IInkOverlay interface (msinkaut.h)
Represents an object that is useful for annotation scenarios where users are not concerned with performing recognition on ink but instead are interested in the size, shape, color, and position of the ink.
The IInkOverlay interface inherits from the IUnknown interface.
The IInkOverlay interface has these methods.
IInkOverlay::Draw Sets a rectangle in which to redraw the ink within the InkOverlay object. |
IInkOverlay::get_AttachMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object is attached behind or in front of the known window. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkOverlay.get_AutoRedraw) |
IInkOverlay::get_CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture). (IInkOverlay.get_CollectingInk) |
IInkOverlay::get_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkOverlay.get_CollectionMode) |
IInkOverlay::get_Cursors Gets the collection of cursors that are available for use in the inking region. Each cursor corresponds to the tip of a pen or other ink input device. (IInkOverlay.get_Cursors) |
IInkOverlay::get_DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default drawing attributes to use when drawing and displaying ink. (IInkOverlay.get_DefaultDrawingAttributes) |
IInkOverlay::get_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkOverlay.get_DesiredPacketDescription) |
IInkOverlay::get_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkOverlay.get_DynamicRendering) |
IInkOverlay::get_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the object/control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_EraserMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_EraserWidth Gets or sets the value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.get_hWnd) |
IInkOverlay::get_Ink Gets or sets the InkDisp object that is associated with an InkCollector object or an InkOverlay object. (IInkOverlay.get_Ink) |
IInkOverlay::get_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.get_MarginX) |
IInkOverlay::get_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.get_MarginY) |
IInkOverlay::get_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkOverlay.get_MouseIcon) |
IInkOverlay::get_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkOverlay.get_MousePointer) |
IInkOverlay::get_Renderer Gets or sets the InkRenderer object that is used to draw ink. (IInkOverlay.get_Renderer) |
IInkOverlay::get_Selection Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkOverlay.get_SupportHighContrastInk) |
IInkOverlay::get_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) elements are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Get) |
IInkOverlay::get_Tablet Gets either the IInkTablet object to which a cursor belongs or the IInkTablet object that an object or control is currently using to collect input. (IInkOverlay.get_Tablet) |
IInkOverlay::GetEventInterest Retrieves the interest an object has in a particular event for the InkCollector class, InkOverlay class, or InkPicture class. (IInkOverlay.GetEventInterest) |
IInkOverlay::GetGestureStatus Retrieves a value that determines whether the InkCollector or InkOverlay object is interested in a particular application gesture. |
IInkOverlay::GetWindowInputRectangle Gets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.GetWindowInputRectangle) |
IInkOverlay::HitTestSelection Determines what portion of the selection was hit during a hit test. |
IInkOverlay::put_AttachMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object is attached behind or in front of the known window. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. (IInkOverlay.put_AutoRedraw) |
IInkOverlay::put_CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes. (IInkOverlay.put_CollectionMode) |
IInkOverlay::put_DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets the desired packet description of the InkCollector. (IInkOverlay.put_DesiredPacketDescription) |
IInkOverlay::put_DynamicRendering Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as it is drawn. (IInkOverlay.put_DynamicRendering) |
IInkOverlay::put_EditingMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the object/control is in ink mode, deletion mode, or selecting/editing mode. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkOverlay object collects pen input (in-air packets, cursor in range events, and so on). (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_EraserMode Gets or sets the value that specifies whether ink is erased by stroke or by point. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_EraserWidth Gets or sets the value that specifies the width of the eraser pen tip. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_hWnd Gets or sets the handle value of the window on which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.put_hWnd) |
IInkOverlay::put_MarginX Gets or sets the x-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.put_MarginX) |
IInkOverlay::put_MarginY Gets or sets the y-axis margin around the window rectangle, in screen coordinates.This margin provides a buffer around the edge of the ink window. (IInkOverlay.put_MarginY) |
IInkOverlay::put_MouseIcon Gets or sets the custom mouse icon. (IInkOverlay.put_MouseIcon) |
IInkOverlay::put_MousePointer Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears. (IInkOverlay.put_MousePointer) |
IInkOverlay::put_Selection Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection that is currently selected inside the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::put_SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode. (IInkOverlay.put_SupportHighContrastInk) |
IInkOverlay::put_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) elements are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode. (Put) |
IInkOverlay::SetAllTabletsMode Allows an ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC. (IInkOverlay.SetAllTabletsMode) |
IInkOverlay::SetEventInterest Sets a value that indicates whether an object or control has interest in a specified event. |
IInkOverlay::SetGestureStatus Sets the interest of the object or control in a known gesture. |
IInkOverlay::SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Allows the ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) to collect ink from only one tablet. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the ink collector. (IInkOverlay.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode) |
IInkOverlay::SetWindowInputRectangle Sets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn. (IInkOverlay.SetWindowInputRectangle) |
Creating the InkOverlay control behind a transparent control (such as a GroupBox with the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT property set) will prevent InkOverlay from collecting ink.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | msinkaut.h |
See also
IInkCollector interface, IInkOverlay interface, InkOverlay class