I am following this tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-quickstart-task-cli and have created my resource group and a unique name for my container registry. When I attempt to build the image and push it up to my registry I am met with this error from az-cli ( I am running MacOs )
`> $ az acr build --image sample/hello-world:v1 --registry testcontainerregistry001 --file Dockerfile . ⬡ system
Packing source code into tar to upload...
Uploading archived source code from '/var/folders/4s/4mw1bhw97tg4235s7qtd_blg440000gn/T/build_archive_d8f659a23ed6d4423599b6ebee94bd484e.tar.gz'...
Sending context (813.000 Bytes) to registry: testcontainerregistry001...
(TasksOperationsNotAllowed) ACR Tasks requests for the registry testcontainerregistry001 and aeb453ef-bcdc-4e8b-8e04-edbf0e8327137f are not permitted. Please file an Azure support request at http://aka.ms/azuresupport for assistance.
Code: TasksOperationsNotAllowed
Message: ACR Tasks requests for the registry testcontainerregistry001 and aeb453ef-bcdc-4e8b-8e04-edbf0e87fwe137f are not permitted. Please file an Azure support request at http://aka.ms/azuresupport for assistance.
Target: request
I'm not sure what's going on with this blocker is it obvious? Does the tutorial leave a step out? As far as I know I set up my personal account fine - I'm just getting started