LampArray 效果

在游戏循环中调用 ILampArray 颜色函数以生成效果和动画。 此页显示了几个示例。

为简单起见,这些示例将尽可能使用 ILampArray::SetColor 以将颜色应用于设备上的每个灯。 可以使用 ILampArray::SetColorsForIndices 在单个灯或一组灯上生成效果。


将颜色的 RGB 值乘以时间间隔内的增加或减少百分比,从而使灯淡入或淡出。 反复淡入和淡出灯以创建闪烁、呼吸或闪光效果。

以下示例使 LampArray 的所有灯(开&关)闪烁:

uint32_t currentFrame = 0;

// The total number of frames in one blink
const float blinkFrameCount = 90;

const float blinkFadeFrameCount = blinkFrameCount / 2;

// The color to fade in and out. In this example we'll use red.
const LampArrayColor mainColor = {0xFF /* r */, 0x0 /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ILampArray> lampArray;

void BlinkUpdateFrame(ILampArray* lampArrayToUpdate)
    LampArrayColor currentFrameColor = mainColor;

    float colorScale = 1.0;

    if (currentFrame < blinkFadeFrameCount)
        // Fade out to black
        colorScale = (blinkFadeFrameCount - currentFrame) / blinkFadeFrameCount;
        // Fade in to full color value
        colorScale = (currentFrame - blinkFadeFrameCount) / blinkFadeFrameCount;

    currentFrameColor.r = static_cast<uint8_t>(mainColor.r * colorScale);
    currentFrameColor.g = static_cast<uint8_t>(mainColor.g * colorScale);
    currentFrameColor.b = static_cast<uint8_t>(mainColor.b * colorScale);

    // Apply the color

    // Increment our current frame, accounting for overflow
    if (++currentFrame > blinkFrameCount)
        currentFrame = 0;

void MainLoop(
    _In_ volatile bool& terminateLoop)
    color.a = 0xFF;

    while (!terminateLoop)



逐渐增加和减少颜色的红色、绿色和蓝色值,从而创建颜色循环。 这会混合 RGB 光谱上的各种颜色。

以下示例在 LampArray 上执行 RGB 颜色循环。

uint32_t currentFrame = 0;

// The total number of frames in one cycle
const float cycleFrameCount = 180;

// The size of each "ramp" of the cycle (blending from one color to the next)
const float rampIntervalFrameCount = cycleFrameCount / 6;

// The color to set in each frame
LampArrayColor color = {};

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ILampArray> lampArray;

void CycleUpdateFrame(ILampArray* lampArrayToUpdate)
    // Calculate the color for the current frame.
    if (currentFrame < rampIntervalFrameCount)
        // Red -> yellow: increase g
        color.r = 0xFF;
        color.g = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * (currentFrame / rampIntervalFrameCount));
    else if (currentFrame < (2 * rampIntervalFrameCount))
        // Yellow -> green: decrease r
        color.r = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * (((2 * rampIntervalFrameCount) - currentFrame) / rampIntervalFrameCount));
        color.g = 0xFF;
    else if (currentFrame < (3 * rampIntervalFrameCount))
        // Green -> cyan: increase b
        color.g = 0xFF;
        color.b = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * ((currentFrame - (2 * rampIntervalFrameCount)) / rampIntervalFrameCount));
    else if (currentFrame < (4 * rampIntervalFrameCount))
        // Cyan -> blue: decrease g
        color.g = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * (((4 * rampIntervalFrameCount) - currentFrame) / rampIntervalFrameCount));
        color.b = 0xFF;
    else if (currentFrame < (5 * rampIntervalFrameCount))
        // Blue -> magenta: increase r
        color.r = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * ((currentFrame - (4 * rampIntervalFrameCount)) / rampIntervalFrameCount));
        color.b = 0xFF;
        // Magenta -> red: decrease b
        color.r = 0xFF;
        color.b = static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF * ((cycleFrameCount - currentFrame) / rampIntervalFrameCount));

