The IPOutlookApp interface represents the Outlook Mobile application object. The Outlook Mobile application object serves the following purposes:
- As the root object, it provides access to all other objects in the POOM hierarchy.
- It provides direct access to newly created items without having to traverse the object hierarchy.
- It provides direct access to existing items.
An application creates this interface by calling CoCreateInstance, using the CLSID_Application globally unique identifier (GUID), and receiving a reference to an application object. The application object is the only POOM object retrieved with CoCreateInstance.
Methods in Vtable Order
IPOutlookApp methods | PPC | SP | Description |
Logon | X | X | Logs the user on to a POOM Session. |
Logoff | X | X | Logs the user off of a POOM Session. |
get_Version | X | X | Gets a three-part string describing the version of Pocket Outlook or Outlook Mobile that is in use. |
GetDefaultFolder | X | X | Gets an IFolder object for one of the five folders provided by Outlook Mobile. |
CreateItem | X | X | Creates and gets a POOM item. |
GetItemFromOid | X | X | Retrieves the item specified by a Windows CE object identifier (OID). |
get_HomeCity | X | X | Gets an ICity object that represents the user's home city. |
put_HomeCity | X | X | Sets an ICity object that represents the user's home city. |
get_VisitingCity | X | X | Gets an ICity object that represents the city in which the user is currently visiting. |
put_VisitingCity | X | X | Sets an ICity object that represents the city in which the user is currently visiting. |
get_CurrentCityIndex | X | X | Gets either HomeCity or VisitingCity, depending on whether the current city in use by World Clock is the home or visiting city. |
put_CurrentCityIndex | X | X | Sets either HomeCity or VisitingCity, depending on whether the current city in use by World Clock is the home or visiting city. |
ReceiveFromInfrared | X | X | Initiates reception of an item over an infrared link. |
get_OutlookCompatible | X | X | Returns TRUE if the Windows Mobile–based device is partnered with a desktop computer running Outlook and returns FALSE if the desktop computer is running Schedule+. |
GetTimeZoneFromIndex | X | X | Uses a time zone index to return the POOM ITimeZone object for the corresponding time zone. |
GetTimeZoneInformationFromIndex | X | X | Uses a time zone index to get the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure (declared in Winbase.h) for the corresponding time zone. |
get_Application | X | X | Gets the main Outlook Mobile application object. |
SysFreeString | X | X | Frees a string that was previously allocated. |
VariantTimeToSystemTime | X | X | Converts the Variant representation of time to it's system time equivalent. |
SystemTimeToVariantTime | X | X | Converts a system time object to it's Variant equivalent. |
The following example shows how to create an Outlook Mobile application object, log the user on, and display the Pocket Outlook or Outlook Mobile version.
#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <pimstore.h>
IPOutlookApp * polApp;
// Initialize COM for Pocket Outlook.
if (FAILED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0))) return FALSE;
// Get the application object.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Application,
if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
// Log on to POOM.
hr = polApp->Logon(NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
// Get the version and display it in a message box.
BSTR pwszVersion = NULL;
MessageBox(NULL, pwszVersion, TEXT("Pocket Outlook Version"), MB_SETFOREGROUND |
// Free the version string.
// Note: For Palm-size PC version 1.0 use the Application method:
// polApp->SysFreeString(pwszVersion).
// Log off and release the application object.
return TRUE;
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib
See Also
Pocket Outlook Object Model API Interfaces | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Enumerations
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