Azure libraries packages for JavaScript
The Azure libraries for JavaScript are available for installation from:
Modern JavaScript/Typescript libraries
Name | Package | Docs | Source |
@azure/api-management-custom-widgets-scaffolder | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
@azure/api-management-custom-widgets-tools | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
@azure/communication-administration | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
@azure/communication-calling-effects | npm 1.1.3 | GitHub 1.1.3 | |
@azure/communication-react | npm 1.24.0 | GitHub 1.24.0 | |
@azure/core-sse | npm 2.1.3 | docs | GitHub 2.1.3 |
@azure/functions-authentication-events | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
@azure/template-dpg | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
AccessControl | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
AI Model Inference | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 | |
Anomaly Detector | npm 3.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0-beta.5 |
App Configuration | npm 1.8.0 | docs | GitHub 1.8.0 |
Artifacts | npm 1.0.0-beta.15 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.15 |
Attestation | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Azure AI Search | npm 12.1.0 npm 12.2.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 12.1.0 GitHub 12.2.0-beta.2 |
Azure Blob Storage Checkpoint Store | npm 1.0.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.1 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 |
Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry | npm 1.8.1 | docs | GitHub 1.8.1 |
Azure Remote Rendering | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Batch | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Common | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Communication Call Automation | npm 1.3.0 npm 1.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.3.0 GitHub 1.4.0-beta.1 |
Communication Chat | npm 1.5.4 npm 1.6.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.5.4 GitHub 1.6.0-beta.4 |
Communication Common | npm 2.3.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.3.1 GitHub 3.0.0-beta.1 |
Communication Email | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.0.1-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.0.1-beta.1 |
Communication Identity | npm 1.3.1 | docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Communication Job Router | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.2 |
GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Communication Job Router | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Communication Messages | npm 2.0.0 npm 2.1.0-beta.1 |
GitHub 2.0.0 | |
Communication Network Traversal | npm 1.1.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0-beta.1 |
Communication Phone Numbers | npm 1.3.0 | docs | GitHub 1.3.0 |
Communication Rooms | npm 1.1.1 | docs | GitHub 1.1.1 |
Communication Sms | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.3 |
Confidential Ledger | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Container Registry | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Content Safety | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Conversational Language Understanding | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Core - Client - Abort Controller | npm 2.1.2 | docs | GitHub 2.1.2 |
Core - Client - AMQP | npm 4.3.5 npm 4.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.3.5 GitHub 4.4.0-beta.1 |
Core - Client - Auth | npm 1.9.0 | docs | GitHub 1.9.0 |
Core - Client - Client | npm 1.9.2 | docs | GitHub 1.9.2 |
Core - Client - Client Paging | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Core - Client - Core Rest Pipeline | npm 1.19.0 | docs | GitHub 1.19.0 |
Core - Client - Core Utils | npm 1.11.0 | docs | GitHub 1.11.0 |
Core - Client - HTTP | npm 3.0.5 | docs | GitHub 3.0.5 |
Core - Client - Http Compat | npm 2.2.0 | docs | GitHub 2.2.0 |
Core - Client - Logger | npm 1.1.4 | docs | GitHub 1.1.4 |
Core - Client - LRO | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Core - Client - Rest | npm 2.3.3 | GitHub 2.3.3 | |
Core - Client - Tracing | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Core - Client - XML | npm 1.4.4 | docs | GitHub 1.4.4 |
Core - Paging | npm 1.6.2 | docs | GitHub 1.6.2 |
Cosmos DB | npm 4.2.0 | docs | GitHub 4.2.0 |
Create - Microsoft Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Defender EASM | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Dev Center | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Device Update | npm 1.1.0 | GitHub 1.1.0 | |
Digital Twins - Core | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Digital Twins Definition Language Parser | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Document Intelligence | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Document Translation | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Document Translation | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Event Grid | npm 5.10.0 | docs | GitHub 5.10.0 |
Event Grid Namespaces | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Event Grid System Events | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Event Hubs | npm 5.12.2 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.12.2 GitHub 6.0.0-beta.1 |
Face | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
farmbeats | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Form Recognizer | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Health Deidentification | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Cancer Profiling | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Clinical Matching | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Radiology Insights | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Identity | npm 4.7.0 | docs | GitHub 4.7.0 |
Identity Broker | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Image Analysis | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
IoT Device Update | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Key Vault - Administration | npm 4.6.0 | docs | GitHub 4.6.0 |
Key Vault - Certificates | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Key Vault - Keys | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Key Vault - Secrets | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Language Text | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Load Testing | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Managed Private Endpoints | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
Maps Common | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Maps Geolocation | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 | |
Maps Render | npm 2.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 | |
Maps Route | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 | |
Maps Search | npm 2.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 | |
Maps Search | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Metrics Advisor | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Microsoft Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0-beta.7 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.7 |
Mixed Reality Authentication | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Monitor Ingestion | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Monitor Query | npm 1.3.1 | docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Notification Hubs | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
OpenAI | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
OpenAI Assistants | npm 1.0.0-beta.6 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.6 |
OpenTelemetry Exporter | npm 1.0.0-beta.28 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.28 |
Personalizer | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Purview Account | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Purview Administration | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Purview Catalog | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 | |
Purview Data Map | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Purview Scanning | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Purview Sharing | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Purview Workflow | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Quantum Jobs | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Schema Registry | npm 1.3.0 | docs | GitHub 1.3.0 |
Schema Registry - Avro | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Schema Registry - JSON | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Service Bus | npm 7.9.5 npm 7.10.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 7.9.5 GitHub 7.10.0-beta.1 |
