I want to use ADO for product best practice: Capacity, Dependency, road-mapping, planning (quarterly releases/PIs). Is this supported or I need a propriate tool for product managers ?
I want to use ADO for product best practice: Capacity, Dependency, road-mapping, planning (quarterly releases/PIs). Is this supported or I need a propriate tool for product managers ?
Provisioning could not be completed. RD agent download failed. A required WVD URL/s couldn't be contacted.
Dear Azure, I am currently deploying a machine in Azure Dev Center but I present problems at the time a new VNET was added ERROR: Error details Conflict Provisioning could not be completed. RD agent download failed. A required WVD URL/s couldn't be…
Cannot Delete my Azure Dev Testlab
Hello Everyone I created a test DevTest Labs environment which did not deploy for hours I tried deleting the DevTest Labs instance to avoid billing - the Storage Account and Key Vaults were removed, but the DevTest Labs resource is still there and in a…
unable to complete "configuration" for Sendgrid service
Have provisioned a Sendgrid account through Azure on a Essentials 50K plan, and all is working fine (integration all working, sender auth configured etc..). However, I'm seeing the following message on the portal: "Configure your SaaS account on…
Banner für Geschäftsbedingungen Azure Dev Tools für den Unterricht akzeptieren / Terms and conditions banner Azure Dev Tools for teaching accept
english version below An unserer Universität haben die Studenten der MINT-Fächer die Möglichkeit Software von Microsoft über Azure Dev Tools herunterzuladen und zu nutzen. Nach der Registrierung und Erstanmeldung bei Azure Dev Tools für Student erscheint…
Export Test Points from Child Suites filtered on the Outcome.
How to export Test Points from Child Suites filtered on the Outcome (Passed, Failed, Non Applicable) to an excel file?
Error Deleting DevTest Lab with state Failed
Even if There are not resources in the DevTests Lab, it is not possible to delete it, and the explanation is because its state is Failed. Then, I try unsuccessfully find a way to change DevTests Lab state from Failed to Ready. Here info about…
How to set up encryption keys for a software implementation
To properly set up encryption keys for a software implementation, you must first determine whether you need to use symmetric or asymmetric algorithms. Symmetric algorithms require the creation of a key and an initialization vector (IV), while asymmetric…
i want to build a azure labs how can i build now its on retired any another resources
With the retirement of Azure Labs, what are the recommended alternatives or new features within the Azure ecosystem that can be used to build and manage virtual environments for learning, testing, or development purposes?
Blob storage public access and TLS configuration on devtest labs creation
Creating a devtest lab (portal) fails with: { "code": "DeploymentFailed", "message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see…

Image failed to validate. NotAcceptable: The tenant is in Failed state due to: {0}.
I am trying to create a dev box definition, and it fails with error "Image failed to validate. NotAcceptable: The tenant is in Failed state due to: {0}." . Do I need to do something to fix it? Thanks Mahesh
Why do I get "location is not available for resource type" error when trying to create a lab?
I am creating an Azure DevTest Lab and getting the error "location is not available for resource type". Sourced from FAQ
my free trail account doesn't let me create dev box definitions
I tried everything, nothing worked, it doesn't let me create dev box definitions. It gives me error "devboxdefinitions cannot be created in the westeurope region at this time, because the resource quota has been exceeded in that region. Please…
How do I get access to all GPU shapes in DevTest Labs?
Within Azure DevTest Labs, GPU shapes should be allowed for my region (US West 2) however all the N shapes are grayed out. Are we able to create a GPU shape? Sourced from MSDN
Azure DevOps Server could not connect to the database
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"TF246017: Azure DevOps Server could not connect to the database. Verify that the instance is specified correctly, that the server that is hosting the database is…
How to resolve an error that occured on batch run from Azure DevOps to Promptflow (AI Studio)?
by referring following site (https://github.com/microsoft/genaiops-promptflow-template/blob/main/docs/Azure_devops_how_to_setup.md), I constructed a connection from DevOps to AI Studio's promptflow via service principal. It worked for a while, however,…
Failed to set Azure permission 'RoleAssignmentId
Hi Failed to set Azure permission 'RoleAssignmentId: 'xxxxxx' for the service principal 'xxxxxx' on subscription ID 'xxxxxxxx': error code: Forbidden, inner error code: AuthorizationFailed, inner error message The client 'UPN@' with object id…
I'm not able to connect a Devops repository to create my own environment ARM template into DevTest lab. How to debug this issue?
Hello, I'm trying to add a personal AZURE DevOps repository to my AZURE DevTest Lab to create my own ARM template . I succeeded to connect the repository to visualise my custom artifacts, but I'm not able to visualise my custom ARM template's…

Labs not working
None of the labs appear to be working and have not been working for a couple months. Is there a timeline on when these will be working again?

Prevent other DevTest Lab users from accessing other users' VM
Hello, I've set up a DevTest Lab and assigned several members with DevTest Lab roles. The Lab Policy allows each user to create one VM, which they’ve done. These VMs are automatically assigned to the users who created them. However, each user can still…