sites on SharePoint 2019
When opening CA and site on SharePoint 2019, the following error displayed: When checking the application pools on IIS manager, I found they are stopped. Then start them manually, but after several minutes, they changed to be stopped again. Anyone see…
Access denied error when running full crawl in SP 2019
Receiving the error below when running full crawl over the web application: Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access to this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository. If the repository being…
OneDrive error - You're already syncing a shortcut to a folder from this shared library
I had to reset Windows 10 on my Azure AD-joined computer, after which I upgraded from 1909 to 20H2. I now have OneDrive Build 20.201.1005.0009. Since then, I've had trouble reconnecting to all the SharePoint folders I was syncing with. For example, I'm a…
How do I talk with someone about purchasing SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
Who do I contact at Microsoft about purchasing SharePoint Server Subscription Edition? This would be installed on a closed network.
Can I cutsomize dropdown in People Picker filed SharePoint 2019 on-prem
Hi everyone! By default in SharePoint if you use People Picker field, when you search someone, in suggested list below you see "Display Name" and "Title" attribute of person that match your search keyword. Can I change the value of…
Unable to publish workflow from SharePoint Designer 2013
I have SharePoint 2019 on premise environment consisting of an APP + Web server. I am trying to publish a simple SharePoint 2010 workflow but getting following error: The workflow files are saved but cannot be run. When I set the workflow run manually,…
Customize modern UI in SharePoint OnPrem
Hi all, I have SharePoint 2019, created couple of modern sites in our farm. I wanted to customize modern UI what are the best practices for SharePoint On-Prem? I know we can inject the css and js but I wanted to know any other alternative or…
Sharepoint 2019 - when open excel or word files in online version(i have one server with office online installed) im getting all files Read-onlyThis workbook was opened in read-only mode
Hello, I have a internal farm of SharePoint 2019 with 11 servers 2 Central admin 4 Front Ends 2 Search 2 Distributed Cache 1 Office online server I'm facing one problem when i'm opening files with excel online or other app from office ( all files says…
The OneDrive and SharePoint for Android application does not work when connected to SharePoint 2019 / SE on-premise servers
Good afternoon. There is a problem with the OneDrive and SharePoint apps for Android. When connecting to a SharePoint 2019 On-premise or SharePoint Subscribe Edition on-premise server, data is not downloaded from the server. The application displays an…
Why getting 'Something went wrong' when trying to Create or Edit SharePoint 2019 List View and even cannot Access the List Settings?
A particular list under a SharePoint 2019 List Views Cannot be Edited or create new Views and even cannot access the List Settings. When trying to Create New View, it gives a blank page. When clicking on Modify View or List Settings, it's saying 'Sorry,…
Rename SharePoint database names to get rid of guid.
We are working on setup of SharePoint Application using SharePoint Subscription Edition. Our application includes SharePoint Workflow service and User Profile service, with other services too. We need to rename below 4 databases of Workflow , User…
Errors found in the ULS logs "Could not get value for application identifier"
Hi, We have a provider hosted app authenticating with Sharepoint SE. The authentication works, but in the ULS logs we can see the following unexpected errors happening very often under Security token category: Could not get value for application…
SharePoint 2019 - upgrade failure due to SQL onwer
When running SharePoint 2019 update I receive the following error: Task upgrade has failed with a PostSetupConfigurationTaskException An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException was thrown. …
The SharePoint Server 2019 exposes multiple potentially vulnerable paths ie., _vti_inf.html, _layouts, and _vti_bin
Hi, As I got to know that Sensitive Web Directories Exposed with Vulnerability's in my SharePoint server 2019 for the respective paths "_vti_inf.html", "_layouts", and "_vti_bin". _vti_inf.html: A legacy file from…

Unable to Retrieve Files from SharePoint Library Using REST API Due to List View Threshold
Hi everyone, I am encountering an issue while using the SharePoint REST API to retrieve files from a folder in a SharePoint library. The folder contains more than 5,000 files, and when I make the following GET API call:…
SharePoint 2019 - Active Directory Import Not Importing
Currently User Profile Service Application is stuck on starting. When I view the job history I found this failed: When I try to manually start the User Profile Service Application it goes to Provisioning. When I check the services running on the…