Spark | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
Storage - Blobs | npm 12.26.0 | docs | GitHub 12.26.0 |
Storage - Blobs Changefeed | npm 12.0.0-preview.4 | docs | GitHub 12.0.0-preview.4 |
Storage - Files Data Lake | npm 12.25.0 | docs | GitHub 12.25.0 |
Storage - Files Share | npm 12.26.0 npm 12.27.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 12.26.0 GitHub 12.27.0-beta.1 |
Storage - Queues | npm 12.25.0 | docs | GitHub 12.25.0 |
Synapse - Monitoring | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Tables | npm 13.3.0 | docs | GitHub 13.3.0 |
Text Analytics | npm 5.1.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 GitHub 6.0.0-beta.1 |
Text Translation | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Timezone | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Token Cache Persistence Plugin | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
unknown | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Video Analyzer Edge | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
VS Code Authentication Plugin | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Web PubSub | npm 1.1.3 | docs | GitHub 1.1.3 |
Web PubSub Client | npm 1.0.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.2 |
WebPubSub Client SDK Protobuf | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation | npm 1.0.0-beta.8 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.8 |
Web PubSub CloudEvents Handlers for Express | npm 1.0.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.5 |
@azure/arm-authorization-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-commerce-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-compute-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-databoxedge-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-dns-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-eventhub-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-keyvault-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-locks-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-monitor-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-network-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-policy-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-resources-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-storage-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-subscriptions-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Anomaly Detector - RLC | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Resouce Management - Resources Subscriptions | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - AD External Identities | npm 1.0.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.3 |
Resource Management - Advisor | npm 3.2.0 | docs | GitHub 3.2.0 |
Resource Management - Agrifood | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - Analysis Services | npm 4.1.3 | docs | GitHub 4.1.3 |
Resource Management - API Center | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - API Management | npm 9.2.0 | docs | GitHub 9.2.0 |
Resource Management - App Compliance Automation | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Configuration | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - App Platform | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 16.0.0 | docs | GitHub 16.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Application Insights | npm 4.0.0 npm 5.0.0-beta.7 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Astro | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Attestation | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Authorization | npm 9.0.0 npm 10.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Automanage | npm 1.0.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.2 |
Resource Management - Automation | npm 10.1.1 npm 11.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 10.1.1 |
Resource Management - Azure AI Search | npm 3.2.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 3.2.0 |
Resource Management - Azure Stack | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI | npm 3.1.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - BareMetal Infrastructure | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Batch | npm 10.0.0 | docs | GitHub 10.0.0 |
Resource Management - Billing | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Billing Benefits | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Bot Service | npm 4.0.0 | docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Change Analysis | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Changes | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Chaos | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Cognitive Services | npm 7.6.0 | docs | GitHub 7.6.0 |
Resource Management - Commerce | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Commitment Plans | npm 1.3.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Resource Management - Communication | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Compute | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Compute | npm 22.3.0 | docs | GitHub 22.3.0 |
Resource Management - Compute Fleet | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Computeschedule | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Confidential Ledger | npm 1.2.0 npm 1.3.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.0 GitHub 1.3.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Confluent | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Connected VMware | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Connectedcache | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Consumption | npm 9.2.0 | docs | GitHub 9.2.0 |
Resource Management - Container Apps | npm 2.1.0 npm 2.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 GitHub 2.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Container Instances | npm 9.1.0 npm 9.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - Container Registry | npm 10.1.0 npm 11.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 10.1.0 |
Resource Management - Container Service | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Container Service | npm 21.3.0 npm 21.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 21.3.0 |
Resource Management - Container Service Fleet | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Containerorchestratorruntime | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Content Delivery Network | npm 9.1.0 | docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - Cosmos DB | npm 16.2.0 npm 17.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 16.2.0 |
Resource Management - CosmosDB for PostgreSQL | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.1.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Cost Management | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Customer Insights | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Box | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Data Box Edge | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Catalog | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Factory | npm 18.0.0 | docs | GitHub 18.0.0 |
Resource Management - Data Lake Analytics | npm 1.1.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.1 |
Resource Management - Data Migration | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Data Protection | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Databoundaries | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Databricks | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Datadog | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Defender EASM | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Deployment Manager | npm 3.1.1 npm 4.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Deployment Stacks | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Desktop Virtualization | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Resource Management - Dev Center | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Dev Spaces | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - DevHub | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Device Provisioning Services | npm 5.1.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Device Registry | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Device Update | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Resource Management - DevOps Infrastructure | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - DevTest Labs | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Digital Twins | npm 3.3.0 | docs | GitHub 3.3.0 |
