ws2spi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
ws2spi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NSPStartup Retrieves the dynamic information about a provider, such as the list of the DLL entry points. |
WPUCloseEvent The WPUCloseEvent function closes an open event object handle. |
WPUCloseSocketHandle The WPUCloseSocketHandle function closes an existing socket handle. |
WPUCloseThread The WPUCloseThread function closes a thread opened with a call to WPUOpenCurrentThread. |
WPUCompleteOverlappedRequest The WPUCompleteOverlappedRequest function performs overlapped I/O completion notification for overlapped I/O operations. |
WPUCreateEvent The WPUCreateEvent function creates a new event object. |
WPUCreateSocketHandle The WPUCreateSocketHandle function creates a new socket handle. |
WPUFDIsSet The WPUFDIsSet function checks the membership of the specified socket handle. |
WPUGetProviderPath The WPUGetProviderPath function retrieves the DLL path for the specified provider. |
WPUModifyIFSHandle The WPUModifyIFSHandle function receives a (possibly) modified IFS handle from Ws2_32.dll. |
WPUOpenCurrentThread The WPUOpenCurrentThread function opens a handle to the current thread that can be used with overlapped functions in a layered service provider. |
WPUPostMessage The WPUPostMessage function performs the standard Windows PostMessage function in a way that maintains backward compatibility with older versions of WSOCK32.dll. |
WPUQueryBlockingCallback The WPUQueryBlockingCallback function returns a pointer to a callback function the service provider should invoke periodically while servicing blocking operations. |
WPUQuerySocketHandleContext The WPUQuerySocketHandleContext function queries the context value associated with the specified socket handle. |
WPUQueueApc The WPUQueueApc function queues a user mode�asynchronous procedure call (APC) to the specified thread in order to facilitate invocation of overlapped I/O completion routines. |
WPUResetEvent The WPUResetEvent function resets the state of the specified event object to nonsignaled. This call is safe for use within interrupt context. |
WPUSetEvent The WPUSetEvent function sets the state of the specified event object to signaled. This call is safe for use within interrupt context. |
WSAAdvertiseProvider Makes a specific namespace version-2 provider available for all eligible clients. |
WSAProviderCompleteAsyncCall Notifies a client when an asynchronous call to a namespace version-2 provider is completed. |
WSAUnadvertiseProvider Makes a specific namespace version-2 provider no longer available for clients. |
WSCDeinstallProvider Removes the specified transport provider from the system configuration database. |
WSCDeinstallProvider32 Removes the specified 32-bit transport provider from the system configuration database. |
WSCEnableNSProvider Changes the state of a given namespace provider. |
WSCEnableNSProvider32 Enables or disables a specified 32-bit namespace provider. |
WSCEnumNameSpaceProviders32 Returns information on available 32-bit namespace providers.Note This call is a strictly 32-bit version of WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders for use on 64-bit platforms. It is provided to allow 64-bit processes to access the 32-bit catalogs. . |
WSCEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx32 Retrieves information on available 32-bit namespace providers. |
WSCEnumProtocols The WSCEnumProtocols function retrieves information about available transport protocols. |
WSCEnumProtocols32 Retrieves information about available transport protocols.Note This call is a strictly 32-bit version of WSCEnumProtocols for use on 64-bit platforms. It is provided to allow 64-bit processes to access the 32-bit catalogs. . |
WSCGetApplicationCategory Retrieves the layered service provider (LSP) categories associated with an application. |
WSCGetProviderInfo Retrieves the data associated with an information class for a layered service provider (LSP). |
WSCGetProviderInfo32 Retrieves the data associated with an information class for a 32-bit layered service provider (LSP).Note This call is a strictly 32-bit version of WSCGetProviderInfo for use on 64-bit platforms. |
WSCGetProviderPath The WSCGetProviderPath function retrieves the DLL path for the specified provider. |
