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Sign up for a free trial of Microsoft Sustainability Manager

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability picture. Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

Microsoft Sustainability Manager offers a free 30-day trial. After you complete a quick sign-up process, you can access the app's key features.


As of November 1, 2023, the free trial gives access to Sustainability Manager Premium for 30 days. For more information about Sustainability Manager plans, go to Microsoft Sustainability Manager plans.

The trial lets you use sample data to test the app. You can also use your own customer data. For more information about features of Microsoft Sustainability Manager, see Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

To sign up for the trial, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Sustainability Manager free trial page.

  2. Follow the on-screen guidance to enter the email address that is associated with your Microsoft account, and your contact information.

The trial loads after a few moments. You can then start to use the app.

What to try

The following links guide you through some key features.

Configure settings

Import data

Model, configure, and execute calculations

Reporting and analytics

Reducing your environmental impact