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The IContact interface represents a contact in the Contacts folder. Its methods can be used to save, delete, duplicate, or display a contact. The IPOutlookItemCollection interface can be used to add new contacts or retrieve existing ones.

Methods in Vtable Order

IContact methods PPC SP Description
get_Birthday X X Gets the birth date for the contact.
get_Anniversary X X Gets the wedding anniversary date for the contact.
get_BusinessFaxNumber X X Gets the business fax number for the contact.
get_CompanyName X X Gets the company name for the contact.
get_Department X X Gets the department name for the contact.
get_Email1Address X X Gets the first e-mail address for the contact.
get_MobileTelephoneNumber X X Gets the mobile or cellular telephone number for the contact.
get_OfficeLocation X X Gets the office location for the contact.
get_PagerNumber X X Gets the pager number for the contact.
get_BusinessTelephoneNumber X X Gets the business telephone number for the contact.
get_JobTitle X X Gets the job title for the contact.
get_HomeTelephoneNumber X X Gets the home telephone number for the contact.
get_Email2Address X X Gets the second e-mail address for the contact.
get_Spouse X X Gets the name of contact's spouse.
get_Email3Address X X Gets the third e-mail address for the contact.
get_Home2TelephoneNumber X X Gets the second home telephone number for the contact.
get_HomeFaxNumber X X Gets the home fax number for the contact.
get_CarTelephoneNumber X X Gets the car phone number for the contact.
get_AssistantName X X Gets the name of contact's assistant.
get_AssistantTelephoneNumber X X Gets the phone number for the contact's assistant.
get_Children X X Gets the names of contact's children.
get_Categories X X Gets the categories for contact.
get_WebPage X X Gets the Web page for contact.
get_Business2TelephoneNumber X X Gets the second business telephone number for the contact.
get_Title X X Gets the job title for the contact.
get_FirstName X X Gets the first name for the contact.
get_MiddleName X X Gets the middle name for the contact.
get_LastName X X Gets the last name for the contact.
get_Suffix X X Gets the suffix for the contact name.
get_HomeAddressStreet X X Gets the home street address for the contact.
get_HomeAddressCity X X Gets the home city for the contact.
get_HomeAddressState X X Gets the home state, department, or province for the contact.
get_HomeAddressPostalCode X X Gets the home ZIP or postal code for the contact.
get_HomeAddressCountry X X Gets the home country/region for the contact.
get_OtherAddressStreet X X Gets the alternative street address for the contact.
get_OtherAddressCity X X Gets the alternative city for the contact.
get_OtherAddressState X X Gets the alternative state, department, or province for the contact.
get_OtherAddressPostalCode X X Gets the alternative ZIP or postal code for the contact.
get_OtherAddressCountry X X Gets the alternative country/region for the contact.
get_BusinessAddressStreet X X Gets the business street address for the contact.
get_BusinessAddressCity X X Gets the business city for the contact.
get_BusinessAddressState X X Gets the business state for the contact.
get_BusinessAddressPostalCode X X Gets the business ZIP or postal code for the contact.
get_BusinessAddressCountry X X Gets the business country/region for the contact.
get_RadioTelephoneNumber X X Gets the radio telephone number for the contact.
get_FileAs X X Gets the filing string for a contact.
get_Body X X Gets the notes for a contact.
get_YomiCompanyName X X Gets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the company name for the contact.
get_YomiFirstName X X Gets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the first name for the contact.
get_YomiLastName X X Gets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the last name for the contact.
put_Birthday X X Sets the birth date for the contact.
put_Anniversary X X Sets the wedding anniversary date for the contact.
put_BusinessFaxNumber X X Sets the business fax number for the contact.
put_CompanyName X X Sets the company name for the contact.
put_Department X X Sets the department name for the contact.
put_Email1Address X X Sets the first e-mail address for the contact.
put_MobileTelephoneNumber X X Sets the mobile or cellular telephone number for the contact.
put_OfficeLocation X X Sets the office location for the contact.
put_PagerNumber X X Sets the pager number for the contact.
put_BusinessTelephoneNumber X X Sets the business telephone number for the contact.
put_JobTitle X X Sets the job title for the contact.
put_HomeTelephoneNumber X X Sets the home telephone number for the contact.
put_Email2Address X X Sets the second e-mail address for the contact.
put_Spouse X X Sets the name of contact's spouse.
put_Email3Address X X Sets the third e-mail address for the contact.
put_Home2TelephoneNumber X X Sets the second home telephone number for the contact.
put_HomeFaxNumber X X Sets the home fax number for the contact.
put_CarTelephoneNumber X X Sets the car phone number for the contact.
put_AssistantName X X Sets the name of contact's assistant.
put_AssistantTelephoneNumber X X Sets the phone number for the contact's assistant.
put_Children X X Sets the names of contact's children.
put_Categories X X Sets the categories for contact.
put_WebPage X X Sets the Web page for contact.
put_Business2TelephoneNumber X X Sets the second business telephone number for the contact.
put_Title X X Sets the job title for the contact.
put_FirstName X X Sets the first name for the contact.
put_MiddleName X X Sets the middle name for the contact.
put_LastName X X Sets the last name for the contact.
put_Suffix X X Sets the suffix for the contact name.
put_HomeAddressStreet X X Sets the home street address for the contact.
put_HomeAddressCity X X Sets the home city for the contact.
put_HomeAddressState X X Sets the home state, department, or province for the contact.
put_HomeAddressPostalCode X X Sets the home ZIP or postal code for the contact.
put_HomeAddressCountry X X Sets the home country/region for the contact.
put_OtherAddressStreet X X Sets the alternative street address for the contact.
put_OtherAddressCity X X Sets the alternative city for the contact.
put_OtherAddressState X X Sets the alternative state, department, or province for the contact.
put_OtherAddressPostalCode X X Sets the alternative ZIP or postal code for the contact.
put_OtherAddressCountry X X Sets the alternative country/region for the contact.
put_BusinessAddressStreet X X Sets the business street address for the contact.
put_BusinessAddressCity X X Sets the business city for the contact.
put_BusinessAddressState X X Sets the business state for the contact.
put_BusinessAddressPostalCode X X Sets the business ZIP or postal code for the contact.
put_BusinessAddressCountry X X Sets the business country/region for the contact.
put_RadioTelephoneNumber X X Sets the radio telephone number for the contact.
put_FileAs X X Sets the filing string for a contact.
put_Body X X Sets the notes for a contact.
put_YomiCompanyName X X Sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the company name for the contact.
put_YomiFirstName X X Sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the first name for the contact.
put_YomiLastName X X Sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the last name for the contact.
Save X X Saves a Contact item.
Delete X X Deletes a Contact item.
Copy X X Copies a Contact item.
Display X X Displays the Contact item's Summary tab.
get_Oid X X Gets the object identifier (OID) for an item.
put_BodyInk X X Sets a binary representation of the Contact body.
get_BodyInk X X Gets a binary representation of the Contact body.
get_Application X X Gets the main Outlook Mobile IPOutlookApp object.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

How to: Create a PIM Item | IAppointment | ITask | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Interfaces | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Enumerations

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