向 Teams 应用添加机器人功能

机器人(也称为聊天机器人或聊天机器人)是一种在聊天设置中响应简单命令并提供相关响应的应用。 机器人通常用于各种任务,例如通知生成失败、提供天气更新、公交时间表或旅行信息。 机器人交互的范围从简单的问答交换到复杂的对话。 作为云应用程序,机器人可以提供对云服务和公司资源的安全和有价值的访问。 有关详细信息,请参阅 为 Microsoft Teams 生成机器人




使用 Microsoft Teams 工具包创建机器人应用

若要使用 Teams 工具包创建机器人应用,请参阅 使用 Teams 工具包创建机器人应用


可以在 文件中配置机器人功能 appPackage/manifest.json 。 有关详细信息,请参阅 应用清单架构


    "bots": [
            "botId": "${{BOT_ID}}",
            "scopes": [
            "supportsFiles": false,
            "isNotificationOnly": false,
            "commandLists": [
                    "scopes": [
                    "commands": [
                            "title": "welcome",
                            "description": "Resend welcome card of this Bot"
                            "title": "learn",
                            "description": "Learn about Adaptive Card and Bot Command"


  1. 在项目中创建一个bot/文件夹,并将机器人应用的源代码复制到 Visual Studio Code 中的 文件夹中。 项目的文件夹结构如下所示:

        |-- .vscode/
        |-- appPackage/
        |-- env/
        |-- infra/
        |-- bot/           <!--bot source code-->
        |   |-- adaptiveCards/
        |   |-- index.ts
        |   |-- config.ts
        |   |-- teamsBot.ts
        |   |-- package.json
        |   |-- tsconfig.json
        |   |-- web.config
        |   |-- .webappignore
        |-- src/            <!--your current source code-->
        |   |-- app.ts
        |   |-- static/
        |   |-- views/
        |-- package.json
        |-- tsconfig.json
        |-- teamsapp.local.yml
        |-- teamsapp.yml
  2. 按如下所示重新组织文件夹结构:


    使用 命令 npm init -y 创建根 package.json 文件。

        |-- .vscode/
        |-- appPackage/
        |-- env/
        |-- infra/
        |-- bot/            <!--bot source code-->
        |   |-- adaptiveCards/
        |   |-- index.ts
        |   |-- config.ts
        |   |-- teamsBot.ts
        |   |-- package.json
        |   |-- tsconfig.json
        |   |-- web.config
        |   |-- .webappignore
        |-- tab/           <!--move your current source code to a new sub folder-->
        |   |-- src/
        |   |   |-- app.ts
        |   |   |-- static/
        |   |   |-- views/
        |   |-- package.json
        |   |-- tsconfig.json
        |-- package.json <!--root package.json-->
        |-- teamsapp.local.yml
        |-- teamsapp.yml
  3. 将以下代码添加到根 package.json

        "scripts": {
          "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
          "install:bot": "cd bot && npm install",
          "install:tab": "cd tab && npm install",
          "install": "concurrently \"npm run install:bot\" \"npm run install:tab\"",
          "dev:bot": "cd bot && npm run dev",
          "start:tab": "cd tab && npm run start",
          "build:tab": "cd tab && npm run build",
          "build:bot": "cd bot && npm run build",
          "build": "concurrently \"npm run build:tab\" \"npm run build:bot\""
        "dependencies": {
            "concurrently": "^7.6.0"


    在 JavaScript 项目中,可以在没有文件夹的情况下 build 运行项目。 必须删除脚本并将 build:bot 脚本更新 buildnpm run build:tab


  1. 更新 .vscode/tasks.json 如下:

    1. 添加三个新任务: Start local tunnelStart botStart frontend
    2. 更新 Start application 任务的 dependsOn 数组以包括 Start botStart frontend
    3. cwd配置 Start botStart frontend的选项。 需要此操作,因为之前已在重新组织文件夹结构时将选项卡和机器人的代码移到其各自的文件夹中。
    4. 将 添加到Start local tunnelStart Teams App Locally任务的 dependsOn 数组。
                    // Start the local tunnel service to forward public URL to local port and inspect traffic.
                    // See https://aka.ms/teamsfx-tasks/local-tunnel for the detailed args definitions.
                    "label": "Start local tunnel",
                    "type": "teamsfx",
                    "command": "debug-start-local-tunnel",
                    "args": {
                        "type": "dev-tunnel",
                        "ports": [
                                "portNumber": 3978,
                                "protocol": "http",
                                "access": "public",
                                "writeToEnvironmentFile": {
                                    "endpoint": "BOT_ENDPOINT", // output tunnel endpoint as BOT_ENDPOINT
                                    "domain": "BOT_DOMAIN" // output tunnel domain as BOT_DOMAIN
                        "env": "local"
                    "isBackground": true,
                    "problemMatcher": "$teamsfx-local-tunnel-watch"
                    "label": "Start bot",
                    "type": "shell",
                    "command": "npm run dev:teamsfx",
                    "isBackground": true,
                    "options": {
                        "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bot"
                    "problemMatcher": {
                        "pattern": [
                                "regexp": "^.*$",
                                "file": 0,
                                "location": 1,
                                "message": 2
                        "background": {
                            "activeOnStart": true,
                            "beginsPattern": "[nodemon] starting",
                            "endsPattern": "restify listening to|Bot/ME service listening at|[nodemon] app crashed"
                   "label": "Start frontend",
                   "type": "shell",
                   "command": "npm run dev:teamsfx",
                   "isBackground": true,
                   "options": {
                        "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/tab"
                    "problemMatcher": {
                        "pattern": {
                            "regexp": "^.*$",
                            "file": 0,
                            "location": 1,
                            "message": 2
                        "background": {
                            "activeOnStart": true,
                            "beginsPattern": ".*",
                            "endsPattern": "listening to|Compiled|Failed|compiled|failed"
                     "label": "Start application",
                     "dependsOn": [
                         "Start bot",
                         "Start frontend"
                     "label": "Start Teams App Locally",
                     "dependsOn": [
                         "Validate prerequisites",
                         "Start local tunnel",
                         "Start application"
                     "dependsOrder": "sequence"
  2. teamsapp.local.yml 文件下:

