

Disable public access

If you disable public access, connectivity to the server is only possible via private endpoints.

You must configure those private endpoints so that hosts that can route traffic to the Azure virtual network in which you inject the private endpoints, can access your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

When public access is disabled, any firewall rules you created while public access was enabled, aren't enforced.

Also, any modifications made to the firewall rules are discarded.

Using the Azure portal:

  1. Select your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

  2. In the resource menu, select Overview.

    Screenshot showing the Overview page.

  3. The status of the server must be Available, for the Networking menu option to be enabled.

    Screenshot showing where in the Overview page you can find the status of the server.

  4. If the status of the server isn't Available, the Networking option is disabled.

    Screenshot showing that Networking menu is disabled when status of server isn't Available.


Any attempt to configure the networking settings of a server whose status is other than available, would fail with an error.

  1. In the resource menu, select Networking.

    Screenshot showing the Networking page.

  2. Clear the Allow public access to this resource through the internet using a public IP address checkbox.

    Screenshot showing how to disable public access.

  3. Select Save.

    Screenshot showing the Save button.

  4. A notification informs you that the changes are being applied.

    Screenshot showing a server whose network settings are being saved.

  5. Also, the status of the server changes to Updating.

    Screenshot showing that server status is Updating.

  6. When the process completes, a notification informs you that the changes were applied.

    Screenshot showing a server whose network settings were successfully saved.

  7. Also, the status of the server changes to Available.

    Screenshot showing that server status is Available.