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Generate a report

Organizations can generate quantitative reports that extract emissions, water, and waste data from Microsoft Sustainability Manager. The reports are in an Excel format that you can use to submit the data to public disclosure organizations.

You can also issue updates to previously published sustainability reports. You might need to issue updated reports due to errors, omissions, methodology changes, or changes in the scope of what you're reporting.

Generate a quantitative report

To generate a quantitative report, follow these steps.

  1. In the left navigation pane under Analytics, select Reporting.

  2. Select New. If Copilot in Microsoft Sustainability Manager is activated in your environment, you can create a report with Copilot.

  3. Enter Report details as described in this table.

    Field Description
    Report type Select Emissions report, Water report, Waste report, Circularity report (preview), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), or Data trail (preview). For more information about creating data trail reports (preview), go to Generate a data trail report (preview)
    Language Enter the language for the report, if different from the default.
    Report name Enter the name of the report.
    Start date Specify the start date for the data on the report.
    End date Specify the end date for the data on the report.
    Finished good If you selected Circularity report (preview) as the report type, select the finished good to generate the report for.
    Reporting year If you selected Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (preview) as the report type, select the Reporting year for which the report should be generated.
    Facility If you selected Waste report as the Report type, select the facility for which the report should be generated. If you leave the facility name blank, the report is generated for the entire organization.
    Summarize by If you selected Water report as the Report type, you can select a time interval for aggregating data (year, quarter, or month). If you leave it blank, there's no aggregation based on time intervals.
  4. For Emissions or CSRD reports, set the Organizational hierarchy fields as shown in this table.

    Field Description
    Report level If you selected Emissions report, specify the org level to display from All levels or 1 to 6. This action determines the detail to display data at an organizational unit level on the report. For example, if you select Org level 3, the data provides detail for the highest level of your organization and two levels under.
    Hierarchy as of Specify the date to identify the hierarchy version to use. The report shows the data for the date range that you set in step 3, with the organizational hierarchy in place on the date you specify in this field.
    Organizational unit If you selected Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, select the organizational unit for including data on the report.
  5. Select the data and the categories to be included on the report in Report creation for. The following data and categories are available, depending on the Report type selected.

    Report Data Category
    Activity data Scope 1: Direct emissions Fugitive emissions, Industrial process, Mobile combustion, Stationary combustion
    Activity data Scope 2: Indirect emissions Purchased cooling, Purchased electricity, Purchased heat, Purchased steam
    Activity data Scope 3: Value chain: upstream Categories 1-8
    Activity data Scope 3: Value chain: downstream Categories 9-15
    Circularity data Input material data (Preview) Item bill of materials
    Circularity data Output material data (Preview) Facility item production
    Emissions All emissions data All emissions data
    Waste activity data All waste activity data Waste quantity
    Waste quality test result
    Water activity data Water quantity data Water quality
    Stored water
    Water activity data Water quality data Water quality test result


    Water metrics such as water revenue intensity display under Water quantity. Water revenue intensity is a separate report, so all other checkboxes under Water quantity are unchecked when you select Water revenue intensity.

    For waste quantity reports, select metrics under the Waste quantity report section, and then select filters and pivots such as waste type, material, or category.


    If you don't choose a facility, all the metrics will generate at an organization level. To compute the waste intensity metric, you must select a facility and make sure that the area of the facility for the chosen period is available in the facility usage table.

    For CSRD reports, select goals for each category under CSRD goals to include. This option is available if you selected Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive for the report type. This option is used to map your goals to CSRD requirements. Choose from the following goals:

    • Scope 1
    • Scope 2 (Location based)
    • Scope 2 (Market based)
    • Scope 3
    • Total GHG emissions
    • Water management
    • Waste management
    • Air pollutants
    • Soil pollutants
    • Substances of concern and/or very high concern
  6. Select Save & close to save your report without generating the data or report.

  7. Select Generate report to save the report and queue it to be generated.

  8. Select Refresh to see the status of the generation process.

  9. When the report is ready, select Download report to download the report in Microsoft Excel format. You can then open and save the report. A separate worksheet is created for each category of data. If you selected Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the Excel report includes a template designed to help your organization prepare to disclose under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

  10. Select Save & close. The report is saved to your Active reports page.

Issue an updated report

Sustainability Manager tracks report versions, so you can issue updated reports, or restatements, if necessary.

After you generate a report, it appears on the Report versions tab. This tab tracks all versions of the report you generate.

  1. On the Active reports page, select the report you want to regenerate.

  2. Select the Report versions tab.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the report you want to generate.

  4. On the top menu, select Generate report.

  5. On the Generate report panel, optionally provide a reason for generating the report and any impact it might have. Select Generate.

When it finishes processing, the new version appears on the Report versions tab. The version list indicates whether and when the version was disclosed, and it also includes the reason provided (if any) for generating that version.