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Bidders - Platform member service

Public information about members is available to other members on the platform through the Platform Member service.

Any entity that has a financial relationship with the Xandr platform (usually a buyer or seller) needs to be added to the Xandr system as a "member" before they can conduct transactions. Members can be registered with the Member Service either by a bidder or by Xandr personnel.


HTTP method End point Description
GET To see all the members that have exposed their information
GET To see a particular member

JSON structure

JSON variable Type Description
bidder object The bidder that that member uses to buy
contact_email string The email address to use to contact the member.
daily_imps_self_audited int The number of daily impressions through inventory that have been audited by the member.
daily_imps_unaudited int The number of daily impression through inventory that have not been audited.
daily_imps_verified int The number of daily impressions through inventory that have been verified by Xandr.
id int The ID of the member.
is_iash_compliant bool Whether or not the member is IASH compliant.
name string The name of the member.
platform_exposure "hidden", "private", "public" The visibility of the member on the platform. Hidden members should not appear.
primary_type "network", "buyer", "seller", "data_provider" The type of member. This indicates the primary type of transactions this member performs with Xandr.
visibility_rules object The visibility rules associated with that member

Visibility rules

JSON variable Type Description
custom_categories array of objects The custom content categories that the seller sends in the bid request, if expose_custom_categories is "list".
expose_age bool Whether or not the seller sends the age of the user in the bid request
expose_custom_categories "none", "all", "list" If the seller sends no custom categories, all custom categories, or only those custom categories listed in the custom_categories array.
expose_gender bool Whether or not the seller sends the gender of the user in the bid request
expose_publishers bool Not Used.

For select customers: Whether or not the seller sends publisher_id in the bid request
expose_tags bool Not Used.

For select customers: Whether or not the seller sends the id of the tag in the bid request
expose_universal_categories bool Not Used.
url_exposure "full", "domain", "hidden" If the seller sends the full url of impression, the domain only, or the url is completely hidden. If the url_exposure is "hidden", you may still receive the seller's default URL if the seller has one configured for that impression.


JSON variable Type Description
id int The ID of the bidder that the member uses to buy impressions
name string The name of the bidder that the member uses to buy impressions


Authentication token

Authentication is always the first step when using the API Services. The authentication token can then be written to our cookie file for future use. Please see Authentication Service for more detailed instructions.

View information about the member

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
      "platform_members": [
         "id": 1,
         "name": "My Company",
         "primary_type": "network",
         "platform_exposure": "public",
         "email": "",
         "daily_imps_verified": null,
         "daily_imps_self_audited": null,
         "daily_imps_unaudited": null,
         "is_iash_compliant": false,
         "visibility_rules": {
           "expose_publishers": true,
           "expose_tags": true,
           "expose_age": true,
           "expose_gender": true,
           "expose_universal_categories": true,
           "url_exposure": "full"
         "bidder": {
           "id": "2",
           "name": "DisplayWords"