When will the AI ​​conversational search function be provided for the learn website to help users and developers quickly find the questions, documents and other content they want?

NilTor 0 信誉分

Microsoft's website contains a wealth of content, including Q&A, blogs, and numerous product documents.

Now, if we want to check this information, we have to read too much content ourselves, which makes many people (especially developers) unwilling to check the official documents.

Microsoft attaches great importance to the development of AI.

So why not create a conversational assistant for its website? Similar to RAG, it presents content to users in the form of conversation.

Microsoft Q&A
Microsoft Q&A
使用此标记与 Microsoft 问答团队共享建议、功能请求和 bug。 Microsoft 问答团队将定期评估你的反馈,并在此过程中提供更新。
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