Resource Management - DNS | npm 5.1.0 npm 5.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - DNS Resolver | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Domain Services | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Dynatrace | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Edge Zones | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Education | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Elastic | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Elasticsan | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Event Grid | npm 14.1.0 npm 14.2.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 14.1.0 |
Resource Management - Event Hubs | npm 5.2.0 npm 5.3.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Extended Location | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Fabric | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Features | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Fluid Relay | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Front Door | npm 5.3.0 | docs | GitHub 5.3.0 |
Resource Management - Graph Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Guest Configuration | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - HANA on Azure | npm 3.1.1 npm 4.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Hardware Security Modules | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - HDInsight | npm 1.2.1 npm 1.3.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.1 |
Resource Management - HDInsight Containers | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Health Bot | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Health Data AI Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Healthcare APIs | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Compute | npm 4.0.0 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 GitHub 4.1.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Connectivity | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Container Service | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Kubernetes | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Network | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Image Builder | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Informatica Data Management | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Central | npm 6.0.0 npm 7.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Firmware Defense | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Hub | npm 6.3.0 | docs | GitHub 6.3.0 |
Resource Management - Iotoperations | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Key Vault | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Kubernetes Configuration | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Kusto | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Lab Services | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Large Instance | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Links | npm 2.0.1 | docs | GitHub 2.0.1 |
Resource Management - Load Testing | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Locks | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Log Analytics | npm 9.0.0 | docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Logic Apps | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning Compute | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning Experimentation | npm 1.2.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.1 |
Resource Management - Maintenance | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Managed Applications | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Grafana | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Network Fabric | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Service Identity | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Management Groups | npm 2.0.2 | docs | GitHub 2.0.2 |
Resource Management - Management Partner | npm 3.0.1 | docs | GitHub 3.0.1 |
Resource Management - Maps | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - MariaDB | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Marketplace Ordering | npm 3.1.1 | docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Media Services | npm 13.1.0 | docs | GitHub 13.1.0 |
Resource Management - Migrate | npm 2.0.3 | docs | GitHub 2.0.3 |
Resource Management - Migration Discovery SAP | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Mixed Reality | npm 4.0.1 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.1 |
Resource Management - ML Web Services | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Mobile Network | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Mongo Cluster | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Monitor | npm 7.0.0 npm 8.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 7.0.0 |
Resource Management - MySQL | npm 5.1.0 | docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - MySQL Flexible | npm 3.1.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Neonpostgres | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - NetApp Files | npm 21.3.0 npm 21.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 21.3.0 |
Resource Management - Network | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Network | npm 33.5.0 | docs | GitHub 33.5.0 |
Resource Management - Network Analytics | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Network Cloud | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Network Function | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - New Relic Observability | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Nginx | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Notification Hubs | npm 2.1.0 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Oep | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Operations Management | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Oracle Database | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Orbital | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Palo Alto Networks - Next Generation Firewall | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Peering | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Pineconevectordb | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Policy | npm 5.1.0 npm 5.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Policy Insights | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Portal | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - PostgreSQL | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Postgresql | npm 8.0.0 | docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Power BI Dedicated | npm 4.0.1 | docs | GitHub 4.0.1 |
Resource Management - Power BI Embedded | npm 2.0.2 | docs | GitHub 2.0.2 |
Resource Management - Private DNS | npm 3.3.0 | docs | GitHub 3.3.0 |
Resource Management - Purview | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Quantum | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Qumulo | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Quota | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.1.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Backup | npm 13.1.0 | docs | GitHub 13.1.0 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Data Replication | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Site Recovery | npm 5.2.0 | docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Red Hat OpenShift | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Redis | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Redis Enterprise Cache | npm 3.0.0 npm 3.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 GitHub 3.1.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Relay | npm 3.1.1 | docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Reservations | npm 9.0.0 | docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Connector | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Graph | npm 4.2.1 npm 5.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 4.2.1 |
Resource Management - Resource Health | npm 4.0.0 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Mover | npm 2.2.0 | docs | GitHub 2.2.0 |
Resource Management - Resources | npm 5.2.0 | docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Scvmm | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Security | npm 5.0.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Security DevOps | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Security Insights | npm 1.0.0-beta.6 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.6 |
Resource Management - Self Help | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - Serial Console | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Service Bus | npm 6.1.0 npm 6.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Service Fabric | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric Managed Clusters | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric Mesh | npm 2.2.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 2.2.1 |
