

Add private endpoint connections

Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server is an Azure Private Link service. This means that you can create private endpoints so that your client applications can connect privately and securely to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

A private endpoint to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server is a network interface that you can inject in a subnet of an Azure virtual network. Any host or service that can route network traffic to that subnet, are able to communicate with your flexible server so that the network traffic doesn't have to traverse the internet. All traffic is sent privately using Microsoft backbone.

For more information about Azure Private Link and Azure Private Endpoint, see Azure Private Link frequently asked questions.

Using the Azure portal:

  1. Select your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

  2. In the resource menu, select Overview.

    Screenshot showing the Overview page.

  3. The status of the server must be Available, for the Networking menu option to be enabled.

    Screenshot showing where in the Overview page you can find the status of the server.

  4. If the status of the server isn't Available, the Networking option is disabled.

    Screenshot showing that Networking menu is disabled when status of server isn't Available.


Any attempt to configure the networking settings of a server whose status is other than available, would fail with an error.

  1. In the resource menu, select Networking.

    Screenshot showing the Networking page.

  2. If you have the required permissions to deploy a private endpoint, you can create it by selecting Add private endpoint.

    Screenshot showing how to begin adding a new private endpoint.


To learn about the necessary permissions to deploy a private endpoint, see Azure RBAC permissions for Azure Private Link.

  1. In the Basics page, fill all the details required. Then, select Next: Resource.

    Screenshot showing the Basics page of Create a private endpoint.

  2. Use the following table to understand the meaning of the different fields available in the Basics page, and as guidance to fill the page:

    Setting Suggested value Description
    Subscription Select the name of the subscription in which you want to create the resource. It automatically selects the subscription in which your server is deployed. A subscription is an agreement with Microsoft to use one or more Microsoft cloud platforms or services, for which charges accrue based on either a per-user license fee or on cloud-based resource consumption. If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the subscription in which you'd like to be billed for the resource.
    Resource group The resource group in the selected subscription, in which you want to create the private endpoint. It can be an existing resource group, or you can select Create new, and provide a name in that subscription which is unique among the existing resource group names. It automatically selects the resource group in which your server is deployed. A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group. You decide how you want to allocate resources to resource groups based on what makes the most sense for your organization. Generally, add resources that share the same lifecycle to the same resource group so you can easily deploy, update, and delete them as a group.
    Name The name that you want to assign to the private endpoint. A unique name that identifies the private endpoint through which you could connect to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.
    Network Interface Name The name that you want to assign to the network interface associated to the private endpoint. A unique name that identifies the network interface associated to the private endpoint.
    Region The name of one of the regions in which you can create private endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server. The region you select must match that of the virtual network in which you plan to deploy the private endpoint.
  3. In the Resource page, fill all the details required. Then, select Next: Virtual Network.

    Screenshot showing the Resource page of Create a private endpoint.

  4. Use the following table to understand the meaning of the different fields available in the Resource page, and as guidance to fill the page:

    Setting Suggested value Description
    Resource type Automatically set to Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers This value is automatically chosen for you, and corresponds to the type of resource that an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server is, to the eyes of Azure Private Link.
    Resource Automatically set to the name of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server for which you're creating the private endpoint. The name of the resource to which the private endpoint connects to.
    Target sub-resource Automatically set to postgresqlServer. The type of subresource for the resource selected, that your private endpoint is able to access.
  5. In the Virtual Network page, fill all the details required. Then, select Next: DNS.

    Screenshot showing the Virtual Network page of Create a private endpoint.

