The resource with name 'name' and type 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries' could not be found in subscription
I am working on a script where I want to run az acr import. The command tries to list the repository but fails with the error: The resource with name 'name' and type 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries' could not be found in subscription As you can…
Container App Activation Failed without error, checked everything, spent 2 days by now, please help
Hello, I got 3 container apps running in a container app env with workload profiles Consumption and D4. The Consumption type apps startup normally. The D4 type app failsto start up, but only inconsistently. These 3 apps are run in 3 deployment envs…
container registry quickstart tutorial blocked immediately
I am following this tutorial and have created my resource group and a unique name for my container registry. When I attempt to build the image and push it…
Since August 2024, Azure Container Registry has a system of name reservation, to prevent re-use of subdomain name for a time after deletion. My question is how long is that time ?
Since August 2024, Azure Container Registry has a system of name reservation, to prevent re-use of subdomain name for a time after deletion. My question is how long is that time ? How long must I wait to recreate the ACR in another tenant ?
sudo docker pull Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","mes
enable to take a docker pull i am getting this error sudo docker pull Error response from daemon: Head…
ACR image retention
Hi, is there a way to impose a retention policy on ACR, specifically for a repo? I want images older than 7 days to be gone. Thanks.
How to fix (TasksOperationsNotAllowed) ACR Tasks requests for the registry <containerRegistryName> and <password> are not permitted.
When running the following command on Azure Cloud Shell getting the TasksOperationsNotAllowed error. How to fix? Command: az acr build --registry $REGISTRYNAME --image expressimage . Errror: (TasksOperationsNotAllowed) ACR Tasks requests for the…
TasksOperationsNotAllowed error using free azure account as owner from azure cli in wsl2 ubuntu
I am logged in to Azure cli installed in wsl2 default ubuntu newly installed in a fresh windows 11 using an account with "roleDefinitionName": "Owner". I am trying to follow some Microsoft tutorials about Azure container apps.…
Cannot connect to internet from inside a docker container in Ubuntu VM
Hi, I am trying to access internet from inside docker containers in an Ubuntu VM. According to the azure documentation found here: I…
How to Allow Customers to Access Azure Container Registry from Another Tenant?
I have an Azure Container Registry (ACR) that is private where I push Docker images for our customers. The customers have their own Azure accounts, and I want to allow them to only pull images from the ACR in our Azure account. How can this be done in…
How to containerize a python application and deploy it in AKS
How can I create Docker file or containerize a python application and deploy it in AKS
image not available anymore in microsoft container registry
Hello All, the image is not available anymore, and on a lot of pages from microsoft to this image is refered. could you put it back or tell me where i can find it now? Normal BackOff 21s …
Microservice Solutions with Ocelot on Azure
I am looking to deploy multiple microservices using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). All communication between these microservices is routed through an API Gateway. The services include: API Gateway (Ocelot) Auth API Core Service RabbitMQ These are all…
How to create a docker file for angular application to host on azure container instance
How to create a docker file for angular application to host on azure container instance
Free up space in Azure Container Registry
Hello, I have deleted repositories from my Azure Container Registry, but it still does not free up space, and the dashboard still shows me the same available space as before. Can anyone please help me fix this problem? I am on a basic plan for Azure…
AKS unable to pull image from ACR
Created an AKS cluster, attached the ACR to the AKS. The AKS can pull other images from the same repository. But when ever I am running the below deployment it is failing with error: Failed to pull image…
How to connect to container registry in PME
Hi, We have our container apps/ container registry in PME tenant. There is no network restriction on the container registry but I am getting this error: I using SAW device to login to azure cause only SAW can access pme resources. Need help on what to…
Azure CI/CD Pipeline With ACR Private EndPoint
Hi Everyone, We have created an Azure DevOps pipeline and releases for CI/CD and we're using Azure container registry(ACR) for pulling/pushing the docker images, these pipelines/releases working and are able to pull/push the images without an issue as…
File "src/pymssql/_pymssql.pyx", line 659, in pymssql._pymssql.connect 2024-10-24T08:02:45.5167672Z sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (pymssql.exceptions.OperationalError) (40613, b"Database 'pv_Ai_Sql' on server '' is not cu
i have deployed my fast api on app service using container registry so in my deployment settings logs are shoing this error "File "src/pymssql/_pymssql.pyx", line 659, in pymssql._pymssql.connect 2024-10-24T08:02:45.5167672Z…
AKS cannot pull image from ACR with kubelet identity - 401 Unauthorized
After using service principal for AKS for a year, I switched to user-assigned managed identity. Everything is working well except pulling image from ACR, here is the error: Failed to pull image "":[rpc…