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vti_assigneddate Meta-key

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Value Type: Time

Access Code: W

The AssignedDate meta-key records the time, including date, at which the current file is assigned to a different person.

Example: 23 Sep 1998 09:54:51 -0700.

The number at the end of the date/time value is the number of hours behind (to the west) or ahead (to the east) of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the value is positive, it is the number of hours the local time is ahead of UTC. If the value is negative, it is the number of hours the local time is behind UTC. In the example, the number -0700 tells you the local time is 7 hours behind (or to the west) of UTC.


Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is equivalent to UTC when fractions of a second are not considered important.