Azure Container Registry client library for JavaScript - version 1.1.0

Azure Container Registry allows you to store and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all types of container deployments.

Use the client library for Azure Container Registry to:

  • List images or artifacts in a registry
  • Obtain metadata for images and artifacts, repositories and tags
  • Set read/write/delete properties on registry items
  • Delete images and artifacts, repositories and tags

Key links:

Getting started

Currently supported environments

See our support policy for more details.

Note: This package cannot be used in the browser due to service limitations, please refer to this document for guidance.


To create a new Container Registry, you can use the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, or the Azure CLI. Here's an example using the Azure CLI:

az acr create --name MyContainerRegistry --resource-group MyResourceGroup --location westus --sku Basic

Install the @azure/container-registry package

Install the Container Registry client library for JavaScript with npm:

npm install @azure/container-registry

Authenticate the client

The Azure Identity library provides easy Azure Active Directory support for authentication.

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT;
// Create a ContainerRegistryClient that will authenticate through Active Directory
const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential(), {
  audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerPublicCloud,

Note that these samples assume you have a CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT environment variable set, which is the URL including the name of the login server and the https:// prefix.

National Clouds

To authenticate with a registry in a National Cloud, you will need to make the following additions to your configuration:

  • Set the authorityHost in the credential options or via the AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST environment variable
  • Set the audience in ContainerRegistryClientOptions
const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential, AzureAuthorityHosts } = require("@azure/identity");

const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT;
// Create a ContainerRegistryClient that will authenticate through AAD in the China national cloud
const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(
  new DefaultAzureCredential({ authorityHost: AzureAuthorityHosts.AzureChina }),
    audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerChina,

For more information on using AAD with Azure Container Registry, please see the service's Authentication Overview.

Key concepts

A registry stores Docker images and OCI Artifacts. An image or artifact consists of a manifest and layers. An image's manifest describes the layers that make up the image, and is uniquely identified by its digest. An image can also be "tagged" to give it a human-readable alias. An image or artifact can have zero or more tags associated with it, and each tag uniquely identifies the image. A collection of images that share the same name but have different tags, is referred to as a repository.

For more information please see Container Registry Concepts.


Registry operations

Listing repositories

Iterate through the collection of repositories in the registry.

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // endpoint should be in the form of ""
  // where "myregistryname" is the actual name of your registry
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential(), {
    audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerPublicCloud,

  console.log("Listing repositories");
  const iterator = client.listRepositoryNames();
  for await (const repository of iterator) {
    console.log(`  repository: ${repository}`);

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

List tags with anonymous access

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");

async function main() {
  // Get the service endpoint from the environment
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";

  // Create a new ContainerRegistryClient for anonymous access
  const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(endpoint, {
    audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerPublicCloud,

  // Obtain a RegistryArtifact object to get access to image operations
  const image = client.getArtifact("library/hello-world", "latest");

  // List the set of tags on the hello_world image tagged as "latest"
  const tagIterator = image.listTagProperties();

  // Iterate through the image's tags, listing the tagged alias for the image
  console.log(`${image.fullyQualifiedReference}  has the following aliases:`);
  for await (const tag of tagIterator) {
    console.log(`  ${tag.registryLoginServer}/${tag.repositoryName}:${}`);

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Set artifact properties

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // Get the service endpoint from the environment
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";

  // Create a new ContainerRegistryClient and RegistryArtifact to access image operations
  const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential(), {
    audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerPublicCloud,
  const image = client.getArtifact("library/hello-world", "v1");

  // Set permissions on the image's "latest" tag
  await image.updateTagProperties("latest", { canWrite: false, canDelete: false });

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Delete images

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // Get the service endpoint from the environment
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  // Create a new ContainerRegistryClient
  const client = new ContainerRegistryClient(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential(), {
    audience: KnownContainerRegistryAudience.AzureResourceManagerPublicCloud,

