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ImmedSubscriptions Table

The ImmedSubscriptions table stores alerts that are sent immediately when changes occur.

Warning  Modifying the database schema or database structures is unsupported. Changes that you make to the database contents may be overwritten when you install updates or service packs for Windows SharePoint Services, or when you upgrade an installation to the next product version.


Column name Data type Description
Id uniqueidentifier GUID for the alert.
SiteId uniqueidentifier GUID for the SharePoint site to which the alert belongs. Found in the Sites table.
WebId uniqueidentifier Site collection to which the alert belongs. Found in the Webs table.
ListId uniqueidentifier List with which the alert is associated. Found in the Lists tables.
ItemId int List item or document to which a user has added an alert.
EventType int Event that triggers the alert.
UserId int ID of the user who specified the alert. Found in the UserInfo table.
UserEmail nvarchar E-mail address of the user.
SiteUrl nvarchar URL of the top-level site.
WebUrl nvarchar URL of the subsite.
WebTitle nvarchar Title of the subsite.
WebLanguage int Language ID of the Web site.
WebLocale int Locale ID of the Web site.
WebTimeZone smallint Number of the time zone.
WebTime24 bit Time format specifier. Specifies whether the time displayed is in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
WebCalendarType smallint Calendar type for non-Gregorian calendars, e.g., Hijiri.
WebAdjustHijriDays smallint Lunar calendar information.
ListUrl nvarchar URL to the list.
ListTitle nvarchar Title of the list.
ListBaseType int Base type of a list such as a survey, document library, or events list.
ListServerTemplate int List template used for a list.
ItemDocId uniqueidentifier ID of the document used for specifying an alert for the document.