无法正常使用Microsoft Q&A,麻烦尽快解决
有用户回答了我的问题, 但点进问题里没有内容
下面是我的问题, 我已经收到邮件回答我, 在外面也显示回答了我, 但点击进去却没有 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/answers/questions/2145468/usbip

https 请求无法找到证书怎么办?
我的windows所有的https请求 都会这样'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')) 我才原因可能和我关闭了计算所有服务有关。事情是这样子的: 我在运行输入msconfig进入到系统配置: 点击全部禁用,启动电脑后,我又再次进入电脑点击全部启用。 到了今天我发现我电脑无法发送https…
自己找到问题原因,也没人回帖,却不能删帖,只能清空帖子内容! 自己找到问题原因,也没人回帖,却不能删帖,只能清空帖子内容! 自己找到问题原因,也没人回帖,却不能删帖,只能清空帖子内容! 自己找到问题原因,也没人回帖,却不能删帖,只能清空帖子内容!
edge开发者账户注册,报错code 2931,Correlation ID 7348301b-da4f-4898-baeb-ee9050f3e95e,GirRT1tvjkO26/w1.1.3.
https://partner.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dashboard/Registration/AccountInfo?pageName=CP_AccountInfo&navType=next 注册开发者一直显示报错 code 2931 所有的信息都是按照我真实情况填写的,麻烦看下问题在哪里
使用命令wsl --install -d Ubuntu,返回:无法与服务器建立连接
OS为win11,家庭版: C:\Users\du>wsl --install -d Ubuntu 无法与服务器建立连接
When will the AI conversational search function be provided for the learn website to help users and developers quickly find the questions, documents and other content they want?
Microsoft's website contains a wealth of content, including Q&A, blogs, and numerous product documents. Now, if we want to check this information, we have to read too much content ourselves, which makes many people (especially developers) unwilling…
Msftedit.dll bug
The multiline edit box of Msftedit.dll cannot separate characters by pressing the space key in the middle of the string, but instead returns the mouse cursor to the first line and selects it. Riched20.dll's multiline editing box does not have this bug.
我昨天购买了一个支持计划 207.1,但是我发现我买错了,我需要先升级我的个人订阅到企业后再购买企业的支持计划
Azure Open AI接口返回错误的问题
我们之前在用Azure Open AI服务,一直都很正常,今天突然大面积报错: { "error": { "code": "Forbidden", "message": "Your resource has been temporarily blocked because we detected behavior that may violate our content policy. For more…
调用 open ai 的API时,提示 io.netty.channel.StacklessClosedChannelException
I am a student currently engaged in research that utilizes the Bing API. I applied for and received a student-sponsored free quota for API usage. However, due to an oversight in my code, I unintentionally exceeded the allocated free quota, and my account…
Why did I call azure openai's interface and get this back, 'Your resource has been temporarily blocked because we detected behavior that may violate our content policy
Why did I call azure openai's interface and get this back, 'Your resource has been temporarily blocked because we detected behavior that may violate our content policy
Starting from October 17, 2024, the consumption of Processed Inference Tokens has increased significantly
Starting from October 17, 2024, the consumption of Processed Inference Tokens has increased significantly, and is much higher than Prompt Tokens + Generated Completion Tokens. In theory, the input + output tokens should be doubled. Prompt Tokens * 2 +…
Azure OpenAI Studio 微调 gpt-4o 部署后,请求包含图片时报错
Azure OpenAI Studio 微调 gpt-4o 部署后请求包含图片时报如下错误: Value for ModelVersion is invalid. | Apim-request-id: a471e6e8-8a88-42ef-8c60-58b099e28e31 修改模型的默认版本 1 为 2024-0806 后, 又报以下错误 The server had an error processing your request. Sorry about that! You can retry…
请问Azure Maps服务在中国可以访问么
请问Azure Maps服务在中国可以访问么,bing地图可以在中国访问,现在需要迁移bing到Azure Maps,确保可以正常迁移么