【Outlook 2016】Outlook進行搜尋信件時無法看到寄件者
問題描述 在使用 Microsoft Outlook 搜尋信件時,搜尋結果中雖然可以看到「寄件者」欄位,但該欄位未顯示任何內容(例如寄件者名稱或電子郵件地址)。這導致用戶無法快速確認搜尋結果的信件來源,影響工作效率。 使用情境 我在 Outlook…
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MAK Key 轉 KMS Key
我已經購買 office lstc 2024 並取得一組 MAK 金鑰,我想在我的公司建立一台KMS Server,避免相同的金鑰重複啟用導致金鑰被鎖的問題,我是否可以把現有的MAK金鑰轉成KMS金鑰,以便供建立KMS Server時使用,如果可以,我該怎麼轉換?
exchange版本為2013,outlook版本2013跟2019都有 outlook開啟閒置一段時間後 再去點選通訊錄或預約會議室會無回應需要強制關閉重啟outlook 有觀察到連線狀態會顯示正在連線 有發現關閉exchange快取模式就不會發生 是哪裡設定需要調整
How to remove OneDriveFileProvide-Personal folder on macos
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為何已購買Project Standard 2024 卻無法下載軟體
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使用Microsoft Graph REST API(https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/graph/api/invitation-post?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http)邀請來賓用戶(非組織內),來賓用戶的EmailAddress(如下圖的標識黃色背景的參數)最長支援多少位?謝謝。
我的Excel VBA無法輸入程式碼
我的Excel VBA無法輸入程式碼,一打開VBA介面Excel就會閃退,巨集設定都已經有調整過了,也重開機跟重新安裝了,檔案也調成巨集工作簿了,但還是沒辦法用,請問要怎麼辦,我的Microsoft是用學校的帳號。
How to repair Microsoft Outlook 2007
I’ve been informed that my mailbox has reach its maximum size and I cannot send and receive mail. I try to delete or empty file/folder but failure. Please advice how to soft the problem.
Azure Speech Studio finetune audio and text -- upload successfully with correct format but fails to train ("internal error" message and not known what errors)
I follow the format to upload audio (in .wav, mono, 16khz) and text (in correct format stored in .txt).All the audios and text can upload to azure speech studio to fine tune, but when put into training phase, it fails. Training model as follows: What is…
GATT client app
Dear All, I reference a UWP BluetoothLE sample to develop a GATT client and have some problems. After sample app to pair a device, app can't get device GATT services list. Is there a flow to pair and get GATT service list? If a ble device is…
購買Microsoft 365, 該如何取得電子帳單?
您好 自從今年(2024)五月續約Microsoft 365之後, 一直未收到電子帳單, 請幫忙確認下是否有發出呢? 謝謝您. Best Regards, Athena
SSRS ODP.Net Managed NLS environment keep change
Reprting Service 2022 with ODP.Net Managed 19c cause Oracle Session NLS_TERRITORY / NLS_LANGUAGE environment variable random changed
How to delete my domain account
Hi, I am a global administrator for a domain account (XXXXX@XXX.onmicrosoft.com). This account is used for the Microsoft Windows Hardware Developer Program, where we have created some users. However, we have now applied for a new domain account (company…
因此共用信箱是只有用來發信的,但因信件會夾檔,並且會有寄信備份,導致信箱容量被塞滿 所以希望可以此共用信箱不有寄信備份這功能
就在這一個月開始,打游戲時 會突然黑屏,也可能持續大半天也沒事。 但是絕大多數情況下,都是運行游戲時黑屏的。 有些時候直接當機…
我想開發一個Kernel mode的驅動程式, 可以跟acpi 做溝通, 接收acpi 傳來的Notfiy
嗨,大家好, 我是Alan,目前正在從事驅動程式開發, 有個問題想要詢問, 目前正在開發一個驅動程式來跟acpi做溝通, 接收acpi 傳來的Notify , 但目前一直無法成功, 想詢問是否有方法可以做到。 目前我嘗試的api 是這個 AcpiInterfaces.RegisterForDeviceNotifications, 但這個api 回傳NULL 導致我無法繼續往下進行 想請問是否有範例程式? 或是可以提供一些資訊來參考
Sysinternals- Psshutdown Error
You can see the psshotdown -h was worked, but the -o can't why? Thanks for your support or help~
如何修正 Exchange Server CSP 問題
目前我們已經在 Exchange Server 的 IIS 中設定了 HTTP 回應標頭,設定資訊如下 名稱:content-security-policy 值:default-src 'self' https://*.cloud.microsoft https://*.office.com https://*.office365.com https://*.outlook.com https://autodiscover.benqmaterials.onmicrosoft.com…