Compartilhar via Milestone 100

My little .NET project for finding and scheduling basketball games reached 100 registered players on Saturday, I am pleased to say. Development in recent weeks has been mostly in the area of UI and ease of use improvements. I have also started my link exchange campaign starting with NBA webloggers. This seems to be driving the new users and has boosted my Google rank to 4. I can also find my site now on the 19th page of a “pickup basketball” Google search. Still terrible, but before the link exchange I couldn't find it in the top 50 pages. Sadly, this blog is listed on page 8 of the same search. I have also added a nightly NBA scores control to the site which uses WebRequest and Regex. I also make good use of output caching as to be a good internet citizen and not annoy my data source. The Google ads are generating some money, but not too much. I think that could be improved by displaying a variety of ads. As it happens I am seeing the same ones repeated quite frequently.

In short, the growth is slow, but it's there.
