Docs Table
The Docs table stores metadata about documents.
Warning Modifying the database schema or database structures is not supported. Changes that you make to the database contents may be overwritten when you install updates or service packs for Windows SharePoint Services, or when you upgrade an installation to the next product version.
Column name | Data type | Description |
Id | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the document. |
SiteId | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the site to which the document belongs. |
DirName | nvarchar | Directory in which the file is stored. |
LeafName | nvarchar | Name of the file or folder. |
WebId | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the subsite to which the document belongs. Found in the Webs table. |
ListId | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the list with which the document is associated. |
DoclibRowId | int | Row ID of the document. Documents stored in a document library are numbered in the order in which they are uploaded. |
Type | tinyint | 1 for a folder; 0 for a file. |
Size | int | Size of the document. |
MetaInfoSize | int | Size of the metadata. |
Version | int | Current version number of the document. Initial version is 1. |
UIVersion | int | Document version number that is displayed to users. |
Dirty | bit | Value that indicates whether a document needs to be reparsed. When true, it is used to clean up links inside the document after a document rename. |
CacheParseId | uniqueidentifier | GUID value used for optimistic concurrency checking. |
DocFlags | tinyint | Bit field used for various settings. |
ThicketFlag | bit | Value that indicates whether the document has additional supporting files. |
CharSet | int | Assumed Microsoft Windows character set of the document. |
TimeCreated | datetime | Date and time the file was created. |
TimeLastModified | datetime | Date and time the file was modified. |
NextToLastTimeModified | datetime | Date and time the file was modified previous to TimeLastModified. |
MetaInfoTimeLastModified | datetime | Date and time the metadata was updated. |
TimeLastWritten | datetime | Date and time the document was written. |
SetupPath | nvarchar | Path from which the file was originally installed. |
CheckoutUserId | int | ID of the user in the UserInfo table who has the file checked out. |
CheckoutDate | datetime | Date and time that the file was checked out. |
CheckoutExpires | datetime | Date and time that the checkout expires. Does not get cleared when the checkout expires. |
CheckoutSize | int | Size of the file when it was checked out. |
VersionCreatedSinceSTCheckout | bit | Flag that prevents multiple document versions from being created on a single short-term checkout. |
LTCheckoutUserId | int | ID of the user in the UserInfo table who has the file checked out. |
VirusVendorID | int | ID of the antivirus vendor. |
VirusStatus | int | Status of the virus scan. |
VirusInfo | nvarchar | Information about a virus, if detected. |
MetaInfo | image | Metadata in a binary field. |
Content | image | Content of the file in a binary field. |
CheckoutContent | image | Field that overwrites the Content field when the file is checked in. |