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IAppointment Interface

Topic Last Modified: 2006-11-30

Provides properties and methods for defining and manipulating appointments.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In


Member Summary

Name Property

AllDayEvent Property

Specifies TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether an event is scheduled for an entire day.

Attachments Property (IAppointment)

Returns the collection of attachments in a message. This property is read-only.

Attendees Property

Returns the IAttendees interface on the implementing object. This property is read-only.

BodyPart Property

Returns the IBodyPart interface on the implementing object. This property is read-only.

BusyStatus Property

Specifies how an appointment appears in the free/busy view.

Note that when there is more than one appointment during an interval, the free/busy status returned is the highest status for that interval. The status values ranked from highest to lowest are OOF, Busy, Tentative, and Free.

For more information about using free/busy information, see Checking Free/Busy Status.

Configuration Property (IAppointment)

Contains a Configuration object reference. This object defines the messaging configuration used by the Message object.

Contact Property

Contains a person's name as a contact for an appointment.

ContactURL Property

Contains a URL for accessing an alternative format of the contact information.

DataSource Property (IAppointment)

Returns the IDataSource interface on the implementing object. This property is read-only.

Duration Property

Contains the duration of an appointment in seconds.

Either a Duration or an EndTime Property (IAppointment) is required. Duration must be greater than or equal to zero if specified. If EndTime is specified, Duration is ignored.

EndTime Property (IAppointment)

Contains the time an appointment ends.

Either a Duration Property or an EndTime is required. EndTime must be greater than or equal to the StartTime Property. If EndTime is specified, Duration is ignored.

Exceptions Property

Returns an IExceptions collection of exceptions for a recurring schedule of appointments. This property is read-only.

Fields Property (IAppointment)

Returns a Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Fields interface on an ADO Fields collection object. The object contains the resource fields associated with a message. This property is read-only.

GEOLatitude Property

Contains the geographical latitude of an appointment's location.

GEOLongitude Property

Contains the geographical longitude of an appointment's location.

Keywords Property (IAppointment)

Contains keywords identifying an appointment.

Location Property

Contains an appointment's meeting location.

LocationURL Property

Contains a URL for accessing an alternative format of the location information.

MeetingStatus Property

Contains the status of an appointment: Tentative, Confirmed, or Cancelled.

Priority Property

Contains the appointment's priority status: Normal, Urgent, or Nonurgent.

RecurrencePatterns Property

Returns an IRecurrencePatterns collection of recurring information for a recurring appointment. This property is read-only.

ReplyTime Property

Returns the time a recipient replied to a meeting request. This property is read-only.

This value is updated by Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) when the IAppointment::Accept, IAppointment::AcceptTentative, or IAppointment::Decline method is called. This value can be used to determine which response is the most recent if an attendee sends more than one response to a meeting request.

Resources Property

Contains a list of supportive resources for the appointment. The resources are represented as mailto URIs and are separated by commas — for example, ",".

ResponseRequested Property

Indicates whether a response is requested for an appointment.

Sensitivity Property

Contains the status for an appointment's sensitivity: Company-Confidential, Personal, or Private.

StartTime Property (IAppointment)

Contains the starting time for an appointment.

Subject Property (IAppointment)

Contains the topic for the appointment.

TextBody Property (IAppointment)

Contains the decoded text description of the appointment.

Transparent Property

Contains whether the appointment appears in the free/busy string returned by the GetFreeBusy Method of the Addressee object. If the value of the Transparent property is "Transparent," the appointment does not appear in the free/busy string.

For more information about using free/busy information, see Checking Free/Busy Status.

The following table lists the methods of the IAppointment interface.

Name Description

Accept Method

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for accepting a meeting request.

AcceptTentative Method

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for tentatively accepting a meeting request.

Cancel Method

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for canceling a meeting. You can also remove specific attendees without canceling the entire meeting.

CreateRequest Method

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for sending a meeting request.

Decline Method

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for declining a meeting request.

GetFirstInstance Method

Returns the first instance of a recurring appointment.

GetInterface Method (IAppointment)

Returns the specified dual interface on the object.

GetNextInstance Method

Returns the next instance of a recurring appointment based on the start and end times from the GetFirstInstance Method. Returns the first instance of a recurring appointment if not preceded by GetFirstInstance Method or another call to GetNextInstance.

GetRecurringMaster Method

Returns the master recurring appointment for an exception or instance of the master appointment.

Invite Method

This method returns a calendar message used to forward the appointment to another recipient.

Publish Method

Returns a calendar message for the appointment with the method value set to "Publish." Published appointments do not have attendees. To send the calendar message, you need to add recipients using the IMessage interface of the calendar message.

See Also


CDOEX Interfaces