Resource Management - Service Linker | npm 2.1.0 npm 2.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 GitHub 2.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Service Map | npm 2.3.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.3.1 |
Resource Management - Service Networking | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - SignalR | npm 5.2.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Sphere | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Spring App Discovery | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - SQL | npm 10.0.0 npm 11.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 10.0.0 |
Resource Management - SQL Virtual Machine | npm 4.1.1 npm 5.0.0-beta.8 |
docs | GitHub 4.1.1 |
Resource Management - Standby Pool | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Storage | npm 18.3.0 | docs | GitHub 18.3.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Actions | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Storage Cache | npm 8.0.0 | docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Import/Export | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Mover | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Sync | npm 9.1.0 | docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - StorSimple 1200 series | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - StorSimple 8000 series | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Stream Analytics | npm 4.1.0 npm 5.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Subscriptions | npm 5.1.0 | docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Support | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Synapse | npm 8.0.0 npm 9.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Terraform | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Time Series Insights | npm 2.0.0 npm 2.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Traffic Manager | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Trustedsigning | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Video Analyzer | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Visual Studio | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - VMware Solution by CloudSimple | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Voice Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Web PubSub | npm 1.2.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Workloads | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Workloads SAP Virtual Instance | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Workspaces | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Template Specs | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
All libraries
Name | Package | Docs | Source |
@azure/api-management-custom-widgets-scaffolder | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
@azure/api-management-custom-widgets-tools | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
@azure/communication-administration | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
@azure/communication-calling-effects | npm 1.1.3 | GitHub 1.1.3 | |
@azure/communication-react | npm 1.24.0 | GitHub 1.24.0 | |
@azure/core-sse | npm 2.1.3 | docs | GitHub 2.1.3 |
@azure/functions-authentication-events | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
@azure/template-dpg | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
AccessControl | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
AI Model Inference | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 | |
App Configuration | npm 1.8.0 | docs | GitHub 1.8.0 |
Artifacts | npm 1.0.0-beta.15 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.15 |
Attestation | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Azure AI Search | npm 12.1.0 npm 12.2.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 12.1.0 GitHub 12.2.0-beta.2 |
Azure Blob Storage Checkpoint Store | npm 1.0.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.1 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 |
Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry | npm 1.8.1 | docs | GitHub 1.8.1 |
Azure Remote Rendering | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Batch | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Common | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Communication Call Automation | npm 1.3.0 npm 1.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.3.0 GitHub 1.4.0-beta.1 |
Communication Chat | npm 1.5.4 npm 1.6.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.5.4 GitHub 1.6.0-beta.4 |
Communication Common | npm 2.3.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.3.1 GitHub 3.0.0-beta.1 |
Communication Email | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.0.1-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.0.1-beta.1 |
Communication Identity | npm 1.3.1 | docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Communication Job Router | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.2 |
GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Communication Job Router | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Communication Messages | npm 2.0.0 npm 2.1.0-beta.1 |
GitHub 2.0.0 | |
Communication Phone Numbers | npm 1.3.0 | docs | GitHub 1.3.0 |
Communication Rooms | npm 1.1.1 | docs | GitHub 1.1.1 |
Communication Sms | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.3 |
Confidential Ledger | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Container Registry | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Content Safety | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Conversational Language Understanding | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Core - Client - Abort Controller | npm 2.1.2 | docs | GitHub 2.1.2 |
Core - Client - AMQP | npm 4.3.5 npm 4.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.3.5 GitHub 4.4.0-beta.1 |
Core - Client - Auth | npm 1.9.0 | docs | GitHub 1.9.0 |
Core - Client - Client | npm 1.9.2 | docs | GitHub 1.9.2 |
Core - Client - Client Paging | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Core - Client - Core Rest Pipeline | npm 1.19.0 | docs | GitHub 1.19.0 |
Core - Client - Core Utils | npm 1.11.0 | docs | GitHub 1.11.0 |
Core - Client - HTTP | npm 3.0.5 | docs | GitHub 3.0.5 |
Core - Client - Http Compat | npm 2.2.0 | docs | GitHub 2.2.0 |
Core - Client - Logger | npm 1.1.4 | docs | GitHub 1.1.4 |
Core - Client - LRO | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Core - Client - Rest | npm 2.3.3 | GitHub 2.3.3 | |
Core - Client - Tracing | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Core - Client - XML | npm 1.4.4 | docs | GitHub 1.4.4 |
Core - Paging | npm 1.6.2 | docs | GitHub 1.6.2 |
Cosmos DB | npm 4.2.0 | docs | GitHub 4.2.0 |
Create - Microsoft Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Defender EASM | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Dev Center | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Device Update | npm 1.1.0 | GitHub 1.1.0 | |
Digital Twins - Core | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Digital Twins Definition Language Parser | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Document Intelligence | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Document Translation | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Document Translation | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Event Grid | npm 5.10.0 | docs | GitHub 5.10.0 |
Event Grid Namespaces | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Event Grid System Events | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Event Hubs | npm 5.12.2 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.12.2 GitHub 6.0.0-beta.1 |
Face | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
farmbeats | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Form Recognizer | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Health Deidentification | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Cancer Profiling | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Clinical Matching | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Health Insights Radiology Insights | npm 1.0.0 | GitHub 1.0.0 | |
Identity | npm 4.7.0 | docs | GitHub 4.7.0 |
Identity Broker | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Image Analysis | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
IoT Device Update | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Key Vault - Administration | npm 4.6.0 | docs | GitHub 4.6.0 |
Key Vault - Certificates | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Key Vault - Keys | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Key Vault - Secrets | npm 4.9.0 | docs | GitHub 4.9.0 |
