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Today I announce my .NET authored site, which is a kind of sports scheduling engine.  It took a while to get all the pieces together to host this thing myself.  Pulled together new hardware, new code, domain, dns.  Now there's a Dell PowerEdge in my library running Windows Server 2003 and MSDE 2000.  Hopefully, I will need to upgrade soon to full-blown SQL Server if the players come. 

Namespaces of note (as if you couldn't guess)... System.Data.SqlClient, System.Web, System.Web.Mail and InfiniteHoops.Engine

Features of note...  create teams, schedule single or recurring games, search for teams, forms based authentication and trash-talk module (complete with RSS feed).

Anyone looking for pickup basketball games in the Redmond area, find my team at the Pro Club on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Or create your own team and schedule some games in your area.