  // Iterate through repositories
  const repositoryNames = client.listRepositoryNames();
  for await (const repositoryName of repositoryNames) {
    const repository = client.getRepository(repositoryName);
    // Obtain the images ordered from newest to oldest by passing the `order` option
    const imageManifests = repository.listManifestProperties({
      order: "LastUpdatedOnDescending",
    const imagesToKeep = 3;
    let imageCount = 0;
    // Delete images older than the first three.
    for await (const manifest of imageManifests) {
      if (imageCount > imagesToKeep) {
        const image = repository.getArtifact(manifest.digest);
        console.log(`Deleting image with digest ${manifest.digest}`);
        console.log(`  Deleting the following tags from the image:`);
        for (const tagName of manifest.tags) {
          console.log(`    ${manifest.repositoryName}:${tagName}`);
        await image.delete();

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Blob and manifest operations

Upload images

const { ContainerRegistryContentClient } = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // endpoint should be in the form of ""
  // where "myregistryname" is the actual name of your registry
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  const repository = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY || "library/hello-world";
  const client = new ContainerRegistryContentClient(
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

  const config = Buffer.from("Sample config");
  const { digest: configDigest, sizeInBytes: configSize } = await client.uploadBlob(config);

  const layer = Buffer.from("Sample layer");
  const { digest: layerDigest, sizeInBytes: layerSize } = await client.uploadBlob(layer);

  const manifest = {
    schemaVersion: 2,
    config: {
      digest: configDigest,
      size: configSize,
      mediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
    layers: [
        digest: layerDigest,
        size: layerSize,
        mediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar",

  await client.setManifest(manifest, { tag: "demo" });

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Download images

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
const fs = require("fs");

function trimSha(digest) {
  const index = digest.indexOf(":");
  return index === -1 ? digest : digest.substring(index);

async function main() {
  // endpoint should be in the form of ""
  // where "myregistryname" is the actual name of your registry
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  const repository = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY || "library/hello-world";
  const client = new ContainerRegistryContentClient(
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

  // Download the manifest to obtain the list of files in the image based on the tag
  const result = await client.getManifest("demo");

  if (result.mediaType !== KnownManifestMediaType.OciImageManifest) {
    throw new Error("Expected an OCI image manifest");

  const manifest = result.manifest;

  // Manifests of all media types have a buffer containing their content; this can be written to a file.
  fs.writeFileSync("manifest.json", result.content);

  const configResult = await client.downloadBlob(manifest.config.digest);
  const configFile = fs.createWriteStream("config.json");

  // Download and write out the layers
  for (const layer of manifest.layers) {
    const fileName = trimSha(layer.digest);
    const layerStream = fs.createWriteStream(fileName);
    const downloadLayerResult = await client.downloadBlob(layer.digest);

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Delete manifest

const { ContainerRegistryContentClient } = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // Get the service endpoint from the environment
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  const repository = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY || "library/hello-world";
  // Create a new ContainerRegistryClient
  const client = new ContainerRegistryContentClient(
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

  const downloadResult = await client.getManifest("latest");
  await client.deleteManifest(downloadResult.digest);

main().catch((err) => {
  console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);

Delete blob

const {
} = require("@azure/container-registry");
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

async function main() {
  // Get the service endpoint from the environment
  const endpoint = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT || "<endpoint>";
  const repository = process.env.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY || "library/hello-world";
  // Create a new ContainerRegistryClient
  const client = new ContainerRegistryContentClient(
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

  const downloadResult = await client.getManifest("latest");

  if (downloadResult.mediaType !== KnownManifestMediaType.OciImageManifest) {
    throw new Error("Expected an OCI image manifest");

  for (const layer of downloadResult.manifest.layers) {
    await client.deleteBlob(layer.digest);


For infomation about troubleshooting, refer to the troubleshooting guide.

Next steps

Please take a look at the samples directory for detailed examples that demonstrate how to use the client libraries.


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.