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The IAppointment interface represents an appointment in the Calendar folder. An appointment object can represent a meeting, a one-time appointment, or a recurring appointment or meeting.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAppointment methods PPC SP Description
ClearRecurrencePattern X X Clears the recurrence for an appointment and marks it as a single instance.
GetRecurrencePattern X X Gets the current recurrence pattern for an appointment.
get_IsRecurring X X Determines whether the appointment is recurring.
get_Subject X X Gets the subject for the appointment.
get_Location X X Gets the location for an appointment.
get_Categories X X Gets the categories assigned to the appointment.
get_Start X X Determines when an appointment starts.
get_Duration X X Gets the length of an appointment.
get_End X X Determines when the appointment ends.
get_AllDayEvent X X Determines whether an appointment is an all day event.
get_BusyStatus X X Gets a user's availability during a designated appointment time.
get_Sensitivity X X Gets the sensitivity for a meeting as normal or private.
get_Body X X Gets the notes or message accompanying an appointment.
get_Recipients X X Gets the recipients list as an IRecipients interface object.
get_MeetingStatus X X Determines whether the appointment is a meeting.
get_ReminderSet X X Determines whether the user wants to be reminded of an appointment.
get_ReminderSoundFile X X Gets the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the appointment.
get_ReminderMinutesBeforeStart X X Gets the number of minutes a reminder occurs before the start of an appointment.
get_ReminderOptions X X Gets the type of a reminder.
put_Subject X X Sets the subject for the appointment.
put_Location X X Sets the location for an appointment.
put_Categories X X Sets the categories assigned to the appointment.
put_Start X X Sets when an appointment starts.
put_Duration X X Sets the length of an appointment.
put_End X X Sets when the appointment ends.
put_AllDayEvent X X Sets whether an appointment is an all day event.
put_BusyStatus X X Sets a user's availability during an appointment.
put_Sensitivity X X Sets the sensitivity for a meeting as either normal or private.
put_Body X X Sets either the message body or the binary representation of the message body accompanying an appointment.
put_ReminderSet X X Sets whether the user wants to be reminded of an appointment.
put_ReminderSoundFile X X Sets the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the appointment.
put_ReminderMinutesBeforeStart X X Sets the number of minutes a reminder occurs before the start of an appointment.
put_ReminderOptions X X Sets the type of a reminder (vibrate etc.).
Save X X Saves an appointment item (adds it to the appointment collection).
Send X X Sends a meeting request to recipients.
Delete X X Deletes an appointment item.
Cancel X X Sends a cancellation of a meeting request.
Copy X X Adds a copy of an appointment item in the Items collection.
Display X X Displays the appointment item's Summary tab.
get_Oid X X Gets the object identifier (OID) for an item.
put_BodyInk X X Sets a binary representation of the Appointment body.
get_BodyInk X X Gets a binary representation of the Appointment body.
get_Application X X Gets the main Outlook Mobile application IPOutlookApp object.


POOM does not support the ReminderOverrideDefault property that is supported in the desktop version of Microsoft Outlook. When you create an appointment, Outlook Mobile automatically creates it with the default reminder information. Setting individual reminder properties automatically overrides their defaults.

In the desktop version of Outlook, you must set the MeetingStatus property of an appointment to mark it as a meeting request. This allows you to have appointments with recipients, that are not meeting requests. This is not possible in Outlook Mobile. In Outlook Mobile, an appointment is a meeting request if one or more recipients are specified. The MeetingStatus property is read-only, and can take only the OlMeetingStatus enumeration values olNonMeeting and olMeeting.

In desktop Outlook, the Address property is read-only. In Outlook Mobile, it is read/write, because POOM does not provide a Resolve method to resolve the display name to an e-mail address.

To send a cancellation to a meeting in desktop Outlook, you must first set the MeetingStatus property to olMeetingCanceled. This property is read-only in POOM, so you must call IAppointment::Cancel to send a cancellation method for a meeting. You must subsequently call the IAppointment::Delete method to remove the meeting from the user's calendar.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

How to: Create a PIM Item | ITask | IContact | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Interfaces

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