I got 3 container apps running in a container app env with workload profiles Consumption and D4. The Consumption type apps startup normally. The D4 type app failsto start up, but only inconsistently. These 3 apps are run in 3 deployment envs (dev sandbox , prod).
The image certainly works.
Failure to deploy a new revision via CICD occurs consistently for the sandbox environment, but never for dev.
Monitoring shows not errors, no alerts, no warnings. CPU and memory are well within environment bounds, but usually maxed out for the app itself (4 Ghz, 16 GB, max at D4).
Manual redeployment works...sometimes...
I genuinly have no idea what the issue is.
No Console Logs are generate in case of a fail. Here the system logs:
11/18/2024, 8:43:03.790 PM
Stopping container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:43:03.739 PM
Deactivated apps/v1.Deployment k8se-apps/file-reader-app-sandbox--176otp8 from 1 to 0
11/18/2024, 8:42:49.647 PM
Started container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:42:49.571 PM
Created container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:42:49.560 PM
Successfully pulled image "snaacr.azurecr.io/file-reader-app:2024-11-18-18-30-46-2292e694" in 2m20.958s (2m20.958s including waiting)
11/18/2024, 8:40:28.602 PM
Pulling image "snaacr.azurecr.io/file-reader-app:2024-11-18-18-30-46-2292e694"
11/18/2024, 8:40:18.099 PM
Replica 'file-reader-app-sandbox--176otp8-58485b9fc7-wqxtk' has been scheduled to run on a node.
11/18/2024, 8:38:20.407 PM
Scaling up infrastructure to accommodate replica 'file-reader-app-sandbox--176otp8-58485b9fc7-wqxtk'
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.671 PM
KEDA is starting a watch for revision 'file-reader-app-sandbox--176otp8' to monitor scale operations for this revision
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.647 PM
Scaler cpu is built.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.642 PM
Scaler external-push is built.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.635 PM
Scaler external-push is built.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.553 PM
Successfully provisioned revision 'file-reader-app-sandbox--176otp8'
11/18/2024, 8:37:44.300 PM
ScaledObject was removed from KEDA watch and would not be auto-scaled. Please check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-apps/dapr-overview
Here the system logs of a healthy revision (exactly the same specs)
11/18/2024, 8:43:13.510 PM
Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
11/18/2024, 8:43:03.343 PM
Stopping container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:43:03.285 PM
Deactivated apps/v1.Deployment k8se-apps/file-reader-app-sandbox--h3ekw97 from 1 to 0
11/18/2024, 8:38:09.475 PM
Started container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:38:09.405 PM
Created container file-reader-app-sandbox
11/18/2024, 8:38:09.399 PM
Successfully pulled image "snaacr.azurecr.io/file-reader-app:2024-11-18-17-20-58-91551927" in 580ms (580ms including waiting)
11/18/2024, 8:38:08.817 PM
Pulling image "snaacr.azurecr.io/file-reader-app:2024-11-18-17-20-58-91551927"
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.209 PM
KEDA is starting a watch for revision 'file-reader-app-sandbox--h3ekw97' to monitor scale operations for this revision
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.204 PM
Replica 'file-reader-app-sandbox--h3ekw97-6b87844db7-8tx58' has been scheduled to run on a node.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.188 PM
Scaler external-push is built.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.177 PM
Scaler cpu is built.
11/18/2024, 8:38:03.171 PM
Scaler external-push is built.
11/18/2024, 8:37:44.306 PM
ScaledObject was removed from KEDA watch and would not be auto-scaled. Please check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-apps/dapr-overview
11/18/2024, 8:37:44.277 PM
KEDA is stopping the watch for revision 'file-reader-app-sandbox--h3ekw97' to monitor scale operations for this revision