Language Text | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Load Testing | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Managed Private Endpoints | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
Maps Common | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Maps Geolocation | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 | |
Maps Render | npm 2.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 | |
Maps Route | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 | |
Maps Search | npm 2.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 | |
Maps Search | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Metrics Advisor | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Microsoft Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0-beta.7 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.7 |
Mixed Reality Authentication | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Monitor Ingestion | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Monitor Query | npm 1.3.1 | docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Notification Hubs | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
OpenAI | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
OpenAI Assistants | npm 1.0.0-beta.6 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.6 |
OpenTelemetry Exporter | npm 1.0.0-beta.28 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.28 |
Personalizer | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Purview Administration | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Purview Data Map | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Purview Scanning | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Purview Sharing | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 | |
Purview Workflow | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Quantum Jobs | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Schema Registry | npm 1.3.0 | docs | GitHub 1.3.0 |
Schema Registry - Avro | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Schema Registry - JSON | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Service Bus | npm 7.9.5 npm 7.10.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 7.9.5 GitHub 7.10.0-beta.1 |
Spark | npm 1.0.0-beta.4 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.4 |
Storage - Blobs | npm 12.26.0 | docs | GitHub 12.26.0 |
Storage - Blobs Changefeed | npm 12.0.0-preview.4 | docs | GitHub 12.0.0-preview.4 |
Storage - Files Data Lake | npm 12.25.0 | docs | GitHub 12.25.0 |
Storage - Files Share | npm 12.26.0 npm 12.27.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 12.26.0 GitHub 12.27.0-beta.1 |
Storage - Queues | npm 12.25.0 | docs | GitHub 12.25.0 |
Synapse - Monitoring | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Tables | npm 13.3.0 | docs | GitHub 13.3.0 |
Text Analytics | npm 5.1.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 GitHub 6.0.0-beta.1 |
Text Translation | npm 1.0.1 | GitHub 1.0.1 | |
Timezone | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Token Cache Persistence Plugin | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
unknown | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
VS Code Authentication Plugin | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Web PubSub | npm 1.1.3 | docs | GitHub 1.1.3 |
Web PubSub Client | npm 1.0.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.2 |
WebPubSub Client SDK Protobuf | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation | npm 1.0.0-beta.8 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.8 |
Web PubSub CloudEvents Handlers for Express | npm 1.0.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.5 |
@azure/arm-authorization-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-commerce-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-compute-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-databoxedge-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-dns-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-eventhub-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-keyvault-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-locks-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-monitor-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-network-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-policy-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-resources-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-storage-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@azure/arm-subscriptions-profile-2020-09-01-hybrid | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Anomaly Detector - RLC | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 | |
Resouce Management - Resources Subscriptions | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - AD External Identities | npm 1.0.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.3 |
Resource Management - Advisor | npm 3.2.0 | docs | GitHub 3.2.0 |
Resource Management - Agrifood | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - Analysis Services | npm 4.1.3 | docs | GitHub 4.1.3 |
Resource Management - API Center | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - API Management | npm 9.2.0 | docs | GitHub 9.2.0 |
Resource Management - App Compliance Automation | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Configuration | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - App Platform | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 16.0.0 | docs | GitHub 16.0.0 |
Resource Management - App Service | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Application Insights | npm 4.0.0 npm 5.0.0-beta.7 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Astro | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Attestation | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Authorization | npm 9.0.0 npm 10.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Automanage | npm 1.0.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.2 |
Resource Management - Automation | npm 10.1.1 npm 11.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 10.1.1 |
Resource Management - Azure AI Search | npm 3.2.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 3.2.0 |
Resource Management - Azure Stack | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI | npm 3.1.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - BareMetal Infrastructure | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Batch | npm 10.0.0 | docs | GitHub 10.0.0 |
Resource Management - Billing | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Billing Benefits | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Bot Service | npm 4.0.0 | docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Change Analysis | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Changes | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Chaos | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Cognitive Services | npm 7.6.0 | docs | GitHub 7.6.0 |
Resource Management - Commerce | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Commitment Plans | npm 1.3.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.3.1 |
Resource Management - Communication | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Compute | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Compute | npm 22.3.0 | docs | GitHub 22.3.0 |
Resource Management - Compute Fleet | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Computeschedule | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Confidential Ledger | npm 1.2.0 npm 1.3.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.0 GitHub 1.3.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Confluent | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Connected VMware | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Connectedcache | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Consumption | npm 9.2.0 | docs | GitHub 9.2.0 |
Resource Management - Container Apps | npm 2.1.0 npm 2.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 GitHub 2.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Container Instances | npm 9.1.0 npm 9.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - Container Registry | npm 10.1.0 npm 11.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 10.1.0 |
Resource Management - Container Service | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Container Service | npm 21.3.0 npm 21.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 21.3.0 |
Resource Management - Container Service Fleet | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Containerorchestratorruntime | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Content Delivery Network | npm 9.1.0 | docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - Cosmos DB | npm 16.2.0 npm 17.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 16.2.0 |