    1. 在 下 provision,添加 botAadApp/createbotFramework/create 操作。
    2. 在 下 deploy,更新操作的代码 file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile
       - uses: botAadApp/create
           # The Microsoft Entra application's display name
           name: bot-${{TEAMSFX_ENV}}
           # The Microsoft Entra application's client id created for bot.
           botId: BOT_ID
           # The Microsoft Entra application's client secret created for bot.
           botPassword: SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD 
       # Create or update the bot registration on dev.botframework.com
       - uses: botFramework/create
           botId: ${{BOT_ID}}
           name: bot
           messagingEndpoint: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}/api/messages
           description: ""
             - name: msteams
       - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile # Generate runtime environment variables
           target: ./tab/.localConfigs
             BROWSER: none
             HTTPS: true
             PORT: 53000
             SSL_CRT_FILE: ${{SSL_CRT_FILE}}
             SSL_KEY_FILE: ${{SSL_KEY_FILE}}
       - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile # Generate runtime environment variables
           target: ./bot/.localConfigs
             BOT_ID: ${{BOT_ID}}

    有关详细信息,请参阅 示例应用

  3. “运行和调试”下,选择“ 调试 (Edge) ”或“调试 (Chrome) ”。

  4. 选择 F5 键在本地调试和预览 Teams 应用。

将应用预配到 Azure

  1. botRegistration/ 文件夹从机器人复制到 infra/

  2. 将以下代码添加到 azure.bicep 文件:

     param resourceBaseName2 string
     param webAppName2 string = resourceBaseName2
     param botDisplayName string
     @description('Required when create Azure Bot service')
     param botAadAppClientId string
     @description('Required by Bot Framework package in your bot project')
     param botAadAppClientSecret string
     resource webApp2 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-02-01' = {
       kind: 'app'
       location: location
       name: webAppName2
       properties: {
         serverFarmId: serverfarm.id
         httpsOnly: true
         siteConfig: {
           alwaysOn: true
           appSettings: [
               name: 'WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE'
               value: '1' // Run Azure APP Service from a package file
               name: 'WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION'
               value: '~18' // Set NodeJS version to 18.x for your site
               name: 'RUNNING_ON_AZURE'
               value: '1'
               name: 'BOT_ID'
               value: botAadAppClientId
               name: 'BOT_PASSWORD'
               value: botAadAppClientSecret
           ftpsState: 'FtpsOnly'
     // Register your web service as a bot with the Bot Framework
     module azureBotRegistration './botRegistration/azurebot.bicep' = {
       name: 'Azure-Bot-registration'
       params: {
         resourceBaseName: resourceBaseName
         botAadAppClientId: botAadAppClientId
         botAppDomain: webApp2.properties.defaultHostName
         botDisplayName: botDisplayName
     // The output will be persisted in .env.{envName}. Visit https://aka.ms/teamsfx-actions/arm-deploy for more details.
     output BOT_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ID string = webApp2.id
     output BOT_DOMAIN string = webApp2.properties.defaultHostName
  3. 若要确保正确设置必要的参数,请使用 azure.parameters.json 以下代码更新文件:

     "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
     "contentVersion": "",
     "parameters": {
       "resourceBaseName": {
         "value": "tab${{RESOURCE_SUFFIX}}"
       "webAppSku": {
         "value": "B1"
       "botAadAppClientId": {
         "value": "${{BOT_ID}}"
       "botAadAppClientSecret": {
         "value": "${{SECRET_BOT_PASSWORD}}"
       "botDisplayName": {
         "value": "bot"
         "value": "bot${{RESOURCE_SUFFIX}}"
  4. teamsapp.yml 文件下:

    1. 在 下 provision添加 botAadApp/create 操作。 有关详细信息,请参阅 示例应用
    2. deploy 部分下,添加以下代码:
       - uses: cli/runNpmCommand # Run npm command
           args: install
       - uses: cli/runNpmCommand # Run npm command
           args: run build
       # Deploy bits to Azure Storage Static Website
       - uses: azureAppService/zipDeploy
           workingDirectory: ./tab
           # Deploy base folder
           artifactFolder: .
           # Ignore file location, leave blank will ignore nothing
           ignoreFile: .webappignore
           # The resource id of the cloud resource to be deployed to.
           # This key will be generated by arm/deploy action automatically.
           # You can replace it with your existing Azure Resource id
           # or add it to your environment variable file.
           resourceId: ${{TAB_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ID}}
       - uses: azureAppService/zipDeploy
           workingDirectory: ./bot
           # Deploy base folder
           artifactFolder: .
           # Ignore file location, leave blank will ignore nothing
           ignoreFile: .webappignore
           # The resource id of the cloud resource to be deployed to.
           # This key will be generated by arm/deploy action automatically.
           # You can replace it with your existing Azure Resource id
           # or add it to your environment variable file.
           resourceId: ${{BOT_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ID}}
  5. 转到 “查看>命令面板...” 或选择 Ctrl+Shift+P

  6. 输入 Teams: Provision 以将 bicep 应用到 Azure。

  7. 输入 Teams: Deploy 以将选项卡应用代码部署到 Azure。

  8. “运行和调试”下,选择“ 启动远程 (Edge) ”或 “启动远程 (Chrome) ”。

  9. 选择 F5 键以调试和预览 Teams 应用。



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