
D3DM_ResourceManager (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function supports calls from the Direct3D Mobile middleware that require the driver to take actions on its managed memory pool.



    [in, out] A pointer to a D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_DATA structure that describes the actions that the driver must take on its managed memory pool.

Return Values

The following list identifies return value behaviors that you must adhere to in your implementation of D3DM_ResourceManager.

  • When processing a D3DM_RESACTION_DISCARD_BYTES action (see D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_ACTION), return D3DM_OK when the number of bytes requested to be flushed is available for allocation by the system at the call's return.
  • Otherwise, return D3DM_DRIVER_HANDLED when successful.
  • When processing a D3DM_RESACTION_DISCARD_BYTES action, return an error code if the requested number of bytes to be discarded is not available for allocation after the call has returned.


When processing a D3DM_RESACTION_DISCARD_BYTES action, the actual number of bytes flushed from the pool is an implementation detail of the driver.

For more information about expected behaviors from D3DM_ResourceManger, see D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_DATA


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0
Header: D3dmddk.h.
Link Library: Developer implemented.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Driver Functions | D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_ACTION | D3DM_RESOURCEMANAGER_DATA | Resource Management by Direct3D Mobile Drivers

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