Direct3D Mobile Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)
This section contains information about the following enumerated types used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.
The following table shows these enumerations.
Enumeration | Description |
D3DMBACKBUFFER_TYPE | Defines constants that describe the types of back buffers. |
D3DMBLENDOP | Provides values that identify functions for alpha blending operations. |
D3DMBLEND | Provides values that identify scaling factors for alpha blending operations. |
D3DMCMPFUNC | Provides values that identify comparison functions for various render states. |
D3DMCULL | Defines the possible values for the D3DMRS_CULLMODE render state. |
D3DMDEVTYPE | This enumeration is not currently used. |
D3DMFILLMODE | Provides values that describe how primitives should be rasterized. |
D3DMFOGMODE | Provides values that identify fog equations used in various render states. |
D3DMFORMAT | Defines the various types of surface formats. |
D3DMLIGHTTYPE | Provides values used in the D3DMLIGHT structure to describe the types of lights that are available in Direct3D Mobile. |
D3DMMATERIALCOLORSOURCE | Provides values that describe material colors for render states. |
D3DMMULTISAMPLE_TYPE | Defines levels of full-scene multisampling that the device can apply. |
D3DMPOOL | Provides values that describe the memory pools for allocating Direct3D Mobile resources. |
D3DMPRIMITIVETYPE | Defines the primitives supported by Microsoft Direct3D Mobile. |
D3DMPROFILE | Identifies all of the Direct3D Mobile profiles defined by Microsoft. |
D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE | Provides values that identify render states. |
D3DMRESOURCETYPE | Identifies the types of Direct3D Mobile-specific resources available to an application. |
D3DMSHADEMODE | Provides values that describe the type of shading model to use when rendering a primitive. |
D3DMSTENCILOP | Provides values used to identify actions that the Direct3D Mobile pixel pipeline will take as the result of a stencil test. |
D3DMSWAPEFFECT | Provides values to identify the possible ways to present a scene. |
D3DMTEXTUREADDRESS | Provides values that identify texture coordinate addressing modes. |
D3DMTEXTUREFILTERTYPE | Provides values for the texture stage states used for texture filtering and for mipmaps. |
D3DMTEXTUREOP | Provides values that identify the possible operations for the texture stage states D3DMTSS_COLOROP and D3DMTSS_ALPHAOP (see D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE). |
D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE | Provides values that are used to identify texture stage states. |
D3DMTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS | Provides flags that control when a transformation matrix is applied to a texture in a texture stage state. |
D3DMTRANSFORMSTATETYPE | Provides values that define types of transformation matrices. |
D3DMZBUFFERTYPE | Provides values that identify types of depth buffering. |
See Also
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