
D3DM_CreateSurface (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is called by the Direct3D Mobile middleware to tell the driver to create a surface.



    [in, out] A pointer to a D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA structure describing the properties of the surface that the driver should create.

Return Values

Implement this function so that it returns D3DM_DRIVER_HANDLED at all times, even if an error occurred.


In many cases, the middleware may not provide complete surface descriptions in the SurfaceDesc, VertexDesc, IndexDesc, and TextureDesc members of D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA when it calls D3DM_CreateSurface. In these cases the driver is expected to fill in the missing data for itself.

For more implementation details, see D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0
Header: D3dmddk.h.
Link Library: Developer implemented.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Driver Functions | D3DM_DestroySurface | D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA | Surface Creation by Direct3D Mobile Drivers

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