
Software-based Input Panel Functions (Compact 2013)


This section describes the functions that control the software-based input panel (SIP), which accommodates keyboard input from non-keyboard input devices such as touch screens.

To add this feature to your OS, see Software-based Input Panel Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables.

For more information, see Software-based Input Panel.

Sample application code is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\Sipselect.

A sample XAML-based finger keyboard input method is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\FingerKb.

In This Section

  • SHSipGetAutoDeploy
    Retrieves the software-based input panel (SIP) autodeploy state for a window when the text input control gains focus or the user taps the text input control.
  • SHSipSetAutoDeploy
    Sets the state to enable or disable SIP autodeploy for a window when the text input control gains focus or the user taps the text input control.
  • SipEnumIM
    Enumerates the currently available input methods. Used with SipEnumIMProc.
  • SipEnumIMProc
    Enumerates the currently available input methods. Used with SipEnumIM. An application must define this callback function.
  • SipGetCurrentIM
    Returns the class identifier (CLSID) of the current input method.
  • SipGetInfo
    Receives information about the state of the SIP, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the SIP, the screen coordinates of the SIP, and the input method that the SIP is currently using.
  • SipRegisterNotification
    Registers a window, which then receives SIP notifications related to the current input method.
  • SipSetInfo
    Sets information about the state of the SIP, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the SIP, the screen coordinates of the SIP, and the application-defined input method that the SIP is currently using.
  • SipShowIM
    Shows or hides the currently active SIP window. An application must call this function to display the SIP and its current input method.
  • SipStatus
    Determines whether the SIP environment is loaded. An application calls this function to determine whether to continue interacting with the SIP environment.

See Also


Software-based Input Panel Reference