
Contact Property ID's

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The following table contains the complete set of Contact property identifiers.

Property ID Type Value String name for queries Description
PIMPR_ACCOUNT_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00AB AccountName The Account Name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_ANNIVERSARY CEVT_FILETIME 0x00F1 Anniversary The wedding anniversary date for the contact. The date must fall between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive.
PIMPR_ASSISTANT_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008F AssistantName The name of contact's assistant. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A1 AssistantTelephoneNumber The assistant's telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_BIRTHDAY CEVT_FILETIME 0x00F0 Birthday The Contact's birth date.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10C0 BusinessAddress The Contact's business address.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00C2 BusinessAddressCity The Business Address City of the contact.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00C5 BusinessAddressCountry The Business Address Country of the contact.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00C4 BusinessAddressPostalCode The Business Address Postal Code of the contact.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00C3 BusinessAddressState The Business Address State of the contact.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00C1 BusinessAddressStreet The Business Address Street of the contact.
PIMPR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009B BusinessFaxNumber The business fax number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters..
PIMPR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0097 BusinessTelephoneNumber The business telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0098 Business2TelephoneNumber The second business telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009E CarTelephoneNumber The car telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_CHILDREN CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A6 Children The names of contact's children. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_COMPANY_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008A CompanyName The company name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_COMPANY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A0 CompanyTelephoneNumber The general company telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_CUSTOMERID CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A9 CustomerId The Customer ID for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_DEPARTMENT CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008B Department The Department name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_DISPLAY_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10A4 DisplayName The name displayed at the top of the Contact's Summary tab.
PIMPR_EMAIL1_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0090 Email1Address The first e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_EMAIL2_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0091 Email2Address The second e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_EMAIL3_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0092 Email3Address The third e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_FILEAS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0080 FileAs The filing string for a contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_FIRST_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0082 FirstName The First Name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_GOVERNMENTID CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00AA GovernmentId The Government ID for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10D0 HomeAddress The Home Address of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00D2 HomeAddressCity The Home Address City of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00D5 HomeAddressCountry The Home Address Country of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00D4 HomeAddressPostalCode The Home Address Postal Code of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00D3 HomeAddressState The Home Address State of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00D1 HomeAddressStreet The Home Address Street of the contact.
PIMPR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009C HomeFaxNumber The home fax number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0099 HomeTelephoneNumber The home telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009A Home2TelephoneNumber The second home telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_IM1_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0093 IM1Address The first IM address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_IM2_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0094 IM2Address The second IM address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_IM3_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0095 IM3Address The third IM address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_JOB_TITLE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008C JobTitle The Job Title for a contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_LAST_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0084 LastName The last name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters..
PIMPR_MANAGER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008D Manager The Manager's Name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_MIDDLE_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0083 MiddleName The middle name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_MMS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10A3 Mms The Multimedia Message Service (SMS) address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0096 MobileTelephoneNumber The mobile telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_NICKNAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0086 Nickname The Nickname for a contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_OFFICE_LOCATION CEVT_LPWSTR 0x008E OfficeLocation The Office Location for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10E0 OtherAddress The Other Address of the contact.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00E2 OtherAddressCity The Other Address City of the contact.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00E5 OtherAddressCountry The Other Address Country of the contact.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00E4 OtherAddressPostalCode The Other Address Postal Code of the contact.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00E3 OtherAddressState The Other Address State of the contact.
PIMPR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00E1 OtherAddressStreet The Other Address Street of the contact.
PIMPR_PAGER_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009D PagerNumber The pager number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_PICTURE CEVT_PIM_STREAM 0x00FF Picture The picture associated with the contact.
PIMPR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER CEVT_LPWSTR 0x009F RadioTelephoneNumber The radio telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_RINGTONE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A8 RingTone The custom ring tone for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_SIM_PHONE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0003 SIMPhone The SIM phone number for the contact. This property is not a valid POOM property. IItem treats it as an unknown property. It is only valid for ChooseContact. Read-only.
PIMPR_SMARTPROP CEVT_UI4 0x00F8 SmartProperty The smart property associated with the contact. See Remarks for more information.
PIMPR_SMS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x10A2 Sms The first Short Message Service (SMS) address for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_SPOUSE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A5 Spouse The contact's spouse's name.
PIMPR_SUFFIX CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0085 Suffix The suffix for the contact name. Maximum length is 1022 characters.
PIMPR_TITLE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0081 Prefix The contact's title.
PIMPR_WEB_PAGE CEVT_LPWSTR 0x00A7 WebPage The contact's web page. Maximum length is 1022 characters
PIMPR_YOMI_COMPANY CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0089 YomiCompanyName The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the company name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters. For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and raises a Win32Exception.
PIMPR_YOMI_FILEAS CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0101 YomiFileAs The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the File As name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters. For Japanese products only.
PIMPR_YOMI_FIRSTNAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0087 YomiFirstName The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the first name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters. For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and raises a Win32Exception.
PIMPR_YOMI_LASTNAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0088 YomiLastName The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the last name for the contact. Maximum length is 1022 characters. For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and raise a Win32Exception.


The Smart Property (PIMPR_SMARTPROP) is the Contact property that contains the property ID of the default communication mode. This becomes the phone number or address displayed on the second line of the two-line display in the Contact list view, and highlighted in the Contact summary tab.

The following table contains the set of possible property values for PIMPR_SMARTPROP.

CEPROPVAL Description


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

Pocket Outlook Object Model API Property Identifiers | IAppointment | ITask | IContact

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