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Willy's Reflections

| Willy-Peter Schaub | In search of IT simplicity, quality and tranquility |

ALM Rangers Dogfooding – Code Review and Build process

As part of our dog fooding we have been working on improving the Quality Bar, Definition of “DONE”...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/23/2013

ALM Rangers dogfooding journal of the Team Foundation Service

Are you looking for a magic cure-all for planning team environments in Visual Studio? If yes, you...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/18/2013

How you | ALM Rangers can improve the elevator pitch

My head literally started to spin during a recent PM event “How to Create Your Elevator Pitch”. I...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/11/2013

What do you think of proposed User Experience (UX) ideas for ALM Readiness Treasure Map?

Anisha Pindoria has been hard at work to re-design the user experience for the ALM Readiness...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/09/2013

TOC - ALM Readiness Treasure Map

This blog post aggregates all the blog posts that relate to the ALM Readiness Treasure Map...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/09/2013

Why are ALM Rangers the best thing since sliced cheese with holes?

We are once again looking for success stories, quotes and evidence to demonstrate that the ALM...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/08/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Svetlana Kostinsky

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/06/2013

ALM Rangers Triage #4 - What happened to your idea in UserVoice?

If you have submitted an ALM Rangers solution idea, please locate it below and determine if you are...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/05/2013

Rangers Flash – March 2013

Latest Releases The following projects have shipped during March. TFS Disaster Avoidance and...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/03/2013

Minor update to the Supporting Guidance and Whitepapers

We refreshed the Supporting Guidance and Whitepapers with two minor updates this morning: v1.1 -...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 04/03/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Andrew Clear

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/30/2013

TFS Branch Tool goes “Community”

Mattias Sköld has released the TFS Community Branch Tool Visual Studio Extension, based on the ALM...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/30/2013

Are you lost in the ALM Rangers desert?

We had the first of a few (numerous) RangerTalk sessions to talk about our dashboard and where to...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/27/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Hamid Shahid

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/25/2013

Definition of “DONE” and knowing when it is safe to sleep peacefully

As part of the preparations after the Better Unit Testing with Test Code Generation: Kick-off, we...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/21/2013

Update #2 for the Team Foundation Server Word Add-in

We are pleased to announce that we have released the second update to version ( of the...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/18/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Anna Galaeva

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/16/2013

TOC: TFS Integration Tools Field Mappings

This post consolidates all of the WIT field mapping configuration templates and examples that we are...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/16/2013

Better Unit Testing with Test Code Generation: Kick-off!

The ALM Rangers have completed the project “kick-off” meeting this morning, to address the Add...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/15/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Cosmin Dumitru

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/12/2013

Program Management – eating the information overload wave bit by bit

In recent Program Manager (PM) posts I eluded to the key responsibilities, such as building bridges...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/06/2013

FAQ: Where are all the old and new BRDLite reference templates?

We are frequently getting questions on “where do I find the BRDLite v1 templates referenced in the...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/06/2013

Rangers Flash – February 2013

Project News Latest releases The following projects have shipped during February. All, with the...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/05/2013

ALM Rangers Triage #3 - What happened to your idea in UserVoice?

If you have submitted an ALM Rangers solution idea, please locate it below and determine if you are...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/04/2013

Better Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes guide … “shipped”!

We are pleased to announce v1 of the Better Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes guide, under Visual...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/01/2013

TFS Disaster Avoidance and Recovery Planning … “shipped”!

We are pleased to announce v1.1 of the Team Foundation Server Planning Guide, which now includes a...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/01/2013

Updates to the Test Tooling and Upgrade guides … "shipped"!

We are pleased to announce two release updates to the Visual Studio Test Tooling Guidance (Coded UI)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 03/01/2013

How the ALM Rangers are using Visual Studio ALM … in a practical nutshell

Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012 bring a valuable set of features and capabilities...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/22/2013

FAQ: TFSBranchTool - Could not load file or assembly SourceControlWrapper … bug?

We recently received queries and noticed a thread on https://stackoverflow.com/q/14656952/736079...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/21/2013

Shipped … Test Release Management Guidance update and the ALM Readiness treasure map

We are pleased to announce two releases, one update and a brand new solution. Test Release...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/12/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Javier Arguello

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/12/2013

TR16 Journal (Day T+4) – The pirates rule!

The ALM Readiness treasure map team delivered a phenomenal session, especially their captain Robert...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/08/2013

TR16 Journal (Day T+3) – Everyone reaching information overload status

  TechReady 16 continued today with four great sessions by the ALM Rangers. Whether trying to...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/07/2013

TR16 Journal (Day T+1,2) – The first two days and phenomenal sessions are history

TechReady 16 started on Monday morning, after a great midnight snack, an early stroll through a...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/06/2013

ALM Readiness treasure map - snap it the captain says

Last month we shipped the paper based ALM Readiness treasure map as mentioned in: ALM Readiness...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/04/2013

TR16 Journal (Day T-2) – Pretending to be a mushroom

Today I pretended to be a mushroom … Robert Bernstein gave me a strange look yesterday, when I told...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/02/2013

ALM Rangers ALM Dogfooding – What is a silent release?

ALM Rangers are passionate about technology and about adding value to the ALM community. Many have...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/02/2013

Thinking aloud – Is it a feature or a separate product within an initiative?

We have projects that are umbrella projects for other “related” projects, which are loosely coupled...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/02/2013

TR16 Journal (Day T-4) - pre-TR16 | microSummit | ALM Summit

This week we had the rare event of two events coinciding, allowing us the opportunity to bring...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/01/2013

Windows 8 keyboard cheat-sheet cover

Thanks to Robert who has to endure three long coding and debugging days next to me at the pre-TR...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/01/2013

Weekly flash quiz solutions – 2013/01

To create some distractions in the weekly status emails we have been sharing some snippets from...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 02/01/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Vinicius Hana

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/27/2013

Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Anisha Pindoria

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See Ranger Index (Who is Who?)...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/26/2013

ALM Assessment localisations for German and Portuguese communities

Vinicius Moura and colleagues have just translated the ALM Assessment slides and the poster (created...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/24/2013

Microsoft Services (PFE) workshops listed on ALM Readiness Treasure Map

In ALM Readiness Treasure Map … arrrrrrrrr! we announced a ALM Readiness treasure map which contains...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/18/2013

Congratulations to all the Visual Studio ALM Ranger 2013 Champions

Champions 2013 Congratulations to all the winners and also the runners up! You guys lead by example...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/18/2013

Mike Fourie wins the ALM Rangers Champion of Champions 2013 Award

Michael Fourie has been nominated by his peers and has won the Champion of Champions award for being...

Author: Willy-P. Schaub Date: 01/17/2013

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