Resource Management - CosmosDB for PostgreSQL | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.1.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Cost Management | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Customer Insights | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Box | npm 5.0.0 | docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Data Box Edge | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Catalog | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Data Factory | npm 18.0.0 | docs | GitHub 18.0.0 |
Resource Management - Data Lake Analytics | npm 1.1.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.1 |
Resource Management - Data Migration | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Data Protection | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Databoundaries | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Databricks | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Datadog | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Defender EASM | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Deployment Manager | npm 3.1.1 npm 4.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Deployment Stacks | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Desktop Virtualization | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Resource Management - Dev Center | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Dev Spaces | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - DevHub | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Device Provisioning Services | npm 5.1.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Device Registry | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Device Update | npm 1.2.0 | docs | GitHub 1.2.0 |
Resource Management - DevOps Infrastructure | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - DevTest Labs | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Digital Twins | npm 3.3.0 | docs | GitHub 3.3.0 |
Resource Management - DNS | npm 5.1.0 npm 5.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - DNS Resolver | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Domain Services | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Dynatrace | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Edge Zones | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Education | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Elastic | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Elasticsan | npm 1.1.0 npm 1.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.1.0 GitHub 1.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Event Grid | npm 14.1.0 npm 14.2.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 14.1.0 |
Resource Management - Event Hubs | npm 5.2.0 npm 5.3.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Extended Location | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Fabric | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Features | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Fluid Relay | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Front Door | npm 5.3.0 | docs | GitHub 5.3.0 |
Resource Management - Graph Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Guest Configuration | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - HANA on Azure | npm 3.1.1 npm 4.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Hardware Security Modules | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - HDInsight | npm 1.2.1 npm 1.3.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.1 |
Resource Management - HDInsight Containers | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Health Bot | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Health Data AI Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Healthcare APIs | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Compute | npm 4.0.0 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 GitHub 4.1.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Connectivity | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Container Service | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Kubernetes | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Hybrid Network | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Image Builder | npm 4.1.0 | docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Informatica Data Management | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Central | npm 6.0.0 npm 7.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Firmware Defense | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - IoT Hub | npm 6.3.0 | docs | GitHub 6.3.0 |
Resource Management - Iotoperations | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Key Vault | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Kubernetes Configuration | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Kusto | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Lab Services | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Large Instance | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Links | npm 2.0.1 | docs | GitHub 2.0.1 |
Resource Management - Load Testing | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Locks | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Log Analytics | npm 9.0.0 | docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Logic Apps | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning Compute | npm 2.1.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.1 |
Resource Management - Machine Learning Experimentation | npm 1.2.1 npm 2.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.1 |
Resource Management - Maintenance | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Managed Applications | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Grafana | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Network Fabric | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Managed Service Identity | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Management Groups | npm 2.0.2 | docs | GitHub 2.0.2 |
Resource Management - Management Partner | npm 3.0.1 | docs | GitHub 3.0.1 |
Resource Management - Maps | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - MariaDB | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Marketplace Ordering | npm 3.1.1 | docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Media Services | npm 13.1.0 | docs | GitHub 13.1.0 |
Resource Management - Migrate | npm 2.0.3 | docs | GitHub 2.0.3 |
Resource Management - Migration Discovery SAP | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Mixed Reality | npm 4.0.1 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.1 |
Resource Management - ML Web Services | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Mobile Network | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Mongo Cluster | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Monitor | npm 7.0.0 npm 8.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 7.0.0 |
Resource Management - MySQL | npm 5.1.0 | docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - MySQL Flexible | npm 3.1.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.1.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Neonpostgres | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - NetApp Files | npm 21.3.0 npm 21.4.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 21.3.0 |
Resource Management - Network | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Network | npm 33.5.0 | docs | GitHub 33.5.0 |
Resource Management - Network Cloud | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Network Function | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - New Relic Observability | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Nginx | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 GitHub 4.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Notification Hubs | npm 2.1.0 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Oep | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Operations Management | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Oracle Database | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Orbital | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Palo Alto Networks - Next Generation Firewall | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Peering | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Pineconevectordb | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Playwright Testing | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Policy | npm 5.1.0 npm 5.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Policy Insights | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Portal | npm 1.0.0-beta.5 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - PostgreSQL | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Postgresql | npm 8.0.0 | docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Power BI Dedicated | npm 4.0.1 | docs | GitHub 4.0.1 |
