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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

This section includes information about Meta-keys A through C.

In This Section

vti_acall Meta-key

vti_approval_levels Meta-key

vti_approvaldate Meta-key

vti_approvedby Meta-key

vti_assignedby Meta-key

vti_assigneddate Meta-key

vti_assignedto Meta-key

vti_author Meta-key

vti_autorecalc Meta-key

vti_backlinkinfo Meta-key

vti_borderaggregate Meta-key

vti_borderdefault Meta-key

vti_botnavbits Meta-key

vti_botnewmetarecalc Meta-key

vti_builtby Meta-key

vti_casesensitiveurls Meta-key

vti_categories Meta-key

vti_checkedoutby Meta-key

vti_clientvercutoff Meta-key

vti_connection_status Meta-key

vti_copystructtokey_ Meta-key

vti_copysynckey_ Meta-key

vti_copytimestamp_ Meta-key

vti_createpostinfo Meta-key