    // Apply the color

    // Increment our current frame, accounting for overflow
    if (++currentFrame > cycleFrameCount)
        currentFrame = 0;

void MainLoop(
    _In_ volatile bool& terminateLoop)
    color.a = 0xFF;

    while (!terminateLoop)



创建似乎在设备上传输的效果(例如波纹或波浪)时,请使用 ILampInfo::GetPositionILampArray::GetBoundingBox

以下示例将创建一波从左到右穿过设备的淡出灯。 请注意,我们合并了“渐弱和闪烁”部分中的缩放概念,但以每个灯为基础。

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ILampArray> lampArray;

uint32_t currentFrame = 0;

// The total number of frames in one wave
const uint32_t waveFrameCount = 30;

// The number of frames it takes for each Lamp to fade out
const uint32_t fadeDurationInFrames = 10;

// Helper class for per-Lamp effect state information
struct LampContext
    uint32_t lampIndex;

    // How far to the right this Lamp is located compared to the total length of the device.
    float xPercentage;

    // The number of frames left in this Lamp's fade-out
    uint32_t fadeFramesRemaining;

std::vector<LampContext> lampContexts;

// The Lamp indices for the device, in sorted order by position from left to right
std::vector<uint32_t> indices;

// The colors to set in each frame
std::vector<LampArrayColor> colors;

// The index in the sorted array representing the peak of the wave
uint32_t lastUpdatedIndex = 0;

// The base color to use in the wave effect
const LampArrayColor mainColor = {0xFF /* r */, 0x0 /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};

void WaveUpdateFrame(ILampArray* lampArrayToUpdate)
    float framePercentage = (float)currentFrame / (float)myFrameCount;

    const uint32_t lampCount = lampArrayToUpdate->GetLampCount();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lampCount; i++)
        auto& lampContext = lampContexts[i];

        // Mark any Lamps for which we should start a new fade-out.
        // Use lastUpdatedIndex to track which Lamps we've started in this wave.
        if (i >= lastUpdatedIndex && lampContext.xPercentage <= framePercentage)
            lastUpdatedIndex = i;

            // This Lamp should start at full brightness on this frame.
            lampContext.fadeFramesRemaining = fadeDurationInFrames + 1;

        // Process fade-outs for any Lamps that have fade-out frames remaining
        if (lampContext.fadeFramesRemaining > 0)

            // Optimization: use the full strength color for the first fade-out frame (without scaling)
            if (lampContext.fadeFramesRemaining == fadeDurationInFrames)
                colors[i] = mainColor;
                // Scale the main color down based on how many fade-out frames are remaining for this Lamp.
                float scaleFactor = (float)lampContext.fadeFramesRemaining / (float)fadeDurationInFrames;

                auto& lampColor = colors[i];
                lampColor.r = static_cast<BYTE>(scaleFactor * mainColor.r);
                lampColor.g = static_cast<BYTE>(scaleFactor * mainColor.g);
                lampColor.b = static_cast<BYTE>(scaleFactor * mainColor.b);

    // Apply the color

    // Increment our current frame, accounting for overflow
    if (++currentFrame > waveFrameCount)
        currentFrame = 0;

        // The peak of the wave also needs to wrap around
        lastUpdatedIndex = 0;

    _In_ volatile bool& terminateLoop)
    color.a = 0xFF;

    // Set up contexts
    const uint32_t lampCount = lampArray->GetLampCount();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lampCount; i++)
        LampContext context = {};
        context.lampIndex = i;

        Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ILampInfo> lampInfo;
        RETURN_IF_FAILED(lampArray->GetLampInfo(i, &lampInfo));

        LampArrayPosition lampPosition = {};

        // Our position values will be relative to the total length of the device.
        context.xPercentage = (float)lampPosition.xInMeters / (float)boundingBox.xInMeters;


    // Sort the contexts by position from left to right
        [](LampContext const& a, LampContext const& b)
            return a.xPercentage < b.xPercentage;

    // Set up our indices buffer in sorted order
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lampCount; i++)
        indices[i] = lampContexts[i].lampIndex;


    // Animation loop for the sample
    while (!terminateLoop)

    return S_OK;


Lighting API 概述
ILampArray 参考