Resource Management - Power BI Embedded | npm 2.0.2 | docs | GitHub 2.0.2 |
Resource Management - Private DNS | npm 3.3.0 | docs | GitHub 3.3.0 |
Resource Management - Purview | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Quantum | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Qumulo | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Quota | npm 1.0.0 npm 1.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 1.1.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services | npm 6.0.0 | docs | GitHub 6.0.0 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Backup | npm 13.1.0 | docs | GitHub 13.1.0 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Data Replication | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Recovery Services Site Recovery | npm 5.2.0 | docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Red Hat OpenShift | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Redis | npm 8.2.0 | docs | GitHub 8.2.0 |
Resource Management - Redis Enterprise Cache | npm 3.0.0 npm 3.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 GitHub 3.1.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Relay | npm 3.1.1 | docs | GitHub 3.1.1 |
Resource Management - Reservations | npm 9.0.0 | docs | GitHub 9.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Connector | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Graph | npm 4.2.1 npm 5.0.0-beta.3 |
docs | GitHub 4.2.1 |
Resource Management - Resource Health | npm 4.0.0 npm 4.1.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.0.0 |
Resource Management - Resource Mover | npm 2.2.0 | docs | GitHub 2.2.0 |
Resource Management - Resources | npm 5.2.0 | docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Scvmm | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Security | npm 5.0.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 5.0.0 |
Resource Management - Security DevOps | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Security Insights | npm 1.0.0-beta.6 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.6 |
Resource Management - Self Help | npm 1.0.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.5 |
docs | GitHub 1.0.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.5 |
Resource Management - Serial Console | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Service Bus | npm 6.1.0 npm 6.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 | |
Resource Management - Service Fabric | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric Managed Clusters | npm 1.0.0-beta.3 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.3 |
Resource Management - Service Fabric Mesh | npm 2.2.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.4 |
docs | GitHub 2.2.1 |
Resource Management - Service Linker | npm 2.1.0 npm 2.2.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.1.0 GitHub 2.2.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Service Map | npm 2.3.1 npm 3.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 2.3.1 |
Resource Management - Service Networking | npm 2.0.0 | docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - SignalR | npm 5.2.0 npm 6.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 5.2.0 |
Resource Management - Sphere | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Spring App Discovery | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - SQL | npm 10.0.0 npm 11.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 10.0.0 |
Resource Management - SQL Virtual Machine | npm 4.1.1 npm 5.0.0-beta.8 |
docs | GitHub 4.1.1 |
Resource Management - Standby Pool | npm 1.0.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.1 |
Resource Management - Storage | npm 18.3.0 | docs | GitHub 18.3.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Actions | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Storage Cache | npm 8.0.0 | docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Mover | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
Resource Management - Storage Sync | npm 9.1.0 | docs | GitHub 9.1.0 |
Resource Management - Stream Analytics | npm 4.1.0 npm 5.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 4.1.0 |
Resource Management - Subscriptions | npm 5.1.0 | docs | GitHub 5.1.0 |
Resource Management - Support | npm 3.0.0 | docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - Synapse | npm 8.0.0 npm 9.0.0-beta.1 |
docs | GitHub 8.0.0 |
Resource Management - Terraform | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Time Series Insights | npm 2.0.0 npm 2.1.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 2.0.0 |
Resource Management - Traffic Manager | npm 6.1.0 | docs | GitHub 6.1.0 |
Resource Management - Trustedsigning | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Visual Studio | npm 3.0.0 npm 4.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 3.0.0 |
Resource Management - VMware Solution by CloudSimple | npm 3.1.0 | docs | GitHub 3.1.0 |
Resource Management - Voice Services | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Web PubSub | npm 1.2.0 npm 2.0.0-beta.2 |
docs | GitHub 1.2.0 GitHub 2.0.0-beta.2 |
Resource Management - Workloads | npm 1.0.0 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0 |
Resource Management - Workloads SAP Virtual Instance | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | docs | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.1 |
Resource Management - Workspaces | npm 1.1.0 | docs | GitHub 1.1.0 |
Resource Management - Template Specs | npm 2.1.0 | docs | GitHub 2.1.0 |
@autorest/openapi-to-typespec | npm 0.10.10 | ||
@azure-rest/core-client-lro | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | ||
@azure-tools/rest-api-diff | npm 0.1.8 | ||
@azure-tools/test-perf | npm 1.0.0 | ||
@azure-tools/test-utils | npm 1.0.1 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-autorest-canonical | npm 0.12.0 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-azure-portal-core | npm 0.51.0 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-azure-rulesets | npm 0.51.0 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-client-generator-cli | npm 0.15.3 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-go | npm 0.3.7 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-liftr-base | npm 0.7.0 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-liftr-data | npm 0.3.0 | ||
@azure-tools/typespec-liftr-storage | npm 0.3.0 | ||
@azure/arm-template | npm 1.0.0-beta.2 | ||
@azure/core-crypto | npm 1.0.0-alpha.20210122.1 | ||
@azure/fabric-react-jsonschema-form | npm 0.1.5 | ||
@azure/functions-opentelemetry-instrumentation | npm 0.1.0 | || | npm 2.0.4429 | || | npm 3.3.51 | || | npm 2.2.3 | || | npm 2.1.5 | ||
@typespec/best-practices | npm 0.46.0-dev.0 | ||
@typespec/bundler | npm 0.2.0 | ||
@typespec/http-server-javascript | npm 0.58.0-alpha.9 | ||
@typespec/playground | npm 0.7.1 | ||
@typespec/tspd | npm 0.47.0-dev.0 | ||
@typespec/xml | npm 0.65.0 | ||
AI Chat Protocol | npm 1.0.0-beta.20240814.1 | ||
App Configuration Provider | npm 1.0.1-preview | ||
App Configuration Provider | npm 2.0.0 | ||
App Configuration Provider File Source | npm 1.0.1-preview | ||
azure-common | npm 0.9.27 | ||
tmlanguage-generator | npm 0.5.11 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.7 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.9.1 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.0 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.65.0 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.0 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.10 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.6.11 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.0-alpha.9 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.65.0 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.65.0 | ||
Unknown Display Name | npm 0.1.0 | ||
Web PubSub Tunnel Tool | npm 1.0.0-beta.11 | ||
@azure/media-stream-library | npm 1.1.0-beta.4 | ||
@azure/video-analyzer-player | npm 1.0.4 npm 1.1.0-beta.8 |
@azure/video-analyzer-widgets | npm 2.0.6 | ||
@azure/video-indexer-widgets | npm 1.0.5 | ||
Auto Suggest | npm 2.0.1 | ||
AutoRest | npm 3.7.1 | ||
Azure Functions | npm 4.0.0 | GitHub 4.0.0 | |
Batch | npm 12.0.0 | GitHub 12.0.0 | |
Code Model | npm 3.0.137 | ||
Communication Calling | npm 1.33.1 | GitHub 1.33.1 | |
Communication Signaling | npm 1.0.0-beta.31 | GitHub 1.0.0-beta.31 | |
