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Today I announce, a site for finding and scheduling pick-up soccer games based on...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 02/02/2004

New "Business of Software" Column Up on MSDN

Eric Sink has a new Business of Software column up on MSDN entitled Getting Started with Your Own...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 01/28/2004

Embedding Scripts as Resources in Whidbey

Whidbey has a method of embedding scripts, images, css, htc, etc. as resources in your code-behind...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 01/28/2004

Drag and Drop Attachments in Outlook Web Access

Here's an Outlook Web Access (OWA) feature that's in some ways little known. Although if you search...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 01/12/2004

Outlook Web Access Addressing Shortcut: Avoiding Ambiguous Name Resolution

Here is a handy little shortcut for you Outlook Web Access users out there, one that I use all the...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 01/10/2004

HOWTO: Make Outlook Web Access Your Default Mail Agent

Here's a little off-topic post for you all. HOWTO: Make OWA your default mailer. 1. Add the...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 01/08/2004 Milestone 100

My little .NET project for finding and scheduling basketball games reached 100...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/22/2003

Make More Mistakes

Eric Sink has a new Business of Software article out on MSDN columns, entitled Make More Mistakes....

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/22/2003

Popups for fun and profit

I just came across the ruling that allows a company, D Squared, to resume sending pop-ups to...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/17/2003

Rolling Stone Interview of Steve Jobs

Here's a link to the Rolling Stone interview with Steve Jobs talking about iPod, iTunes and the...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/09/2003

Don't Leave, Frans

So yesterday Frans Bouma posted his concern about becoming less of a .NET community...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/07/2003


I am kind of interested in applications of XML. To be sure, it was an interest in RSS which led me...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/02/2003

GIMPS finds 40th known Mersenne Prime

From On November 17, 2003 Michael Shafer's computer found the 40th known...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 12/02/2003 and Google AdSense

I decided to sign up for Google AdSense and start serving content specific ads (in this case...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/27/2003

Finance for Geeks

Eric Sink has another article on the business of software on MSDN. This time it's Finance for Geeks....

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/25/2003

Newsweek Interviews Bill

Here's an interview of Bill by Newsweek's Steven Levy. A little bit of Longhorn vision, a little bit...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/18/2003

MathML Working Group Notes Published

From the W3C Weekly News - 16 November 2003 e-mailing: MathML Working Group Notes Published The Math...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/16/2003

The Business of Software Column

I hadn't checked out the MSDN column page in a while so I decided to hit it up and see what's new. I...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/12/2003 -- the first month

My .NET authored site for pickup basketball has been up for just over five weeks now.  I have signed...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/11/2003

XBOX Wireless Adapter

Picked up the XBOX wireless adapter on Friday. Works very nicely. Setup was ok. It seems to work...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 11/10/2003

Monitoring ASP.NET Applications

MSDN TV has a nice episode with Erik Olson talking about various perfmon counters you can use to...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 10/24/2003

Today I announce my .NET authored site, which is a kind of sports scheduling...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 10/02/2003

[OT] Quicksilver Review

I have been looking forward to the release of Neal's Stephenson's Quicksilver for some time. Now...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/22/2003

Class to convert HTML into XML -- SgmlReader

Handy. A class to convert HTML into XML. It's old, but news to me.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/19/2003

Creating a new web project at the root of your web server

Q. How do I create a new project at the root of my websever? A. In the New Project dialog, you...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/15/2003

Referrers page

The referrers page is really interesting, especially the URLs coming in from Google or Yahoo.  A...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/08/2003


I got my hands on a PocketPC Phone Edition recently with a spiffy unlimited data plan so promptly...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/04/2003

IWAM account is NOT granted the impersonate user right for ASP.NET 1.1 on a Win2K SP4

Ran into a strange “Access is denied” problem running a web project on a Win2K domain controller...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 09/03/2003

Scoble points to an Exchange related blog and in reading through it I find a link to another one....

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/30/2003


Hurray!  Got tickets for Radiohead tomorrow night in Seattle (well not Seattle, Auburn, suburb,...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/30/2003

Viewing one page without having to be forms authenticated (the registration page case)

Q.  How do I remove an individual page from having to be forms authenticated to view it?  I don't...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/29/2003

Word-wrap in Visual Studio

If you're like me, you heard about word-wrap in Visual Studio and weren't impressed.  Maybe you read...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/27/2003

Setting VDir authentication method with web setup project

How does one set the vdir authentication methods in a VS web setup and deployment project?...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/27/2003

Hubble Mars Pics has some pictures of Mars taken by Hubble this week.  K and I checked out the real thing...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/27/2003 == "none";

How sad.  I am not included in this.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/26/2003

Another fine episode of the .NET show

Just finished another episode of the .NET show.  I am one of those nerds that downloads the 215mb...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/23/2003

Chess team nerd and the blonde has a link to a story about a chess team nerd versus a blonde.  Funny stuff.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/23/2003

Asimo in the news

Honda robot Asimo, the diplomat....

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/22/2003

Terrible rewrite compulsion

I just opened a project that I hadn't touched in quite some time and noticed that I was building up...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/22/2003


Wow.  It seems ATI will be replacing nVidia inside the next XBOX.  Here are a couple links. Xbox 2...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/14/2003

Friday, I'm in System.XML

So Friday, I got to spend some time in System.XML.  First time in it actually, sad to say.  Glad to...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/10/2003

The state of blogging software today and the need for Swiss army software

When I think about all the different tools for reading and writing blogs today, the early days of...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/09/2003

VS loves RESX

I have a web project where all my strings are in a satellite resource assembly.  As a result, I have...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/08/2003

Prototyping: Do it right or get it done?

Given that prototype code has a way of becoming ship code and that one usually doesn't have a whole...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/04/2003

Cool feature for a news aggregator

Nobody wants to post a link to a story that is old news.  All you aggregator writers, how about a...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/03/2003

Microsoft Developer Tools Roadmap 2003-2005

Seems like many of you guys are already up to date on future Visual Studio releases.  In case you...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 08/03/2003

Feedback for Scott

Why is the user name case-sensitive? gertrude - green.css is blue? When are the stats coming?...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/31/2003

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