ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents the tasks that make up a project.
The ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable() | Creates an instance of the TaskDataTable class. | |
ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates an instance of the TaskDataTable class by using separate parameters. |
Name | Description | |
AddAfterTaskUIDColumn | Defines the column for the AddAfterTaskUID field. | |
AddPositionColumn | Defines the column for the AddPosition field. | |
CaseSensitive | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ChildRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Columns | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Constraints | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Container | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Count | Gets the number of row objects in the TaskDataTable. | |
CREATED_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the CREATED_DATE field. | |
DataSet | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DefaultView | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DesignMode | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
DisplayExpression | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DurationTypeColumn | Defines the column for the DurationType field. | |
Events | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
ExtendedProperties | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IsInitialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Item | Gets a row object in the TaskDataTable, where the row is specified by an index. | |
Locale | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
MinimumCapacity | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
MOD_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the MOD_DATE field. | |
Namespace | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ParentRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Prefix | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PrimaryKey | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PROJ_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_NAME field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL field. | |
PROJ_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_TYPE field. | |
PROJ_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_UID field. | |
RemotingFormat | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Rows | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Site | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
StatusManagerColumn | Defines the column for the StatusManager field. | |
TableName | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TASK_ACT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_COST field. | |
TASK_ACT_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_DUR field. | |
TASK_ACT_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_FINISH field. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_ACT_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_START field. | |
TASK_ACT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_WORK field. | |
TASK_ACWPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACWP field. | |
TASK_BCWPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BCWP field. | |
TASK_BCWSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BCWS field. | |
TASK_BUDGET_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BUDGET_COST field. | |
TASK_BUDGET_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BUDGET_WORK field. | |
TASK_CAL_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CAL_UID field. | |
TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH field. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE field. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE field. | |
TASK_CONTACTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONTACT field. | |
TASK_COST_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COST_VAR field. | |
TASK_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COST field. | |
TASK_CPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CPI field. | |
TASK_CVColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CV field. | |
TASK_DEADLINEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DEADLINE field. | |
TASK_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_FMT field. | |
TASK_DUR_IS_ESTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_IS_EST field. | |
TASK_DUR_TXTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_TXT field. | |
TASK_DUR_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_VAR field. | |
TASK_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR field. | |
TASK_EACColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EAC field. | |
TASK_EARLY_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EARLY_FINISH field. | |
TASK_EARLY_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EARLY_START field. | |
TASK_EVMETHODColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EVMETHOD field. | |
TASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID field. | |
TASK_FINISH_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_DATE field. | |
TASK_FINISH_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_SLACK field. | |
TASK_FINISH_TXTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_TXT field. | |
TASK_FINISH_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_VAR field. | |
TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL field. | |
TASK_FIXED_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FIXED_COSTS field. | |
TASK_FREE_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FREE_SLACK field. | |
TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS field. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS field. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS field. | |
TASK_IDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ID field. | |
TASK_IGNORES_RES_CALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL field. | |
TASK_IS_ACTIVEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_ACTIVE field. | |
TASK_IS_CRITICALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_CRITICAL field. | |
TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY field. | |
TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN field. | |
TASK_IS_EXTERNALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL field. | |
TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_MANUALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MANUAL field. | |
TASK_IS_MARKEDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MARKED field. | |
TASK_IS_MILESTONEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MILESTONE field. | |
TASK_IS_NULLColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_NULL field. | |
TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED field. | |
TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY field. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRINGColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_RECURRING field. | |
TASK_IS_ROLLED_UPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY field. | |
TASK_IS_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_SUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_SUMMARY field. | |
TASK_LATE_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LATE_FINISH field. | |
TASK_LATE_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LATE_START field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY field. | |
TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGERColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGER field. | |
TASK_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_NAME field. | |
TASK_NOTESColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_NOTES field. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_LEVELColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL field. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_NUMColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM field. | |
TASK_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_PARENT_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PARENT_UID field. | |
TASK_PCT_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PCT_COMP field. | |
TASK_PCT_WORK_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP field. | |
TASK_PHY_PCT_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP field. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH field. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRELEVELED_START field. | |
TASK_PRIORITYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRIORITY field. | |
TASK_REG_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REG_WORK field. | |
TASK_REM_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_COST field. | |
TASK_REM_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_DUR field. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_REM_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_WORK field. | |
TASK_RESUME_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_RESUME_DATE field. | |
TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT field. | |
TASK_SCHED_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_DUR field. | |
TASK_SCHED_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_FINISH field. | |
TASK_SCHED_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_START field. | |
TASK_SPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SPI field. | |
TASK_START_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_DATE field. | |
TASK_START_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_SLACK field. | |
TASK_START_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_VAR field. | |
TASK_STOP_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_STOP_DATE field. | |
TASK_SVColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SVC field. | |
TASK_TCPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TCPI field. | |
TASK_TOTAL_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK field. | |
TASK_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TYPE field. | |
TASK_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_UID field. | |
TASK_VACColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_VAC field. | |
TASK_WBSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WBS field. | |
TASK_WORK_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WORK_VAR field. | |
TASK_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WORK field. | |
TaskCVPColumn | Defines the column for the TaskCVP field. | |
TaskSVPColumn | Defines the column for the TasKSVP field. | |
TB_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_COST field. | |
TB_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_DUR_FMT field. | |
TB_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TB_DUR field. | |
TB_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TB_FINISH field. | |
TB_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_START field. | |
TB_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TB_WORK field. | |
WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT field. |
Name | Description | |
ColumnChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ColumnChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Disposed | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Initialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleted | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleting | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableCleared | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableClearing | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableNewRow | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TaskRowChanged | The post-event that occurs after a row is changed. | |
TaskRowChanging | The pre-event that occurs before a row is changed. | |
TaskRowDeleted | The post-event that occurs after a row is deleted. | |
TaskRowDeleting | The pre-event that occurs before a row is deleted. |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
BuildChainedIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
BuildIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
GetTemporaryColumnName | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
HasColumn | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) |
Name | Description | |
fInitInProgress | (Inherited from DataTable.) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
IListSource.ContainsListCollection | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IListSource.GetList | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.GetSchema | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.ReadXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) |