Computer Vision | npm 8.2.0 | ||
Content Safety | npm 5.0.1 | ||
Core - Client - AMQP Common | npm 1.0.0-preview.17 | GitHub 1.0.0-preview.17 | |
Core - Client - Asynciterator Polyfill | npm 1.0.2 | GitHub 1.0.2 | |
Core - Client - Https | npm 1.0.0-beta.1 | ||
Cosmos DB Query Editor | npm 1.0.0-beta.9 | ||
Custom Image Search | npm 2.0.1 | ||
Custom Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Custom Search | npm 2.0.0 | ||
Custom Vision Prediction | npm 5.1.2 | ||
Custom Vision Training | npm 5.2.0 | ||
Device Provisioning Services | npm 1.11.2 | GitHub 1.11.2 | |
Durable Functions | npm 3.0.0 | GitHub 3.0.0 | |
Entity Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Face | npm 5.0.0 | ||
Image Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
IoT AMQP Base | npm 2.5.2 | GitHub 2.5.2 | |
IoT Http Base | npm 1.12.2 | GitHub 1.12.2 | |
IoT Hub | npm 1.16.5 | GitHub 1.16.5 | |
IoT Hub - IoT Common | npm 1.13.2 | GitHub 1.13.2 | |
IoT Hub - IoT Device | npm 1.18.3 | GitHub 1.18.3 | |
IoT Hub Device Provisioning | npm 1.9.1 | GitHub 1.9.1 | |
IoT Hub Device Provisioning - AMQP | npm 1.9.1 | GitHub 1.9.1 | |
IoT Hub Device Provisioning - Http | npm 1.9.1 | GitHub 1.9.1 | |
IoT Hub Device Provisioning - MQTT | npm 1.8.1 | GitHub 1.8.1 | |
IoT MQTT Base | npm 1.13.2 | GitHub 1.13.2 | |
IoT Plug and Play - IoT Device AMQP | npm 1.14.3 | GitHub 1.14.3 | |
IoT Plug and Play - IoT Device Http | npm 1.14.3 | GitHub 1.14.3 | |
IoT Plug and Play - IoT Device MQTT | npm 1.16.3 | GitHub 1.16.3 | |
IoT Security Symmetric Key | npm 1.8.2 | GitHub 1.8.2 | |
IoT Security TPM | npm 1.9.2 | GitHub 1.9.2 | |
IoT Security X509 | npm 1.8.2 | GitHub 1.8.2 | |
Local Search | npm 2.0.1 | ||
Logger JS | npm 1.3.2 | GitHub 1.3.2 | |
LUIS Authoring | npm 4.0.0-preview.3 | ||
LUIS Runtime | npm 5.0.0 | ||
MS REST - Azure Env | npm 2.0.0 | GitHub 2.0.0 | |
MS REST - Azure JS | npm 2.1.0 | GitHub 2.1.0 | |
MS REST - Browser Auth | npm 1.0.2 | GitHub 1.0.2 | |
MS REST - JS | npm 2.7.0 | GitHub 2.7.0 | |
MS REST - Node Auth | npm 3.1.1 | GitHub 3.1.1 | |
News Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Node Red Contrib Azure IoT Hub Node | npm 0.5.3 | ||
Personalizer | npm 2.0.1 | ||
Question Answering | npm 3.2.0 | ||
Question Answering | npm 1.0.1 | ||
Service Fabric | npm 5.0.0 | docs | |
Speech | npm 1.14.1 | docs | |
Spell Check | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Storage - Files Share | npm 10.3.0 | ||
Translator | npm 1.0.1 | ||
Video Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Visual Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Web Apps Framework Detection | npm 0.1.0 | ||
Web PubSub | npm 0.0.1-security.3 | ||
Web PubSub Socket.IO | npm 1.2.0 | ||
Web Search | npm 3.0.1 | ||
Web PubSub CloudEvents Handlers for Express | npm 0.0.1-security.3 | ||
npm 2.5.6 | |||
npm 3.0.2 | |||
@autorest/adl | npm 0.0.2 | ||
@autorest/cadl | npm 0.3.0 | ||
@autorest/codemodel | npm 4.20.0 | ||
@autorest/common | npm 1.6.0 | ||
@autorest/configuration | npm 1.12.1 | ||
@autorest/csharp | npm 3.0.0-beta.20250218.1 | ||
@autorest/csharp-v3 | npm 3.0.0-beta.20201217.1 | ||
@autorest/extension-base | npm 3.6.0 | ||
@autorest/fixer | npm 1.2.0 | ||
@autorest/gotest | npm 4.7.3 | ||
@autorest/openapi-to-cadl | npm 0.6.0 | ||
@autorest/schemas | npm 1.3.5 | ||
@autorest/system-requirements | npm 1.1.0 | ||
@autorest/test-utils | npm 0.6.0 | ||
@autorest/testmodeler | npm 2.6.2 npm 2.6.3-ci.9c24a33e6.0 |
@autorest/typescript | npm 6.0.34 | ||
@azure-tools/adl-openapi | npm 0.3.2 | ||
@azure-tools/adl-rest | npm 0.3.2 | ||
@azure-tools/adl-rpaas | npm 0.4.2 | ||
@azure-tools/adl-rpaas-controller | npm 0.1.1 | ||
@azure-tools/adl-vs | npm 0.2.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl | npm 0.16.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-apiview | npm 0.3.5 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-autorest | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-azure-core | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-azure-resource-manager | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-csharp | npm 0.1.11-beta.20230315.1 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-diff | npm 0.1.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-dpg | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-java | npm 0.4.2 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-openapi | npm 0.4.1 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-providerhub | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-providerhub-controller | npm 0.26.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-python | npm 0.6.1 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-ranch | npm 0.16.2 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-ranch-api | npm 0.5.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-ranch-coverage-sdk | npm 0.9.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-ranch-expect | npm 0.15.7 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-ranch-specs | npm 0.39.6 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-rest | npm 0.4.1 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-rpaas | npm 0.11.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-rpaas-controller | npm 0.7.0 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-typescript | npm 1.0.0-beta.10 | ||
@azure-tools/cadl-vs | npm 0.3.0 | ||
@azure-tools/js-sdk-release-tools | npm 2.7.20 | ||
@azure-tools/json | npm 1.3.0 | ||
@azure-tools/jsonschema | npm 1.3.0 | ||
@azure-tools/mock-service-host | npm 0.1.17 | ||
@azure-tools/oav-traffic-converter | npm 0.1.0 | ||
@azure-tools/prettier-plugin-adl | npm 0.1.4 | ||
@azure-tools/prettier-plugin-cadl | npm 0.2.1 | ||
@azure-tools/python-generator-core | npm 0.1.0 | ||
@azure-tools/rlc-common | npm 0.38.2 | ||
@azure-tools/sdk-generation-lib | npm 1.0.5 | ||
@azure-tools/test-credential | npm 1.3.1 | ||
@azure-tools/test-recorder | npm 3.5.2 | ||
@azure-tools/tmlanguage-generator | npm 0.1.4 | ||
@azure-tools/yaml | npm 1.2.0 | ||
@azure/static-web-apps-cli | npm 2.0.3 | ||
@cadl-lang/compiler | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/eslint-config-cadl | npm 0.5.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/eslint-plugin | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/html-program-viewer | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/internal-build-utils | npm 0.3.3 | ||
@cadl-lang/library-linter | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/lint | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/migrate | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/openapi | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/openapi3 | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/prettier-plugin-cadl | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/rest | npm 0.40.0 | ||
@cadl-lang/versioning | npm 0.40.0 | ||
adl-vscode | npm 0.6.0 | ||
AutoRest - AZ | npm 1.8.0 | GitHub 1.8.0 | |
AutoRest - Azure Resource Schema | npm 3.0.109 | GitHub 3.0.109 | |
AutoRest - CLI | npm 0.1.889 | GitHub 0.1.889 | |
AutoRest - CLI Common | npm 0.6.2 | GitHub 0.6.2 | |
AutoRest - Compare | npm 0.5.0 | GitHub 0.5.0 | |
AutoRest - Core | npm 3.10.3 | GitHub 3.10.3 | |
AutoRest - Functions CSharp | npm 0.2.0-preview-dev.321054549 | ||
AutoRest - Functions Java | npm 0.0.2-Preview | ||
AutoRest - Functions Python | npm 0.1.0-preview | ||
AutoRest - Functions TypeScript | npm 0.0.1-preview | ||
AutoRest - Go | npm 4.0.0-preview.69 | ||
AutoRest - Modeler Four | npm 4.27.0 | GitHub 4.27.0 | |
AutoRest - PowerShell | npm 4.0.699 | GitHub 4.0.699 | |
AutoRest - Python | npm 6.28.4 | GitHub 6.28.4 | |
AutoRest - Remodeler | npm 2.1.27 | GitHub 2.1.27 | |
AutoRest - Test | npm 0.1.76 | GitHub 0.1.76 | |
AutoRest - Test Server | npm 3.0.27 | ||
Avocado | npm 0.9.1 | GitHub 0.9.1 | |
cadl-msbuild-target | npm 0.1.0 | ||
cadl-vs | npm 0.40.0 | ||
cadl-vscode | npm 0.40.0 | ||
Git Rest Api SDK | npm 0.3.3 | GitHub 0.3.3 | |
Ng Deploy | npm 0.2.3 | GitHub 0.2.3 | |
Oad | npm 0.10.13 | GitHub 0.10.13 | |
OpenAPI Markdown | npm 0.9.4 | GitHub 0.9.4 | |
Publish Pipeline Result | npm 0.1.2 | ||
RestAPI Specs Scripts | npm 0.14.0 | GitHub 0.14.0 | |
Stream Analytics CI/CD | npm 3.1.5 | ||
Swagger Validation Common | npm 0.1.2 | ||
Tools - Azcopy Darwin | npm 10.26.0 | GitHub 10.26.0 | |
Tools - Azcopy Linux | npm 10.26.0 | GitHub 10.26.0 | |
Tools - Azcopy Node | npm 3.4.2 | GitHub 3.4.2 | |
Tools - Azcopy Win32 | npm 10.26.0 | GitHub 10.26.0 | |
Tools - Azcopy Win64 | npm 10.26.0 | GitHub 10.26.0 | |
Tools - Data Store | npm 4.8.0 | GitHub 4.8.0 | |
Tools - OpenAPI Tools Common | npm 1.2.2 |
Next steps
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