

Delete firewall rules

With public access enabled, you can configure firewall rules to allow connections originating from specific IP addresses, or from any Azure service.

Using the Azure portal:

  1. Select your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

  2. In the resource menu, select Overview.

    Screenshot showing the Overview page.

  3. The status of the server must be Available, for the Networking menu option to be enabled.

    Screenshot showing where in the Overview page you can find the status of the server.

  4. If the status of the server isn't Available, the Networking option is disabled.

    Screenshot showing that Networking menu is disabled when status of server isn't Available.


Any attempt to configure the networking settings of a server whose status is other than available, would fail with an error.

  1. In the resource menu, select Networking.

    Screenshot showing the Networking page.

  2. If you want to delete a firewall rule, select the icon that resembles a trash bin, which is located to the right of the rule definition.

    Screenshot showing how to delete the firewall rule that you created to allow connections from the IP address of the computer from which you're navigating the Azure portal.

  3. If you want to delete the firewall rule that allows connections originating from any IP address allocated to any Azure service or asset, clear the Allow public access from any Azure service within Azure to this server checkbox.

    Screenshot showing how to delete the firewall rule to allow connections from any Azure service.


Allow public access from any Azure service within Azure to this server creates a firewall rule whose start and end IP addresses are set to The presence of such rule configures the firewall to allow connections from IP addresses allocated to any Azure service or asset, including connections from the subscriptions of other customers.

  1. Select Save.

    Screenshot showing the Save button.

  2. A notification informs you that the changes are being applied.

    Screenshot showing a server whose network settings are being saved.

  3. Also, the status of the server changes to Updating.

    Screenshot showing that server status is Updating.

  4. When the process completes, a notification informs you that the changes were applied.

    Screenshot showing a server whose network settings were successfully saved.

  5. Also, the status of the server changes to Available.

    Screenshot showing that server status is Available.