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TR16 Journal (Day T+1,2) – The first two days and phenomenal sessions are history

TechReady 16 started on Monday morning, after a great midnight snack, an early stroll through a misty Redmond to the Overlake transport centre, a quick bus ride and converging at the conference centre with hundreds of technology geeks. DSCN0161DSCN0166


The Dev Track started with a great kick-off, during which Rangers Charles Sterling “Chuck”, Matthew Mitrik and Jon Guerin delivered great demos.

DSCN0164 … I am not waving at you,  I am moving work items on our task board using my Kinect device Smile

The last day of the session was Jon’s chalk talk, which continued his journey through the Kinect enabled ALM solution. Dave Crook (middle picture) was smiling as always!



Tuesday started with a great Intellitrace in-depth session by Larry Guger, who is a phenomenal speaker and evangelist … a “big deal” as highlighted on his laptop Smile

imageDSCN0175  … guess who blocked my view in Larry’s session?!?

Followed by an interesting branching (and merging) session by Micheal Learned and Krithika Sambamoorthym creating a solid foundation for tomorrow’s chalk with Micheal Learned and Matt Mittrik to explore Merge Conflict battles.


The ALM Treasure Map “pirate team” then decided to go for a quick dinner at “the Pike” …

…. followed by a session planning session during which I laughed so much I was literally in tears. All I can say is that if you miss the “DEV351 - Join us for a treasure hunt through ALM Readiness and find Windows Store UX & Code jewels along the way” session on Thursday, you only have yourself to blame Smile

WP_20130205_004WP_20130205_003 … “pirates”, you are the coolest and funniest team I have worked with … I have never, ever laughed so much! Thank you for a great evening, the humour, fun and investing so much passion and effort in your session. It will be a blockbuster!