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GEOLatitude Property

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

Contains the geographical latitude of an appointment's location.

Applies To

IAppointment Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In



Property GEOLatitude As double
HRESULT get_GEOLatitude(double* pVal);HRESULT put_GEOLatitude(double Val);


  • pVal
    Returns the value of the GEOLatitude property as a reference to a double.
  • Val
    Sets the value of the GEOLatitude property to the value of the double.


Positive values from 0 to 90 are degrees north latitude. Negative values from 0 to -90 are degrees south latitude.

You must set both GEOLatitude and GEOLongitude for this property to be saved. If you only set one of these two properties, the value is not saved.

This property is also available as the geolatitude Field in the Exchange store schema.