WSCGetProviderPath32 Retrieves the DLL path for the specified 32-bit provider.Note This call is a strictly 32-bit version of WSCGetProviderPath for use on 64-bit platforms. It is provided to allow 64-bit processes to access the 32-bit catalogs. . |
WSCInstallNameSpace Installs a namespace provider. (WSCInstallNameSpace) |
WSCInstallNameSpace32 Installs a specified 32-bit namespace provider. (WSCInstallNamespace32) |
WSCInstallNameSpaceEx Installs a namespace provider. (WSCInstallNameSpaceEx) |
WSCInstallNameSpaceEx32 Installs a specified 32-bit namespace provider. (WSCInstallNameSpaceEx32) |
WSCInstallProvider Installs the specified transport provider into the system configuration database. |
WSCInstallProvider64_32 Installs the specified transport service provider into the 32-bit and 64-bit system configuration databases on a 64-bit computer. |
WSCInstallProviderAndChains Installs the specified 32-bit transport provider as well as its specific protocol chains into the Winsock 2 system configuration database on a 32-bit computer. |
WSCInstallProviderAndChains64_32 Installs the specified transport provider and its specific protocol chains into both the 32-bit and 64-bit Winsock 2 system configuration databases on a 64-bit computer. |
WSCInstallQOSTemplate Installs the specified QoS template in the system configuration database. |
WSCRemoveQOSTemplate Removes the specified QoS template from the system configuration database. |
WSCSetApplicationCategory Sets the permitted layered service provider (LSP) categories associated with an application. |
WSCSetProviderInfo Sets the data value for the specified information class for a layered service provider (LSP). |
WSCSetProviderInfo32 Sets the data value for specified information class for a layered service provider (LSP). |
WSCUnInstallNameSpace Uninstalls the indicated name-space provider. |
WSCUnInstallNameSpace32 Uninstalls a specific 32-bit namespace provider. |
WSCUpdateProvider Modifies the specified transport provider in the system configuration database. |
WSCUpdateProvider32 Modifies the specified 32-bit transport provider in the system configuration database.Note This call is a strictly 32-bit version of WSCUpdateProvider for use on 64-bit platforms. It is provided to allow 64-bit processes to access the 32-bit catalogs. . |
WSPStartup The WSPStartup function initiates use of a Windows Sockets service provider interface (SPI) by a client. |
Callback functions
LPNSPCLEANUP Terminates the use of a particular Windows Sockets namespace service provider. |
LPNSPGETSERVICECLASSINFO Retrieves all the pertinent class information (schema) pertaining to the namespace provider. |
LPNSPINSTALLSERVICECLASS The NSPInstallServiceClass function registers service class schema within the namespace providers. |
LPNSPIOCTL Sends an IOCTL to a namespace service provider. |
LPNSPLOOKUPSERVICEBEGIN Initiates a client query that is constrained by the information contained within a WSAQUERYSET structure. |
LPNSPLOOKUPSERVICEEND Called to free the handle after previous calls to NSPLookupServiceBegin and NSPLookupServiceNext. |
LPNSPLOOKUPSERVICENEXT Called after obtaining a handle from a previous call to NSPLookupServiceBegin in order to retrieve the requested service information. |
LPNSPREMOVESERVICECLASS Permanently removes a specified service class from the namespace. |
LPNSPSETSERVICE Registers or deregisters a service instance within a namespace. |
LPNSPV2CLEANUP Notifies a namespace service provider version-2 (NSPv2) provider that a client session has terminated. |
LPNSPV2CLIENTSESSIONRUNDOWN Notifies a namespace service provider version-2 (NSPv2) provider that the client session is terminating. |
LPNSPV2LOOKUPSERVICEBEGIN Initiates a client query of a namespace version-2 service provider that is constrained by the information contained within a WSAQUERYSET2 structure. |
LPNSPV2LOOKUPSERVICEEND Called to free the handle after previous calls to NSPv2LookupServiceBegin and NSPv2LookupServiceNextEx. |
LPNSPV2LOOKUPSERVICENEXTEX Called after obtaining a handle from a previous call to NSPv2LookupServiceBegin in order to retrieve the requested information from a namespace version-2 service provider. |
LPNSPV2SETSERVICEEX Registers or deregisters a name or service instance within a namespace of a namespace service provider version-2 (NSPv2) provider. |
LPNSPV2STARTUP Notifies a namespace service provider version-2 (NSPv2) provider that a new client process is to begin using the provider. |
