Unexpected Cost Increase in Azure MySQL Flexible Server

Even Johansen 0 Omdømmepoeng


We operate an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server running MySQL 5.7. Around November/December 2024, we observed a significant increase in our database costs. Our 500 MB database has accumulated up to 4 TB of backup data, primarily due to extensive binary logs. This aligns with our workload, which involves frequent updates to one of the tables.

However, we haven't made any significant changes to our configuration or workload, and the load has remained consistent throughout the year. We're seeking insights into why our costs escalated during this period without any modifications on our end.

Thank you for your assistance.

EDIT: I now see that i created this ticket in the Norwegian Q&A.

The ticket is reposted in the English one: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/2182174/unexpected-cost-increase-in-azure-mysql-flexible-s

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