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Enhanced Bidder profiles

Bidder profiles filter traffic and allow bidders to apply business rules on objects. This is to ensure specific types of traffic are either received or not received. Xandr will partner with you, and provide the proper tools to ensure you have a profile that matches your business needs.

High-level changes

For an list of changes from legacy to the current enhanced bidder profiles, please visit the changelog.

  • An impression only needs to meet the requirement of one of the profiles in order to pass.
  • Ad type filtering and targeting have been added.
  • Removal of passthrough percent.
    • You can now set QPS caps per DC.
    • For more information on how to set a QPS cap, please see here: Bidder Instance Service
  • Addition of Exchange targeting
    • We have grouped our inventory in easy-to-understand groups
    • For more information about exchanges, please see here: Exchange Service


HTTPS Method Endpoint Description
POST Add a new profile
PUT Modify an existing profile
GET To see all of the profiles attached to your bidder
GET To see a specific profile attached to your bidder

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the bidder profile. This is a read-only field.
bidder_id int The ID of the bidder. This is a read-only field.
code string The alternative identifier for the bidder profile, specific to the bidder.
description string Description of the bidder profile.
active Boolean Indicates whether the profile has been activated. If false, this profile does not affect traffic sent to the bidder.
targeting object The targeting rules for this bidder profile. For more details, see Targeting below.
user_not_in_segment_action enum If set to include: Impressions for all users are sent to the bidder.
If set to exclud: Only impressions where the user exists in a segment owned by or shared with the bidder are sent. QPS restrictions will apply to this field. The bidder doesn't have to explicitly state the segment in the segment actions.
Note: This field will be deprecated in favor of the unknown_users_action.
unknown_users_action enum If set to include: Impressions for all users are sent to the bidder.
If set to exclude: Only impressions where the user has an in-house ID mapped in the Xandr cookie are sent. Mapping occurs when the bidder calls the setuid function.
non_audited_url_action enum If set to exclude, all inventory that has not been audited by Xandr will be excluded. Otherwise, all inventory will be included.


The targeting object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
exchanges object Exchanges and seller members included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Exchanges below.
countries object Countries included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Countries below.
domain_lists object Domain lists included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Domain Lists below.
ad_types object Ad types (e.g., Banner, Video) included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Ad Types below.
supply_types object Supply types (e.g., Desktop, Mobile App) included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Supply Types below.
inventory_attributes objects Inventory attributes included or excluded by this profile. For more details, see Inventory Attributes below.


The exchanges object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether the exchanges in the targets array (below) are included or excluded. include, exclude
targets array of objects List of exchanges included or excluded by the profile.
Refer to the Exchange Service documentation for more information about exchanges.
{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}, {"id": 3}
excluded_members array of objects List of sellers that the bidder wants to exclude. Refer to the Platform Member Service for a list of targetable members. {"id": 181}, {"id": 459}
included_members array of objects List of sellers that the bidder wants to include. Refer to the Platform Member Service for a list of targetable members.
Note: Sellers that belong to Xandr's direct supply (Exchange 1) cannot be individually included. See the Exchange Service documentation for more information.
{"id": 181}, {"id": 459}


The countries object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether the countries in the targets array (below) are included or excluded. include, exclude
targets array of objects List of countries included or excluded by the profile.. Refer to the Country Service for a list of targetable countries. {"id": 233}, {"id": 80}

Domain lists

The domain lists object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether the domain lists in the targets array (below) are in allowlists or blocklists. include, exclude
targets array of objects List of domain lists included or excluded by the profile. The domain list type does not affect how targeting is applied; use action to configure allowlists or blocklists. Refer to the Domain List Service for a list of targetable domain lists. {"id": 12345}, {"id": 34567}

Ad types

The ad types object contains the following fields. For more information on Ad Types: Hierarchy and Ad Type Targeting for Enhanced Bidder Profiles

Field Type Description Possible Values
banner object Indicates whether banner-eligible impressions are targeted. Specific ad sizes can be configured. If not explicitly configured, it is assumed to be included. For more details, see Banner below. {"id": 12345}, {"id": 34567}
video object Indicates whether video-eligible impressions are targeted. If not explicitly configured, it is assumed to be included. For more details, see Video below.
native object Indicates whether native-eligible impressions are targeted. If not explicitly configured, it is assumed to be included. For more details, see Native below.
audio object Indicates whether audio-eligible impressions are targeted. If not explicitly configured, it is assumed to be included. For more details, see Audio below.