  6. Use the following table to understand the meaning of the different fields available in the Virtual Network page, and as guidance to fill the page:

    Setting Suggested value Description
    Virtual network Automatically set to the first (sorted in alphabetical order) virtual network available in the subscription and region selected. Only virtual networks on which you have permissions, in the currently selected subscription and region, are listed.
    Subnet Automatically set to the name of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server for which you're creating the private endpoint. Only subnets in the currently selected virtual network are listed.
    Network policy for private endpoints By default, network policies are disabled for a subnet in a virtual network. You can enable network policies either for network security groups only, for user-defined routes only, or for both. To use network policies like user-defined routes and network security group support, network policy support must be enabled for the subnet. This setting only applies to private endpoints in the subnet and affects all private endpoints in the subnet. For other resources in the subnet, access is controlled based on security rules in the network security group. For more information, see Manage network policies for private endpoints.
    Private IP configuration Automatically set to dynamically allocate one of the available IP addresses in the range assigned to the selected subnet. This IP address is the one assigned to the network interface associated to the private endpoint. It can be dynamically allocated from the range assigned to the selected subnet, or you can decide which specific address you want to assign to it. After the private endpoint is created, you can't change its IP address, regardless of which of the two allocation modes you select during creation.
    Application security group No application security group is assigned by default. You can choose an existing one, or you can create one and assign it. Application security groups enable you to configure network security as a natural extension of an application's structure, allowing you to group virtual machines and define network security policies based on those groups. You can reuse your security policy at scale without manual maintenance of explicit IP addresses. The platform handles the complexity of explicit IP addresses and multiple rule sets, allowing you to focus on your business logic. For more information, see Application security groups.
  7. In the DNS page, fill all the details required. Then, select Next: Tags.

    Screenshot showing the DNS page of Create a private endpoint.

  8. Use the following table to understand the meaning of the different fields available in the DNS page, and as guidance to fill the page:

    Setting Suggested value Description
    Integrate with private DNS zone Enabled by default. Select Yes if you want your private endpoint to be integrated with an Azure private DNS zone, or No if you want to use your own DNS servers, or if you want to resolve the name of the endpoint by using host files in the machines from which you want to connect through the private endpoint. For more information, see Private endpoint DNS configuration. If you configure private DNS zone integration, the private DNS zone is automatically linked to the virtual network in which you create the private endpoint.
    Configuration name Automatically set for you to privatelink-postgres-database-azure-com. The name assigned to DNS configuration which is associated to the private DNS zone.
    Subscription Select the name of the subscription in which you want to create the private DNS zone. It automatically selects the subscription in which your server is deployed. A subscription is an agreement with Microsoft to use one or more Microsoft cloud platforms or services, for which charges accrue based on either a per-user license fee or on cloud-based resource consumption. If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the subscription in which you'd like to be billed for the resource.
    Resource group The resource group in the selected subscription, in which you want to create the private DNS zone. It must be an existing resource group. It automatically selects the resource group in which your server is deployed. A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group. You decide how you want to allocate resources to resource groups based on what makes the most sense for your organization. Generally, add resources that share the same lifecycle to the same resource group so you can easily deploy, update, and delete them as a group.
    Private DNS zone Automatically set for you to This name is the one assigned to the private DNS zone resource.
  9. In the Tags page, fill all the details required. Then, select Next: Review + create.

    Screenshot showing the Tags page of Create a private endpoint.

  10. Use the following table to understand the meaning of the different fields available in the Tags page, and as guidance to fill the page:

    Setting Suggested value Description
    Name Leave empty. Name of the tag that you want to assign to your private endpoint and private DNS zone (if you selected private DNS zone integration in the DNS page).
    Value Leave empty. Value that you want to assign to the tag with the given name, and that you want to assign to your private endpoint and private DNS zone (if you selected private DNS zone integration in the DNS page).
    Resource Leave by default. You can select to which resources you want the given tag assigned. It can be the private endpoint, the private DNS zone (if you selected private DNS zone integration in the DNS page), or both.
  11. In the Review + create page, make sure that everything is configured as you wanted to. Then, select Create.

    Screenshot showing the Review + create page of Create a private endpoint.

  12. A deployment is initiated, and you see a notification when the deployment completes.

    Screenshot showing the successful deployment of the private endpoint.