LPWSPACCEPT The LPWSPAccept function conditionally accepts a connection based on the return value of a condition function. |
LPWSPADDRESSTOSTRING The LPWSPAddressToString function converts all components of a sockaddr structure into a human-readable numeric string representation of the address. This is used mainly for display purposes. |
LPWSPASYNCSELECT The LPWSPAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based event notification of network events for a socket. |
LPWSPBIND The LPWSPBind function associates a local address (that is, name) with a socket. |
LPWSPCANCELBLOCKINGCALL The LPWSPCancelBlockingCall function cancels a blocking call that is currently in progress. |
LPWSPCLEANUP The LPWSPCleanup function terminates use of the Windows Sockets service provider. |
LPWSPCLOSESOCKET The LPWSPCloseSocket function closes a socket. |
LPWSPCONNECT The LPWSPConnect function establishes a connection to a peer, exchanges connect data, and specifies needed quality of service based on the supplied flow specification. |
LPWSPDUPLICATESOCKET The LPWSPDuplicateSocket function returns a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure that can be used to create a new socket descriptor for a shared socket. |
LPWSPENUMNETWORKEVENTS The LPWSPEnumNetworkEvents function reports occurrences of network events for the indicated socket. |
LPWSPEVENTSELECT The LPWSPEventSelect function specifies an event object to be associated with the supplied set of network events. |
LPWSPGETOVERLAPPEDRESULT The LPWSPGetOverlappedResult function returns the results of an overlapped operation on the specified socket. |
LPWSPGETPEERNAME The LPWSPGetPeerName function gets the address of the peer to which a socket is connected. |
LPWSPGETQOSBYNAME The LPWSPGetQOSByName function initializes a QOS structure based on a named template, or retrieves an enumeration of the available template names. |
LPWSPGETSOCKNAME The LPWSPGetSockName function gets the local name for a socket. |
LPWSPGETSOCKOPT The LPWSPGetSockOpt function retrieves a socket option. |
LPWSPIOCTL The LPWSPIoctl function controls the mode of a socket. |
LPWSPJOINLEAF The LPWSPJoinLeaf function joins a leaf node into a multipoint session, exchanges connect data, and specifies needed quality of service based on the supplied flow specifications. |
LPWSPLISTEN The LPWSPListen function establishes a socket to listen for incoming connections. |
LPWSPRECV The LPWSPRecv function receives data on a socket. |
LPWSPRECVDISCONNECT The LPWSPRecvDisconnect function terminates reception on a socket and retrieves the disconnect data, if the socket is connection oriented. |
LPWSPRECVFROM The LPWSPRecvFrom function receives a datagram and stores the source address. |
LPWSPSELECT The LPWSPSelect function determines the status of one or more sockets. |
LPWSPSEND The LPWSPSend function sends data on a connected socket. |
LPWSPSENDDISCONNECT The LPWSPSendDisconnect function initiates termination of the connection for the socket and sends disconnect data. |
LPWSPSENDTO The WSPSendTo function sends data to a specific destination using overlapped I/O. |
LPWSPSETSOCKOPT The LPWSPSetSockOpt function sets a socket option. |
LPWSPSHUTDOWN The LPWSPShutdown function disables sends and/or receives on a socket. |
LPWSPSOCKET The LPWSPSocket function creates a socket. |
LPWSPSTRINGTOADDRESS The WSPStringToAddress function converts a human-readable numeric string to a socket address structure (sockaddr) suitable to passing to Windows Sockets routines that take such a structure. |
NSP_ROUTINE Contains information regarding the functions implemented by a namespace service provider version 1 (NSPv1) provider. |
NSPV2_ROUTINE Contains information on the functions implemented by a namespace service provider version-2 (NSPv2) provider. |
WSATHREADID The WSATHREADID structure enables a provider to identify a thread on which asynchronous procedure calls (APCs) can be queued using the WPUQueueApc function. |
WSC_PROVIDER_AUDIT_INFO Contains audit information for a layered service provider (LSP) entry in Windows Sockets 2. |
WSPDATA The WSPDATA structure contains service provider information. |
WSPPROC_TABLE Contains a table of pointers to service provider functions. |
WSPUPCALLTABLE Contains a table of pointers to service provider upcall functions. |
WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE Enumeration type is used to specify the information class of a layered service protocol (LSP) in Windows Sockets 2. |