
Direct3D Mobile Driver Data Types (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section contains information about the data types used with drivers for Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

The following table shows these data types.

Data Type Description
D3DM_CREATECONTEXT_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_CreateContext.
D3DM_CREATESURFACE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_CreateSurface.
D3DM_DESTROYCONTEXT_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_DestroyContext.
D3DM_DESTROYSURFACE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_DestroySurface.
D3DM_DRAWPRIMITIVE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_DrawPrimitive.
D3DM_GETADAPTERINFO_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_GetAdapterInfo.
D3DM_GETINFO_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_GetInfo.
D3DM_LOCKSURFACE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_LockSurface.
D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_ResourceManager.
D3DM_UNLOCKSURFACE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_UnlockSurface.
D3DM_VALIDATEDEVICE_PTR Defines a variable that is a pointer to an implementation of the driver function D3DM_ValidateDevice.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Driver Reference

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