Contact details for users not showing first name, last name and mobile number
Users are created using Office 365 Admin Center. When the users were created following data is entered: -First name -Last name -Mobile number After the user is created i see only the "Display name" for the user in Manage Contact details page.…
Entra ID MFA Activation status is incorrect for multiple users
I Entra ID MFA Console the status of MFA activation showing incorrect status for multiple user. Users who have activated MFA is showing with status "Disabled". Reset of MFA through console is working correctly but the status still show MFA…
Cannot install macOS Management Profile
Hi, all. I'm trying to get management of a macOS device working. This is the first device being enrolled, in a new setup. The device was pre-enrolled in ABM and synced to Intune. The device registers fine, and get the default management profile. I have…
Azure Web App can reach container app in VNet with curl -v command but frontend can not with fetch
I have an application set up in Azure consisting of two components. A frontend which is deployed as a Azure Web App using a docker image and a Azure Container App as a backend which is a python application with FastAPI to read/write data from/to a Azure…
Unexpected Cost Increase in Azure MySQL Flexible Server
Hello, We operate an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server running MySQL 5.7. Around November/December 2024, we observed a significant increase in our database costs. Our 500 MB database has accumulated up to 4 TB of backup data, primarily due to…
Hvordan får jeg koden på appen
Hei, jeg har byttet mobil og jeg får ikke logget inn på jobb kontoen min. Når jeg prøver står det at jeg skal få en kode på appen men jeg får den ikke. Har prøvd og logge på med andre måter men det funker heller ikke. Hvordan kan jeg fikse det for…