Database Tables
The following is a list of database tables used in a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services topology.
Warning Modifying the database schema or database structures is not supported. Changes that you make to the database contents may be overwritten when you install updates or service packs for Windows SharePoint Services, or when you upgrade an installation to the next product version.
Configuration Database Tables
Name | Description |
AntiVirusVendors | Antivirus software vendors. |
CustomTemplates | Templates that appear in the global templates list (template picker). |
Databases | Content databases and associated settings. |
Globals | Settings that apply to all sites on the physical server within a Windows SharePoint Services topology. |
InstalledWebPartPackages | Web Part Packages that are available to the virtual server. |
Servers | Physical computers in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. |
Services | Services such as database, Web, and mail services that are included in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. |
Sites | Sites in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. |
VirtualServers | Virtual servers and their associated settings. |
WebPartPackages | Web Part Packages that are installed in a topology. |
Content Database Tables
Name | Description |
Categories | Associations among documents and their assigned areas. |
ComMd | Document discussions. |
Deps | Document dependencies. |
DiskWarningDate | Date and time of last warning about disk quota. |
Docs | Documents and document folders. |
DocVersions | Version history of documents from document libraries. |
EventCache | Cache for alerts. |
EventLog | Log for alerts. |
HT_Cache | Cache of documents transformed for viewing in a Web browser. |
HT_Settings | Settings for HTML viewing. |
ImmedSubscriptions | Alerts that are set to be sent as soon as the changes occur. |
Links | Links to be recalculated during a site recalculation. |
Lists | Lists in the site. |
NavNodes | Nodes that are displayed in the navigation bars. |
Personalization | Personalization done to Web Parts. |
SchedSubscriptions | Alerts that are set to be sent on a daily or weekly basis. |
SiteGroupMembership | Members of cross-site groups. |
SiteGroups | Cross-site groups. |
Sites | Sites in the content database. |
TimerLock | Locking scheme that determines which server locks which database. |
UserData | List data. |
UserInfo | Info about each user added to the site. |
WebCat | Links between Web sites and areas. |
WebGroupMembership | List of members of the site groups. |
WebGroups | Site groups (such as Administrator, Web Designer) for the site. |
WebMembers | Members of a site. |
WebParts | Web Parts available for the sites. A view is a Web Part. |
Webs | Subsites associated with a site. |
WelcomeNames | Default documents for the site. |