I have updated Azure sdk to new version, but I cannot get metrics from metrics_client
I got this error: |GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/6ddf7e68-372e-4965-9318-8666c7502426/resourceGroups/s-o1g1e/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/s-o1g1e-public-3/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metrics RESPONSE 400: 400 Bad…
Backup Azure SQL
We have deployed Veeam for Azure to backup out Azure VMs and Azure SQL. We have had no issues backing up our Azure VMs. We cannot get Veeam to backup Azure SQL. I created a login for these backups and given it all the rights Veeam support told me it…
Function has no invocation records or 'live' logs
My function app is configured as such but I don't get invocation records, or logs in the live streaming window. Logs can be found in application insights through 'table > traces'. What is wrong with my function or configuration? When I click to see…
SSPR_0029: Your organization hasn’t properly set up the on-premises configuration for password reset.
Getting the following error message when trying to test the Self Service Password Reset. SSPR_0029: Your organization hasn’t properly set up the on-premises configuration for password reset.
Hyper-V Mouse opposite direction Problem
Hi All From the last update I m facing the issue of opposite mouse direction when run any v machine in Hyper-V Windows 11 Home edition. Its working fine in Window 11 while when i go inside Vmachine mouse direction goes up when mouse become…
Cannot opt for Passkey method from user side.
Hi, I've created conditional access policy to enforce passkey authentication and at the time of login test user I can see the below popup but when i tried to proceed further in order to assign Yubikey, below error occors Please check and let me know how…
Data not being refreshed in the Log Analytics demo
I'm currently working through the KQL learning path. The logs in the Log Analytics Demo environment don't seem to be refreshing. This is supposed to be a training ground for KQL but for example there is no data in the SecurityEvent table for several…
Server Firewall Keeps R=Turns On After Reboot
Hi MS Team, There is GPO to disable to windows firewall but every time the server reboots, the server firewall keeps turns on automatically and set to enable. Please advise. Thanks, GCE
I am trying to take a scan on MS purview towards dataverse and I get the error Failed to testConnection: Exception when processing request: The Web api request failed with a status of 'Internal Server Error' when TestConnection., the credetial used in KV
I am trying to take a scan on MS purview towards dataverse and I get the error Failed to testConnection: Exception when processing request: The Web api request failed with a status of 'Internal Server Error' when TestConnection., the credential used in…
Are there plans for the windows nvme driver to support controller or subsystem reset?
Currently, the windows nvme driver does not support any ioctl commands that will do a nvme controller or subsystem reset. Are there any plans to provide ioctl commands that could be used to perform either of those types of reset?
Can't log into the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) due to MFA issue while I'm the only Admin of my personal azure account
I am stuck in an odd authentication loop trying to get into portal.azure.com. I enabled MFA last October and this is my personal Azure account. Here is what happening: Navigate to https://portal.azure.com Entering my account mail address and then I…
Issues Registering a New App in Azure Portal
I want to connect an Outlook email to a Python program via the API but am unable to register a new app. The Microsoft Azure portal does not allow app registration, displaying a message that app creation outside of a directory is deprecated. It suggests…
How to remove Copilot icon from PowerPoint (without disabling Copilot)
I have taken this from another user, but I do agree with them. I'd rather remove Copilot and get back my powerpoint view! I do not need to see this icon and its taking up too much space of my display. Please fix asap. I am using Copilot in MS 365…
Access request to Microsoft Application Network Portal
Good day, On behalf of my company I would like to publish an Entra enterprise application to the gallery. Can I get access to the Microsoft Application Network portal to submit this? https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/apponboarding/Apps Email to…
How to cancel the recurring backups for servers that have the Azure Backup Agent installed
I work for a MSP and have some clients that have offboarded our services. We no longer have access to some windows servers that have the Azure Backup Agent installed that are running daily backups for those servers. Is there a way that I can cancel…
After slipstreaming Windows 11 we get for every patch error "0x800f0838"
Hi, we normally Slipstream the install.wim File for the Windows unattend Installations. Now, with Windows 11 24H2 we can't use this anymore, because every Image we tested with Slipstreaming afterward the client can't patch anymore. Every CU Update…
How can I search Outlook rules
There have been numerous comments in Microsoft community/outlook about this question over a long period of time. There were ZERO replies from Microsoft about solving the issue. WHY ?
How to deal with the problem: “Error code: Wsl/CallMsi/REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG”
When I enter "wsl" on the PowerShell, the System prompts, Class not registered Error code: Wsl/CallMsi/REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG Windows Features Hyper-V: Enabled Virtual Machine Platform: Enabled Windows Hypervisor Platform: Enabled Windows…
How to get Prebuild commands in .csproj files to run?
Hello, I have a .sln file, that references a few .csproj files. I am using VSBuild@1 for my pipeline task. One of the projects has a prebuild command. It runs fine if I build from Visual Studio, but the Azure DevOps VSBuild@1 task fails. It is…
Date converter, looking for good and easy way
Hello, I need to display a date in a different format. How can I achieve this easily? How do I go about it? Thanks for tips in advance. The algorithm Variant 1 //Month: 1=January, 2=February, 9=September, …, A=October, B=November //Day: standard…