The banner object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether banner-eligible impressions are included or excluded. include, exclude
sizes array of objects List of banner ad sizes included in targeting. Creative sizes cannot be excluded. {"width": 300, "height": 250}, {"width": 728, "height": 90}


The video object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether video-eligible impressions are included or excluded. include, exclude


The native object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether native-eligible impressions are included or excluded. include, exclude


The audio object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether audio-eligible impressions are included or excluded. include, exclude

Supply types

The supply types object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether the supply types in the targets array (below) are included or excluded. include, exclude
targets array of strings List of supply types included or excluded by the profile. mobile_app, mobile_web, web

Inventory attributes

The inventory attributes object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description Possible Values
action enum Indicates whether the inventory attributes in the targets array (below) are included. include
targets array of objects List of inventory attributes included or excluded by the profile. Refer to the Inventory Attribute Service for a list of targetable inventory attributes.
Inventory without an assigned inventory attribute is always targeted.
{"id": 2}, {"id": 16}


Additional API examples are available here: API Use Cases for Enhanced Bidder Profiles Performing a GET call on the API:


        "response": {
                "status": "OK",
                "count": 1,
                "start_element": 0,
                "num_elements": 100,
                "bidder_profiles": [{
                        "id": 00,
                        "bidder_id": 00,
                        "code": null,
                        "description": null,
                        "targeting": {
                                "exchanges": {
                                        "action": "include",
                                        "targets": [{
                                                "id": 1,
                                                "name": "Direct"
                                        "excluded_members": [{
                                                "id": 5,
                                                "billing_name": "Supply_source"
                                        "included_members": [{
                                                "id": 7,
                                                "billing_name": "Supply_source_two"
                        "last_activity": "2018-07-24 17:05:00",
                        "created_on": "2018-07-20 18:16:19",
                        "active": true


    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 0,
                "code": "my_code",
                "description": "EMEA Profile",
                "targeting": {
                    "countries": {
                        "action": "include",
                        "targets": [
                                "id": 18,
                                "name": "Australia",
                                "code": "AU",
                                "active": true
                                "id": 41,
                                "name": "Canada",
                                "code": "CA",
                                "active": true
                                "id": 105,
                                "name": "Ireland",
                                "code": "IE",
                                "active": true
                                "id": 173,
                                "name": "New Zealand",
                                "code": "NZ",
                                "active": true
                                "id": 80,
                                "name": "United Kingdom",
                                "code": "GB",
                                "active": true
                                "id": 233,
                                "name": "United States",
                                "code": "US",
                                "active": true
                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                "user_not_in_segment_action": "include"
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

Domain lists

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 2,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 00,
                "code": null,
                "description": null,
                "targeting": {
                    "domain_lists": {
                        "action": "exclude",
                        "targets": [
                                "id": 140000,
                                "name": "Additional Block List",
                                "description": "Block list",
                                "type": "black"
                                "id": 800000,
                                "name": "Domain list (blocklist)",
                                "description": "Domain list (blocklist)",
                                "type": "black"
                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 17:05:31",
                "created_on": "2018-07-20 18:21:00",
                "active": true
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

Ad types

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 000,
                "code": "Company_test",
                "description": "Company Parent Test",
                "targeting": {
                    "ad_types": {
                        "banner": {
                            "action": "include",
                            "sizes": [{
                                                                "width": 200,
                                                                "height": 200
                                                        },      {
                                                                "width": 50,
                                                                "height": 50
                        "video": {
                            "action": "exclude"
                                                        "sizes": [{
                                                                "width": 200,
                                                                "height": 200
                                                        },      {
                                                                "width": 50,
                                                                "height": 50
                        },                        },
                        "audio": {
                            "action": "exclude"
                        "native": {
                            "action": "include"
                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                        "non_audited_url_action": "include"           
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

 Supply types

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 000,
                "code": "my_code",
                "description": "Company Profile",
                "targeting": {
                    "supply_types": {
                        "action": "include",
                        "targets": [
                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                "non_audited_url_action": "include"

        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

Inventory attributes

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 2,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 00,
                "code": null,
                "description": null,
                "targeting": {
                    "inventory_attributes": {
                        "targets": [{
                                "id": 00,
                                "name": "Streaming Media",
                                "deleted": false
                                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                        "non_audited_url_action": "include"           
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

Unknown users action

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 2,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 00,
                "code": null,
                "description": null,
                "targeting": {
                    "inventory_attributes": {
                        "targets": [{
                                "id": 00,
                                "name": "Streaming Media",
                                "deleted": false
                                                        "action": "include"
                                        "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                        "unknown_users_action": "include"           
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"

Non-audited URL action

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 2,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "bidder_profiles": [
                "id": 00,
                "bidder_id": 00,
                "code": null,
                "description": null,
                "targeting": {
                    "inventory_attributes": {
                        "targets": [{
                                "id": 00,
                                "name": "Streaming Media",
                                "deleted": false
                                                        "action": "include"
                                "last_activity": "2018-07-24 19:47:54",
                "created_on": "2018-07-24 19:47:49",
                "active": true,
                        "non_audited_url_action": "include"           
        "dbg": {
            "warnings": [
            "version": "1.18.701",
            "output_term": "bidder_profiles"