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TR16 Journal (Day T-2) – Pretending to be a mushroom

Today I pretended to be a mushroom … Robert Bernstein gave me a strange look yesterday, when I told him about my Saturday plans and I guess it is best to explain what I mean.

DSCN0091 A mushroom typically grows in the dark and does not move around a lot … in other words it is seems to be a relaxing lifestyle.

   Today I did just that, I drew the curtains, slept late, relaxed and moved around very little.  Here is what today’s mushroom patch looked like:

  1. Tranquil background … glacier in northern British Columbia
  2. Enough processing power to launch a mission to Pluto and beyond
  3. An interesting book … https://aka.ms/treasure47
  4. diet Pepsi can artwork and experiment of balance  
  5. I was told to eat healthy stuff and always have greens … the huge can of Embasa Jalapenos from Mexico should last the day. Wow, they are delicious … the “hot” Jalapenos back home have been re-categorised as “mild”.

On my brief excursion around the Microsoft campus this afternoon I took a few pictures:

DSCN0139DSCN0143  … the eerie fog/mist is back.
image … love how a whiteboard wireframe done eons ago has turned into a stunning poster Smile
DSCN0145  … I love the view from Bijan’s office.
DSCN0149 … Mike and Vladimir, your champion award boxes are in Bijan’s office!   DSCN0148

DSCN0140 … “Prost”, this beer is enjoyed in the honour of Alex who loved Top Gun. When I saw “Supergoose” at the store, I immediately thought of “Goose” in Top Gun.  

I am returning to mushroom state until the ALM Rangers start meeting at the conference venue tomorrow.

Talk to you tomorrow.


  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2013
    Like it. Going to be a mushroom too.